A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady

Chapter 186

Chapter 186

I never expected to have a face-to-face meeting with a prince of another country like this.

What of it? In Liran, the royal lineage is merely a symbol, much like how the empire values the divine lineage of its imperial family.

But you wouldnt have come here without a reason.

Correct. Your Highness must be aware that the situation is not usual.

And your unexpected visit is related to this?

Thats one way to put it. I came here secretly, even though a message was sent. If it was lost, it surely leaked somewhere.

Thats troublesome.

Indeed. Internal strife has always been more dangerous than foreign invasion.

Their conversation continued.

Inadvertently overhearing some of it, Cairn frowned. This wasnt his place to interject.

Roen, observing the Liran prince and the crown prince of the empire, signaled to Cairn. It meant he shouldnt linger in a place he didnt belong and find something else to do.

Go and find Violet.

Roens eyes conveyed this message, and Cairns expression grew even more sullen. Whats the use of finding her? Approaching someone who will only reject him seemed futile.

But you wouldnt leave her alone in this situation, would you?

Roens eyes narrowed at Cairns gloomy face. Being at Roens side would result in the same cold reception.

Whatever this situation was, he supposed he had to go. With that thought, Cairn trudged out of the tent.

Even after he left, the conversation inside continued.

What do you mean by that.

You must know that something significant will happen soon. Opinions are divided within Liran, so I cant represent everyone.

Vaughn spoke with a smile. Internal disunion was more lethal than any foreign invasion.

Moreover, the royal family of Liran didnt hold much political power. So Vaughns opinion was likely only a fraction of the whole.

The international situation was tense, and a major war on the continent might be imminent. Rajaden was aware of this fact.

Whether its part or the whole, do you have any proof that youve come representing Liran?

Ive brought a letter stamped with the councils seal. Not all the elders agreed, so as I said, its only a part. Haha, perhaps because Im the least powerful, being that Im notoriously a wandering prince, so they thought Id draw less suspicion if I disappeared suddenly.

Despite his words, Vaughn did not hand over the letter, citing its importance and the need for careful handling.

Crown Prince Rajaden, looked at the Liran prince disapprovingly.

What gain does the empire stand to make from this?

Conversely, you stand to lose much if you dont lend us a hand.

Are you aware you could be taken as a hostage?

I came prepared for that.

Why insist on speaking to me rather than His Majesty?

Because I believe you will convey the message well. And I wanted to meet you.

The Liran prince and the imperial crown princes conversation was calm, despite its interrogative content.

Roen pressed his throbbing head. Even if a war were to break out on the continent, the empires robust military forces would likely prevent significant damage.

Unless there were unexpected variables.

The fact that a minor countrys prince could act so boldly was due to the potential trade issues that could arise if the neutral Liran faced problems.

The prince of Liran knew this and had come seeking cooperation or alliance, albeit brashly and recklessly.

What sort of diplomatic structure did Liran hold that they were acting this way?

It was hard to tell whether his pushiness was admirable or foolish. Especially since he had brazenly brought Aileen Everett with him, it leaned towards foolishness.

Are you certain?

I think it wont happen immediately, maybe not at all. Frankly, I also came to study your magic and engineering technology. I was amazed right upon arrival at the advancements of your country. Ill have to learn a lot while Im here.

The royal princes words made Rajadens expression sour.

So, if no war breaks out, he plans to enjoy his study trip thoroughly.

Wasting the nations taxes on such matters. The imperial crown princes mind grew troubled at the casual handling of important affairs.

Regardless, Vaughn maintained a casual demeanor, as if he didnt mind being a hostage.

Rajaden laughed.

Well, thats fortunate. Enjoy your stay then. Well make sure you lack nothing.

Haha, if its alright, please take care of that child I travelled with, too.

At this, Roen, who had been silently listening, could no longer hold back.

Aileen is a child of our family. It would be problematic if you act as you please.

Is that so? Then I shall entrust her safety to you.

His attitude was as if he was generously offering a possession. Roen looked incredulous at Vaughns nonchalance.

Both the royal prince and the imperial crown prince seemed to wear faces of titanium. High status apparently came with such demeanor.

Ignoring Aileen was akin to ignoring House Everett. As the young duke, Roen was displeased, but having no intention to care for Aileen, he responded with a concealed grimace.

He, too, wore a titanium mask fitting his noble status.

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