Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 127: Fighting A Mystic Art Swordsman - Part 4

Chapter 127: Fighting A Mystic Art Swordsman - Part 4

A big miss appeared above my head with no single point lost from all these attacks, however his body showed a train of three hundred damages, as two of them were enough to zero him out and kill him.

I didn't celebrate yet, as my position was so dangerous right now.

You want to hit a single weak girl like me, then you should be ready for consequences.

I snapped my fingers, and muttered:

'Penta auxiliary skill.'

This time I planned to play it numbers against numbers, and let's see who would win in the end.

The difference was that I got more four seconds immunity, while all of them didn't. my spears roamed the area with nothing to stand against its way. Thousands of players? that wasn't even enough to make me feel stressed.

Suddenly I felt some warmth over my body, as I looked up to see three figures green numbers appearing in sequence. I glanced to the back to find my previous team had returned to the entrance again.

My lost HP was refilled again, so I had no excuse now.

I forgot anything related to defense and began a feverish spree of killing towards everyone. I earned this chance hard, and I didn't intend to let it escape my grasp.

They would all fall under my spear right here right now.

My spears began to create deep paths into these players, as I followed a fixed pattern in using my trick. Each time I sent my spears out, I waited for a couple of seconds before snapping my fingers, bringing my precious spears to me again.

At this moment, numbers didn't mean anything. Without that swordsman help, they were like helpless hopeless sheep in front of me.

My team began to show up, as they began to join the fun. I created a safe buffer zone for them, as no player managed to bypass an imaginary zone I drew in my mind.

Step your foot inside this area, and I would kill you without hesitation, that was the unspeakable law that I put.

After nearly a quarter of an hour, I managed to destabilize their trust in themselves. Large numbers of players began to retreat in a hurry in a try to save themselves.

"You keep guarding here until the inside battle is over."

I suddenly gave my team this order as I began to chase those deserters. As long as you decided to come this far, why did you bother then to escape? Either die or die.

Just as I was about to chase, I noticed something shining strangely on my side. I looked at it to find it was a shiny bronze medal. I felt some urge to take and keep it, and so I did.

The chase then began.

The initial multiple thousands players were now reduced to a few hundreds, however I didn't intend to let them leave here this easily. I started my pursuit without any pause after them.

Any group of players I spotted were killed the next second, no matter how far they were from me.

In a couple of minutes, I managed to clear more than half of them. The remnants were nothing to worry about. Even if they circled behind me now, they wouldn't create any threat towards my team.

What remained now was Aria, and Rog.

'Where are you now?'

I sent this to Rog, however after a few minutes I didn't receive any reply from him.

That was weird.

I opened my friend list to find him online, however he didn't reply to me, which made my mind go many ways without any proper answer.

I felt something was off, so I sent my next message to Drina.

'Do you know where Aria is?'

Drina took a moment before replying:

'We need to focus on the battle on hand Agatha. Aria is mature enough to handle her own business.'

Her words made me more angry, so I sent without second thoughts:

'I killed most of the rear players. this battle now rests on your shoulders. I sent Rog a long time ago after her, and now even Rog doesn't reply to my messages. There is something off here, so stop pretending and spill it out.'

My words seemed to astonish Drina, as she took quite some time before finally replying:

'All I know that she went to meet Sim, here are the coordinates however be careful. That man most probably had the help of Rick.'

I knew that info, as such a dirty emotional trap was something so low that no honorable man would do except if he already belonged to the opposite camp.

Sim wasn't a lover, he was a heart killer sent by Rick to devastate Aria, and it seemed his dirty plan succeeded so far.

I checked the coordinates fast and compared it on the map with my current location. Strangely I was heading straight towards that location, which was a big lake in the middle of that forest.

So, these players weren't blindly retreating, they were trying to join up with their allies back there.

That made me feel more worried, these players wouldn't retreat there unless they were sure they would become stronger and safer reaching that lake.

I clenched my fist, and then checked my hunger value. Apparently I overused my spears during the last fight as my hunger value had reached the value of eighty five.

That meant after the upcoming battle I might not be able to continue depending on my trick in the last decisive battle.

That was awful, however I had no choice here. I felt some obligation for saving both of them, after all without me in the picture none of this would have happened so soon.

After I knew my destination, I began to move with rapid pace towards that lake. During the run there, I met many players retreating from my battle. I wasn't so merciful with them, as I sent them all towards the resurrection point at the town.

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