A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 106: Transfiguration and Spells

Chapter 106: Transfiguration and Spells


The lion let out a mighty roar, and the hair of the young witch in front of it flew backward.

Luna blinked, and the several young wizards beside her took two steps back in astonishment.

In the next moment, the lion began to sprint around the arena, transforming at times into a sleek leopard, then into a rhinoceros with a single horn, a wild boar, a large python...

The young wizards stared in awe at Professor McGonagall. Wasn't she much different during her lectures?

From start to finish, Professor McGonagall had only waved her wand a few times, without uttering a single incantation.

Dean Thomas couldn't help but ask, "Is this one spell or multiple spells? I can't make heads or tails of it."

If one were to describe Professor McGonagall's performance, the young wizards felt it was unbelievably fluid.

In the midst of her run, transformations occurred effortlessly.

Professor McGonagall's "display of skill" went on for about two to three minutes. When a giant eagle soared over the hall, the students raised their heads, craning their necks to catch a glimpse.

Finally, the giant eagle landed on the platform, rolled over, and transformed back into a black cat.

"In theory, witches and wizards in their sixth and seventh years should be able to achieve this," Professor McGonagall said to the audience.

"Wood, what about you?" Fred asked the captain of their house's Quidditch team.

"Cough...," Wood awkwardly covered his face.

Not far away, Percy, responsible for maintaining order, approached a Ravenclaw girl. "I think I could do it, Penelope, although maybe not with the same fluency as Professor McGonagall..."

"I can't do it. My Transfiguration isn't that good," the girl said, her robes also adorned with a Prefect badge.

"I can guide you," Percy said.

"Is that so?" The girl gave him a skeptical look.

On the stage, Professor McGonagall had the black cat stand before her.

"I need an assistant. Albert Burke, you've been striving to be an Auror, let's give it a try." Professor McGonagall chose a student from her own house.

Albert Burke nervously stepped forward. After the last Dueling class, he had gained a whole new appreciation for the professors' abilities.

The young wizards in the audience stared fixedly. It was evident that Professor McGonagall wasn't planning to use any other spells; she was going to rely entirely on Transfiguration. This added a tremendous spectacle to their duel.

The two of them were separated by about eight or nine meters.

Felix Harp acted as the referee. "Bow to each other... One, two, duel begins."

Burke agilely leaped to the side, casting a Disarming Charm.

The black cat in front of Professor McGonagall leaped to intercept the Disarming Charm.

In midair, the black cat's form became somewhat unstable; one foot turned into a chair leg. But in the next second, it rolled on the ground and transformed into a nimble leopard.

Burke cast another spell, this time blocked more easily.

"Burke, you need to speed up your spellcasting," Professor McGonagall said. During this interval, she waved her wand, and two more chairs flew over, transforming into the shape of leopards as well.

At that moment, three black-spotted leopards stood before Professor McGonagall, guarding her safety.

Gritting his teeth, Burke cast spells without hesitation, shedding his reservations.

When it came to dueling, he did indeed rank among the top at Hogwarts, thanks in part to his uncle who worked at the Ministry of Magic as an Auror. He had received a few years of low-intensity training.

However, Professor McGonagall effortlessly countered his attacks. "Transfiguration has a characteristic of restraining individual spells. Of course, achieving this requires exceptional vision."

The three leopards coordinated with each other, handling the situation with ease.

"Blazing Fire!" Burke's incantation struck one of the leopards, causing its body to suddenly catch fire.

Within the intense flames, Transfiguration lost its effect, and it transformed back into a burning chair.

Professor McGonagall explained, "Transfiguration can also affect water and fire. So, you just need to slightly modify your incantation—"

The burning chair leaped into the air, transforming into a fiery lion, its mane dancing with bright flames.

Burke instinctively took two steps back, but fortunately, Professor McGonagall had no intention of attacking him.

Burke quickly thought of a clever solution. "Shatter into Pieces!" A red light flashed, and the spell accurately hit another leopard, causing it to shatter into several pieces in midair.

However, the situation worsened. Each fragment transformed into small cats the size of palms. They agilely circled behind Burke, watching him closely from a distance.

"At close range, or within the control range of Transfiguration, it's more formidable than you imagine, Burke," Professor McGonagall said, her mood quite pleasant, no longer serious.

Hearing Professor McGonagall's commentary, Burke grew anxious. He suddenly realized that the more he attacked, the more he found himself in a disadvantageous position.

After a few seconds of standoff, a small cat ran to his feet. Burke couldn't help but kick at it, but the small cat transformed into a vine, tightly wrapping around his legs.

Fortunately, Professor McGonagall didn't hold back. The vine didn't continue to grow, and Burke's arms remained free.

In a state of panic, he cast spells at the closest small cat, "Shatter into Pieces! Bone-Crushing Shatter! Bone-Crushing Shatter!"

The small cat didn't evade. In Burke's eyes, its body disintegrated in an instant, various fragments soaring into the air, transforming into small birds the size of fingers. These birds had long, pointed beaks.

They hovered in midair, forming a wall with their sharp beaks aimed at Burke. It seemed they were about to dive at him in the next second.

In the eyes of the young wizards, Burke was completely surrounded: a wall of flying birds above, a group of palm-sized black kittens behind, and in the distance, the fiery lion and the watchful leopard.

Burke's scalp tingled, and he hurriedly exclaimed, "I surrender, Professor McGonagall, I surrender."

With a hint of regret, Professor McGonagall stopped. She had many more things to demonstrate.

She transfigured the transformed creatures back into chairs and repaired them to their original state. Looking at the young wizards below, she said, "For most wizards, they wouldn't be prepared for Transfiguration in a duel. If you can master a few forms, they can catch your opponents off guard."

Felix Harp couldn't help but applaud; this approach was completely in line with his strategy against Lohart.

The second to step onto the platform was Professor Flitwick. He demonstrated a concept in dueling: the combination of spells.

Despite his short stature, Professor Flitwick easily captured the attention of the young wizards, just as he did in the classroom.

"If you've mastered many spells, you might wonder, can I really use all of them?"

"Perhaps specializing in one spell is better?"

"These are two different choices. Today, I want to show you how different spells can complement each other."

"They are all simple spells, let me think—" Professor Flitwick exclaimed, "Flock of Flying Birds!"

His wand produced a loud bang, akin to a gunshot, as a group of red-feathered birds fluttered out from it.

A Hufflepuff muttered, "This spell isn't simple; it's covered in NEWTs."

"Shut up," his friend said.

Flitwick looked at the flying birds. "You can certainly use this to launch an attack; it works well. But if you add a Duplicating Charm—" He waved his wand, and the birds rapidly split apart with a series of "bangs."

"Add an Engorgement Charm—"

The palm-sized birds quickly enlarged.

Flitwick looked up, surveying the hundreds of owl-like birds surrounding the gilded platform. They almost completely concealed his figure.

Before Flitwick's small stature, many young wizards couldn't help but feel a sense of awe.

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