Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 110: Cool Assassin, If You Ever Do It Again I'll Zero You Out!

Chapter 110: Cool Assassin, If You Ever Do It Again I'll Zero You Out!

I swear I had a heart attack as Rog's voice came abruptly from my side without any warning at all. I called my spears back and jumped to the side in a swift reaction as I pointed my spears towards his place, in a move that scared him as he hurried to say:

"Hey hey, it's me, Rog."

I gritted my teeth as I really had enough from his scary way of talking to me as I threatened:

"If you ever surprised me again like this, I swear I would zero you out."

"Hey hey, we are on the same team here, this isn't intentional at all," he tried to reason with me saying this, however I said seriously:

"This is your first and last warning; you want to keep your life then don't sneak on me like this ever again. Next time I won't even speak to you, I will let my spears do all the talking."

"I wa"

I interrupted his speech as I moved my spear towards the location where the sound came from. He stopped his words abruptly as he hurried to say:

Ok, fine, I won't do it again, I will send you what I want to say through chat, satisfied now?"

I didn't reply to him as I retreated my spear and looked towards the direction where that player was at.

"Are you sure he isn't there?"

I heard Rog clear his throat, it seemed I scared him for real this time. he then explained:

"The sound diversion skill is an auxiliary skill that's famous within veteran players. It's a useless skill that makes the player speak from a different location, however in difficult situations like we have now, it proved to be priceless."

I began to get a grasp over what he was talking about, so I asked to confirm my guess:

"So he isn't there at all, instead he is hiding somewhere else watching me like a fool who fell for his own trick? He must be happy now, right?"

My tone was normal, however I was really furious, and it seemed Rog had sensed my anger, so he didn't reply at once fearing I would vent my anger over him. I didn't know what he was thinking of me, but I wasn't that mad person he thought I was.

I just wanted to repay that player's kindness with a gentle pat on his head. He worked hard to confuse me and bought precious time for his team. Such a player should be rewarded by me, a pat on the head with my spear was a generous reward from me, who would refuse such a beauty to pat his head? None, right?

Or I might just hug him, penetrate his chest during my hug, crush his little heart, and exit his back. After all I had to hold my spear so my twenty five shadows wouldn't disappear, he would understand that, right?

"Just tell me his location, and go and scout the area. That player boasted of more incomings, and I want to be informed with their approach."

"Ahem, about that, hmmm, he was lying," Rog said with a hesitant tone. I glanced at him as I chuckled:

"He lied that there were no reinforcements? That's just typical of that wicked manipulative player."

"Well, he wasn't lying about the reinforcements, he was lying about their timing. They are already approaching here, so I came to inform you, but I discovered the trick of that player."

I yelled at him angrily:

"Why didn't you say so before?"


Rog didn't know what to say, and I felt real anger towards this mistake of his. He should have told me everything from the beginning. I turned around as more skills were still falling over me, and I totally ignored them. my eyesight was trying to spot any distant players coming here, however I failed.

"Where are they coming from? And where is that player?"

Rog felt my anger and dissatisfaction towards him, so he rushed to say:

"They are now trying to surround the area to prevent you from escaping. They are nearly five hundred players, as more groups joined together to kill you. As for that player, I can kill him myself."

I glanced at the air where his voice came from, I wasn't satisfied by all of this, however at least I knew I had some time to wrap things here and make my team recuperate.

"Go and kill that annoying bastard, then I want you to be ready. When they attack us, you must eliminate as many magicians and healers as you can."

"I won't disappoint you this time."

I glanced at the empty place of his as I replied calmly:

"Disappoint me again and," then I sent my spear followed by its shadows towards the distance where some players were trying to hit me with their skill, "I will make sure you won't live to disappoint me again."

I snapped my fingers after my spear killed all the players there, and then I turned towards another target and sent my spear towards it. I totally ignored the taunting insulting words of that wicked player, as his fate was already doomed.

Rog didn't say a word as he apparently left here to finish his tasks. I wasn't that cruel, however I was already at my limits with that assassin. He thought himself cool by sneaking behind a girl like me, which was totally unacceptable. It was cool, yet unacceptable.

I glanced around me with a fast look to check over the remaining lining players here. who remained wasn't exceeding the count on my single hand, and the rest of my team was attacking them right now.

They didn't need my help, so I began to move collecting the scattered spoils of this war. Trash equipment was nothing in my eyes, however I had a feeling I would need all the gear I could get to support my growing group.

It didn't take long for my small team to kill those who remained, and I was generous enough to let them acquire the gears fallen from them. as I picked up the last piece of equipment from the ground, Rog sent me a brief message:

'They are coming from everywhere. Their numbers escalated over six hundred.'

This was a short, yet very useful message. I grinned as I sent him back in the general chat of our five player team:

'See? That wasn't hard, was it? I like you better that way.'

I don't know why, however I heard a muffled laugh coming from the other three players here. I glanced at them with disbelief, was it funny for me to like some player? Or what?!

"Stop joking around and get ready, or I swear I won't interfere in the battle unless all of you are dead!"

I said it and I meant it, as I really intended to do it if they didn't stop their weird attitude.

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