Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 133: The Lock Down Scroll

Chapter 133: The Lock Down Scroll

"By the way, I tried to reach you but you never replied."

I suddenly remembered something that bothered me back then. On contrary to my expectations, he wasn't surprised as he replied:

"This game has many princess variables, nothing lasts. Every rule set here was meant to be broken by a special thing. This time, the god-like communication between players can be interrupted by something like a lock down scroll. You will be surprised the deeper you play here, I can promise you that."

I felt strange, quite a bit, however I wasn't totally surprised. This Rick taught me a valuable lesson today, there were some scary players everywhere in this game. Nothing was granted, even if I was one of the special players in this game world. I would better watch out for my back and never get cocky.

I looked towards Aria, who was still busy talking with the elders while I asked:

"How long will this lock down scroll last?"

He glanced at Aria upfront as he replied:

"The scroll has a time limit of six hours, so we need to exit the area of its effect if we want to cancel its effect. In other words, after Aria finishes her debate with the elders, we can go."

His reply piqued my interest as I asked:

"Why is there a debate? She won fair and square this unjust challenge."

Rog sighed as he replied:

"It's not that simple, more than half of the upper echelon of Solaris group is under someone's control. so, she won't have it easy to have the position of a leader. By the way, have you gotten Grode's medallion?"

"Yes, do you know what it is?"

I had already huge curiosity from the start regarding this medal, so it was nice talking about it while waiting for Aria to finish.

"It's very important. Your mystic art community is based on some strict rules, like if someone was expelled from this community, he would be considered an outlaw. 

So, the upper echelon of your community will issue a warrant of kill, anyone could kill this expelled player would get this medallion. This medallion has the record of that player's mystic art, in other words once you are killed you are out of the game. 

As for you, you can use this medallion and go to the mystic art hall at the capital city and ask to learn the mystic art recorded inside it. Also you can give it to any normal player like myself and I can learn this mystic art by the same way. Of course I would be considered just a disciple candidate, but it's a great step for sure."

His words were very shocking to me, as I pointed towards the location that Rick had just died at as I asked:

"Would there be a medallion too?"

Rog shook his head as he replied:

"It wasn't a mystic art user who killed him, so he lost his art without dropping any medal."


That was strange, however I had some ideas about this Grode's medallion, so I asked again:

"Tell me, what scenario would unfold there?"

I motioned towards the location of Aria and her elders. he glanced over there and paused for a moment before saying:

"If it was any other time, then they would be wise to select her as a leader, however I suspect that would happen. they would give some silly excuses like she had asked for external help to win this challenge, or she can't be the leader as she doesn't fulfill the unwritten rules of leadership."

I raised my eyebrows in disgust, however I felt somehow his words would come true.

"How come she doesn't fulfill the conditions of leadership?"

He sighed before saying:

"Over centuries, all adventure groups strived to be stronger, especially some of them aimed to become great guilds. That being considered, many big adventure guilds became attached to aristocratic families, the nobles. Also some began to raise the stakes lately, as they selected only mystic art users as their leaders."

I made up my mind after hearing him out, as I clenched my fist and moved few steps forward as I said:

"Follow me."

I left him behind in his shock from my move, as I headed straight towards Aria and her elders. he then ran after me while saying nervously:

"Bad idea, you can't meddle yourself in this shit."

I didn't look at him or even slow my steps, as I raised my walking speed a little while saying:

"Do you want to help her or not?"

"I-I do, however this is insane. This is Solaris group, one of the group lords here."

"Just follow me and don't speak."

"I hope you know what you are doing!"

He muttered while walking behind me hesitatingly. I attracted their attention once I neared them, as they stopped their talk while Aria moved a couple of steps forward after a short bow to her elders.

"Are you leaving so soon? I just gave the orders for my players to join Drina's team. So basically the fight there is about to end."

This girl thought I came here to say goodbye. I smiled faintly as I had a bomb in my head, and I anticipated her reaction to that.

"I just want to say a word to your elders."

Her eyes suddenly got widened as her face changed color instantly. Her reaction was the same as Rog, what was wrong with these two? they were just the elders of an adventure group, what if they were elders of a guild then? Would they tremble in their boots? That was unbelievable.

"Calm down, it's a gift from me to you."

"Then give it to me here!"

Silly girl, I wasn't going to gift you this bomb in the shadows. Sometimes, you need to be showy to strengthen your position and reclaim what was rightfully yours.

I shook my head slowly as I pushed her to the side. I still had my spear trick running, although my hunger value had reached ninety two of value, however it was worth keeping my spear shadow army behind me. that gave more aura to me, especially when dealing with those elders.

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