American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

165. Osborn City.

165. Osborn City.

That battle years ago cost the heroes too much. Hank Pym was among the last of the superheroes to fall. In fact, most of the heroes had already sacrificed themselves by the time they were on their way to support the war zone.

Moon Knight was hit directly by Electro's lightning, and Khonshu was banished to another world by magic. The entire New York battlefield was left isolated, with only a few street-level heroes fighting a desperate battle against the supervillains.

Daredevil's super hearing was nearly destroyed by a sonic blast, and Punisher was severely injured after taking out Electro, ambushed by the long-hidden Kraven the Hunter. She-Hulk and Spider-Man fought to move the battle to a less populated area, but the arrival of the Hulk only made things worse.

Hulk, in full rage mode, made no distinction between friend and foe, and his terrifying power crushed all the superheroes and supervillains present. By then, it no longer mattered; the fall of that era was inevitable.

In Washington, when the White House was destroyed by Hydra's firepower, the heroes' defeat was certain. Captain America lay helpless in the rubble, knowing that the Avengers could never regroup. The remnants of the war became a symbol of that battle's brutality. Just looking at the aftermath, Alex could imagine how fierce the fight had been. Alex and his two companions slowly drove along the highway, drawing closer to Pym's Cross.

"My God, is that a giant from mythology?" Pietro exclaimed as he looked at the enormous skeleton in the distance.

"His name was Hank Pym, a real human scientist. He discovered something called Pym Particles, which could change the size of his body. What you're seeing now is his enlarged remains," Alex explained casually.

"Hank Pym? The one from the Avengers who was taken out by the Patriot missile?" Pietro recalled, recognizing the name.

"That's him," Alex confirmed. "But there's a big difference between the two. The Hank Pym in your world never discovered Pym Particles and didn't understand the quantum realm."

As they drove past Pym's Cross, Alex continued to recount the events of the heroes' demise. "In truth, the behavior of supervillains can be predicted. Magneto and Absorbing Man are prime examples. Designing a plan to kill powerful heroes isn't easy. The villains had to seek help from others, even forming alliances with Dormammu and Loki.

"If Doctor Strange hadn't been so arrogant and ignored the imminent threat, if Hawkeye had listened to Mockingbird before setting out, if Wolverine hadn't been so reckless, if Loki had managed to break through the Fantastic Four's defenses and turn back time...

"But there are no 'ifs.'"

Alex shook his head, his expression somber.

The motorcycle passed by Pym's Cross, where Dr. Pym's bones had completely oxidized. Unfamiliar plants grew on them, and countless birds had made nests, turning it into a 'natural' sanctuary.

Deeply affected by the sight, both Kara and Pietro felt a profound shock. Pietro, born in a world without heroes, had always yearned for their presence and aspired to be one. But he had never imagined that being a hero could be so dangerous. The harsh reality shattered his idealistic dreams of heroes triumphing over villains.

Kara, on the other hand, was worried about her cousin. She knew the strength of Kryptonians and believed there shouldn't be anything on Earth more powerful. But seeing the devastation here shook her confidence. If her cousin was destined to become Superman, he would undoubtedly have formidable enemies. If the Justice League's foes united, would their world become the next wasteland?

The thought made Kara's heart skip a beat. Imagining Superman severely injured and lying in the rubble made her breath quicken.

"Kara, are you okay?" Pietro asked with concern, noticing her distress.

"I'm fine. Just... thinking about some things," Kara took a deep breath, calming herself.

Alex glanced at Kara, understanding her thoughts but wisely choosing not to delve into them. In his memory, the Justice League had been decimated more than once or twice. Sometimes, it didn't even take a united front of supervillains; just a few causing trouble could wreak havoc.

"Don't dwell on it. Once we pass Pym's Cross, New Babylon isn't far. We're now in Red Skull's territory, so we need to be very careful with every move."

The group's destination was Osborn City, located on the border of Red Skull's domain. The city's name indicated it was under Osborn's control. In that epic battle, unlike the ordinary villains who lacked funds and power, Osborn contributed significantly. After the massacre of the superheroes, Osborn naturally earned Red Skull's favor.

Now, Osborn ruled an entire city. After gathering many supervillains, he managed the city efficiently, even surpassing Red Skull's Washington, becoming an economic hub. However, life for ordinary people there wasn't as pleasant as one might think. Osborn's tyrannical rule made the residents miserable, and the harsh laws deprived them of freedom.

Osborn never regarded them as humans but rather as livestock meant only to work, eat, and sleep. Perhaps life there offered some security, but in reality, it was no different from the outside world.

In his long descent into madness, Osborn became increasingly brutal. He opened the city's gates, inviting 'superheroes' to challenge him, while simultaneously oppressing the populace to attract those with heroic tendencies. Many had attempted to overthrow Osborn's rule, but without exception, they were impaled on stakes outside the city, proclaiming Osborn's might.


📢20 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢
For advance chapters: /Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)
166. Night Raid.
167. 'Old Friend' Blood Baron.
168. Past Memories.
169. Unexpected Intel on the Bat.
170. Ashley Arrives.

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