A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 136: Conclusion

Chapter 136: Conclusion

"Birdhouses, ropes, threads," Felix Harp repeated.

He suddenly noticed a trait of Ravenclaw, she was very, very fond of inspiring others—regardless of whether the person wanted to be inspired or not.

"Mother, can't you be more straightforward?" Helena said on the side.

Lady Ravenclaw glanced at her, reluctantly revealing the solution to the riddle, "Don't forcefully cram memories into anything. You need to shape the memories."

Felix seemed to grasp something, but it was like looking through a frosted window, hazy and unclear.

"Shaping memories, or rather, solidifying the structure of memories."

The rain swallow in Ravenclaw's hand turned into a silver mist, then reformed into a proud and towering eagle, covered with countless tiny dots of light.

The eagle landed on the ground, exuding a commanding presence.

"These are?" Felix's breath seemed to stall. He activated his mind's acceleration, desperately memorizing the structure of these light points.

Ravenclaw stated calmly, "Soul nodes? Memory nodes? Call them what you will. I simply discovered structures that stabilize memories."

"So, you also are..." constructed like this?

"Yes, I am just a segment of memory of 'Rowena Ravenclaw.' Not a real person, not a ghost, nor even a living being. Only emotions remain true and unfeigned."

"As for transferring consciousness, you can refer to Contract Magic," she said quickly.

Felix could only take note, and he timely brought up the final question, "Madam, I wish to know, what heights did the four founders truly push magic to?"

Ravenclaw looked at him approvingly, "Saying too much would only disturb you. What I can tell you is that we ourselves can be considered magical creatures."

She glanced at the crown, constantly eroded by vast magic, shattered into pieces by the surging darkness.

"It's almost time," Lady Ravenclaw said softly. Her form slowly faded, but she still gazed tenderly at Helena.

The radiance on Helena grew brighter and holier, a profound joy emanating from within.

The temporarily constructed body formed by magic had disappeared, and she transformed back into her ghostly form.

"May I embrace you once more?" she asked.

Lady Ravenclaw opened her arms, and two somewhat ethereal figures pressed together, remaining embraced for a long time.

From the vortex of magic, a blurry face burst out of the crown, but immediately and silently shattered.

Lady Ravenclaw seized the crown—a cleansing had left it spotless, as if brand new, shimmering brightly.

"I will reconstruct the crown as your reward," she said to Felix.

"Lady Ravenclaw, you need not..." he hesitated.

"It's not as brilliant as you imagine. What can be bestowed is not true wisdom," Lady Ravenclaw said, her figure fading further, while the crown grew increasingly luminous.

She turned her head and looked at Helena.

"It's a bit regrettable that I can't accompany you further," Lady Ravenclaw said. She was merely a memory, and today she had fulfilled her mission and was about to dissipate.

Helena smiled and replied, "I've already found the courage to continue."

Lady Ravenclaw gazed at her. After three minutes, maybe five, or perhaps ten, she finally vanished.


The crown fell to the ground, rolling a couple of times.

"Take it, it's yours," Helena said.

The radiance on Helena intensified. The restrictions left on her by Lady Ravenclaw had disappeared.

Felix didn't even glance at the crown. He kept his eyes on Helena and said with a hint of bitterness, "Today, I'm losing another friend."

She floated in front of him, her palm reaching for his cheek, but her fingers passed through.

"It seems you've also experienced sorrow," she said.

Felix remained silent for a moment. "Let's go outside." He extended his hand, allowing the crown, along with the diary, to fly over and be tucked into the ring.

The two walked out of the Room of Requirement. Helena's radiance quickly spread, casting a gentle glow that illuminated the entire eighth-floor corridor.

"We might be running out of time. There's someone I need to talk to," Helena said.

"Do you need assistance?" Felix asked. He knew who she meant by 'someone.'

"Of course," she replied with a smile. "We're friends, aren't we?"

Felix's wand emitted a loud crack, and a window suddenly disappeared. Holding Helena, he leaped out of the eighth-floor window and landed gracefully in the courtyard.

In the next moment, Felix's voice resonated throughout the castle—

"Baron, come to the courtyard. Helena has something to tell you."

The young wizards and witches in the castle looked up in surprise, startled by the booming voice.

What's happening?

"Let's go see," Harry said to Ron and Hermione, and the three of them started running.

Others, brimming with curiosity, also followed suit.

It was a weekend, after all, and everyone had plenty of free time.

They all unconsciously ran towards the courtyard.

However, Dumbledore arrived first, appearing suddenly in front of Felix and Helena. He seemed puzzled, but his azure eyes widened dramatically when he saw the pure white light enveloping Helena.

He turned to Felix, who nodded subtly.

After another ten seconds or so, a silver figure passed through walls one after another, appearing in the courtyard.

It was the Bloody Baron.

He was as menacing as ever, covered in silver bloodstains, and carrying a massive chain around his shoulders. However, his expression at this moment was one of unprecedented nervousness and anxiety.

The Bloody Baron stared at Helena, bathed in light. His mouth opened and closed, and he stammered, "Congratulations, Helena."

Shortly after, young wizards, professors, and even other ghosts arrived from a distance. Observing the scene in the courtyard, they stopped in their tracks.

The young wizards were puzzled, but the professors and ghosts, having seen more, recognized Helena's state.

Nearly Headless Nick, almost decapitated in shock, covered his mouth, "Oh, heavens."

Other ghosts also anxiously watched the central courtyard.

"Sir Baron, I am about to depart," Helena said. "Someone once told me to learn to forgive oneself... I offer you these words."

"And what about you?" the Baron asked, his body trembling. "Will you forgive me?"

"I've hated you, but I'll try to forgive you. Let's start from this moment," Helena Ravenclaw said.

Her radiance exploded into a long, white staircase of phantom light. Helena gazed around one last time and finally lingered briefly on Felix before resolutely stepping onto the staircase.

Her figure vanished.

Felix felt a profound loss.

"Felix, thank you. I know she meant you," the Baron said, his body also enveloped in a pure white light.

"I haven't done much," Felix shook his head.

In the distance, the ghosts erupted in a murmur. What day was it today? Two bound ghosts breaking free, one after the other!

Only those who knew the millennia-old enmity between these two ghosts couldn't help but be deeply moved.

The Baron didn't resist the surging white light. Amidst a solemn atmosphere, his figure disappeared.

The young wizards stared at the scene in a daze. They didn't know what had happened, but they understood that the ghosts of Ravenclaw and Slytherin houses had vanished forever on this day.

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