After Rebirth, I Married the Archenemy of My Ex-Husband

Chapter 102: Verifying High Education Status

Chapter 102

An YanKun remembered very clearly.

Initially, after An Nuan and An Xiao graduated from high school together, because An Xiao did well on the exam, he deliberately showed off and asked An Yanyuan how An Nuan did. An Yanyuan casually said that she went to a local college and didn't mention at all which college she got into. He was firmly convinced that she didn't do well on the exam and had thought that it was possibly just a vocational school. At least, he had never heard how well An Nuan did on the exam over all these years.

However, now she was saying she had such high education.

He absolutely did not believe it even if he was beaten to death.

An YanKun stared fiercely at An Nuan to see how far she could pretend.

She was simply lying without preparing a draft!

"Chairman, may I borrow the conference room's computer and projector?" An Nuan asked.

"Of course," An Yanyuan nodded.

He was naturally very clear about his daughter's education background.

However, it was indeed the first time he had heard her mention the Green Ribbon.

At this moment, he couldn't help but look forward to it a little.

The staff in the senior conference room hurriedly prepared a computer and a large projector for An Nuan.

An Nuan stood at the podium in the conference room. Her slender fingers nimbly tapped the keyboard while saying, "This is the official website of Qingcheng University. To enter the official website and check information, only university teachers and students can log in. And students log in with their student ID and use the last six digits of their ID card as the password. I'm entering my student ID from when I was attending now."

As she spoke, An Nuan finished entering it.

She instantly logged in.

It opened to a basic information page. At the top of the page was a brief introduction about An Nuan, her ID photo, name, gender, age, grade, etc.

An Nuan put the mouse over the education section and clicked to open it.

An electronic version of her diploma appeared before everyone.

Without a doubt, An Nuan had attended Qingcheng University and majored in International Business and Trade, obtaining a dual master's degree.

The scene had obviously shocked everyone.

Because they were so shocked, the conference room fell silent for a time.

An Nuan didn't have too much of a reaction to everyone's astonishment. At this moment, she exited Qingcheng University's official website and entered Ford University's official website, saying, "Logging in is the same as with Qingcheng University."

Everyone then watched as An Nuan entered Ford's official intranet.

It must be known that this was the intranet of the world's top university. Although most people here had high education levels, no one had graduated from this school.

An Nuan entered "Green Ribbon" in the intranet, and then a page popped up.

On the page were photos of all the students who had received the Green Ribbon honor, displayed on the webpage.

An Nuan's photo was placed at the end, meaning she was the most recent person to receive this honor.

"So," An Nuan looked up to face An YanKun, "Uncle, do you believe me now?"

At this moment, An YanKun's expression was truly uglier than eating shit!

He really had not expected at all that An Nuan would truly have all this.

"Uncle?" Without getting a response from An YanKun, An Nuan deliberately called him again.

"I believe you!" An YanKun said unpleasantly, "What are you showing off for?"

"I'm not showing off, I just wanted to confirm that everyone had seen clearly. Once everyone has seen clearly, I'll close out the website. After all, this is an intranet that only students who have attended Ford University can log into. Showing everyone now goes against school rules."

In fact, there really weren't any secrets. The school also didn't have clear rules against others seeing it. It was just that as the top institution, it naturally had an innate sense of superiority. So it made people feel that being able to freely access the school's intranet was an exceptionally honorable thing.

"Why is Uncle so angry? Could you be jealous of something?!" An Nuan's seemingly casual sentence.

At that moment, it directly made An YanKun explode.

He was already angry to begin with.

He had originally wanted to avenge An Xiao, but now he had instead let An Nuan show off in front of all the group's executives.

He said fiercely, "What nonsense are you saying? When was I angry? Not to mention being a little better at studying, what is there to be jealous of? Besides, doing well on exams doesn't prove anything. How many top scorers have you seen accomplish great things!"

"Uncle is right. I've heard that more average students are the most promising. Like cousin, and my aunt and uncle's children, who knows, maybe they'll surpass me in the future." An Nuan smiled slightly, looking very sincere.

In fact, she was sarcasitcally referring to An YanKun's very mediocre children.

An YanKun was so angry his teeth hurt.

This An Nuan was becoming more and more ungrateful!

An Nuan didn't waste any more time on An YanKun. She turned off the computer, then walked down from the podium and returned to where she had entered, facing Chang Deyue, whose face was as black as Lord Bao's, "Director Chang, may I ask if I'm qualified now for the Sales Department General Manager position?"

"Just knowing some things about the company and having a slightly higher education, what does that prove?!" Chang Deyue certainly would not admit defeat so easily.

"I haven't gotten to demonstrate yet, Director Chang has directly suppressed my abilities already. How can I show you?" An Nuan retorted.

"I didn't say I wanted to suppress your opportunities to perform. You can start from the bottom. Once you have results and can withstand the company's trials, promoting you will be a matter of course. It won't make so many people question your abilities or make so many people question the chairman's nepotism. The general manager position is very important to the company. We can't casually give it to someone who seems capable only on paper." Chang Deyue spoke righteously.

He and An YanKun had already discussed earlier that An Nuan must not be allowed to take the general manager position. At worst, just make her an ordinary supervisor or, like An Xiao, a department manager.

At that moment, An Nuan fell silent.

She seemed somewhat at a loss for words.

At this point, An Yanyuan really couldn't speak up for his daughter anymore either.

Earlier, he could still say a few things for her, like about experience and education. An Nuan had already talked about most of that herself. At this point, if he tried to defend his daughter and show favoritism as the chairman, it would seem a bit too obvious.

So at this moment, he also chose to remain silent.

And was secretly thinking about what was the lowest position he could fight for An Nuan to get.

Seeing that An Nuan didn't respond, Chang Deyue thought she had no rebuttal. So next, he took the initiative to speak again, even with a sanctimonious air, "Actually, I don't want to play the villain here or offend the chairman over this matter either. But looking at it from the group's standpoint, I do need to consider what's best for the group. At least I have to be accountable to myself, to everyone here, and to An's tens of thousands of employees. Let's do this then. I suggest letting An Nuan be a department supervisor in the Sales Department. For one, it doesn't waste An Nuan's glittering resume. Secondly, she is the chairman's daughter after all. I also believe she will have more potential for development than the average employee. So I personally suggest that An Nuan can start from supervisor. This will prevent a lot of people from questioning her abilities in the future or questioning the chairman's nepotism."

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