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Chapter 112: The Armory

Chapter 112: The Armory


Do look more spirited, Brother Qing, Khong Hu says with a small smile on his face. Since it is Khong Hu, that is the equivalent of an ear-to-ear grin. It is not every day one is chosen by Elder Xue! That she named you for this duty is proof your efforts are being noticed!

Liu Jin wants to say Khong Hu is exaggerating. The two are just making a delivery to the Armory. It is not exactly what one would call a priority task.

The Apothecary is usually the one that decides how many of the resources controlled by the Eternal Flame Clan are utilized. What is used for medicine. What is used for weapons. What stays in the main compound and what is sent to the many branches located throughout the Crimson Cloud Empire and beyond. While by no means absolute, the Apothecary makes decisions like that every day. This delivery is an extension of that and nothing more.

However, since Elder Xue apparently named him for this task, Liu Jin cannot help but worry.

I apologize, Senior Brother, Liu Jin says. He and Khong Hu are each carrying two large crates full of materials which will be used to make weapons. I was merely wondering why is it that we must transport items this way instead of using transfer circles or placing them in spatial storage items.

A most salient question. As always, Khong Hu sounds a little pompous, but Liu Jin knows there is no ill-will there. Certainly, it is possible to transport items using those methods. It could be argued that spatial transport may interfere with the temporal seals we place on them, but that would still leave spatial storage as a valid means of transport. In truth, the real reason may be to give us mundane tasks to do. We are disciples of the Eternal Flame Clan. We serve the Sect. Unremarkable tasks such as these remind us of our place.

Liu Jin hums and nods. Hed just said the first thing that came to mind without expecting an answer, but there is no denying Khong Hus conclusion is probably correct.

Putting that aside, this will be a good opportunity for you. I cannot believe Brother Qing has yet to visit the Armory despite favoring the spear.

As Im sure Senior Brother can understand, I was preoccupied with other things.

While not exactly a lie, it is a bit of an excuse. The truth is visiting the Armory had simply never occurred to Liu Jin.

The spear he uses is nothing special, but it is perfectly suitable for his needs.

Understandable, Khong Hu says, nodding. However, its already been quite a few days since your return. With the points you have made, it is not a bad idea to have someone work on your weapon or even replace it entirely.

The Eternal Flame Clans Amory is not just one building, and it is not just an armory. Rather, it is an entire fenced-off area located in the eastern section of the Eternal Flame Clans compound. It is a place where weapons are forged, refined, and fixed. Certainly, the Eternal Flame Clans most precious weapons and armors are stored in the main building, but there are also several workshops all around it. Disciples who are fond of using weapons can be found here, either to purchase them, have theirs fixed, or simply to trade tips and spar with each other.

The Sparring Pavilion is not the only place in which disciples can spar. Its just the most formal one.

Halt! A disciple calls out as they approach the gate. Physically, he appears to be in his late twenties to early thirties. He has a thick beard, and his upper body is completely exposed, showing his many scars and muscles.

He is already in the Earth Realm.

You are from the Apothecary? He asks, looking at the large crates they are carrying.

Liu Jin nods. We were sent by Elder Xue.

The bearded disciples eyes light up as soon as he sees Liu Jins permit.

Excellent! He gives the crates a curious look. What is it in those, by the way? Could it be Vicious Crystal Lizard Claws? Many have been complaining about there not being enough of those lately. He pats the sword at his side and lets out a loud, boisterous laugh. I prefer working exclusively with metals, but I can understand those who dont.

Vicious Crystal Lizard Claws and Flame Frog Oil, Khong Hu confirms with a proud smile. Elder Xue is never one to disappoint.

Youll make plenty of people here happy then! Liu Jin can almost make out a smile behind that beard. Dont let me keep you here, juniors. Keep going forward. Youll have no trouble finding the main building

Thank you, Senior Brother. Liu Jin offers him a slight bow before he and Khong Hu enter the Armory.

Just as the bearded disciple said, Liu Jin has no trouble locating the main building. He doubts anyone would. It is a ten-story tall tower, predominantly gold in color. It is a gaudy thing, but Liu Jin does not doubt its sturdiness for a second.

Around it, there are several workshops and forges. Some are completely out in the open. Everywhere Liu Jin looks, there are people working on weapons and armor. Woosh, goes the fire. Clang, clang, clang, go the hammers as the sparks fly. Some people are too absorbed in their work to notice them, but a few do greet them. Some do so quite enthusiastically once they realize they come from the Apothecary.

Ah, whats this I see? It seems I have been lied to. Such shamelessness!

The words are so sudden, so unexpected, that it takes Liu Jin a moment to realize they had been aimed at them. He and Khong Hu stop, startled as an older disciple walks up to them with a confident swagger. He has an elegant saber hanging by his waist and wears the red and black robes of a Core Disciple. Unlike Feng Hao, who is a Core Disciple because his level is overwhelmingly high for his young age, this mans strength is undoubtedly superior to his.

Earth Realm, Fourth Level.

This one has traveled countless miles to get here after receiving countless excuses from the Armory. Yet, this one can now see the Armory has no problems obtaining materials from the Apothecary. What exactly does that mean?

The Core Disciple takes a step forward, and Liu Jin and Khong Hu instantly step back. They dont think about it. It is a completely instinctual reaction. The difference between their respective strengths is simply too great.

Do you think you can explain that to your senior brother, juniors? The Core Disciple takes out a small round piece of glass framed in gold and puts it over his eye. Vicious Crystal Lizard Claws and Flame Frog Oil, I see. I truly have been lied to... but perhaps it is not your fault.

The Core Disciple puts the glass away and brings his hands together.

Yes, perhaps you are just ignorant. He closes his eyes and nods. Yes, that may be it. In that case, you are not at fault. You just need to hand those crates over to me. That will be sufficient to fix things.

Hold! Khong Hu takes a step forward and draws himself to his full height in an attempt to be intimidating. Senior Brother, why are you trying to interfere with our duty? We have no quarrel with you. You tell us to hand over these crates, but there is no way we can possibly do that. We are on an assignment from Elder Xue. Even if Senior Brother asks for the crates, we cannot go against our orders.

Oh? An assignment given to you by Elder Xue? Thats quite something. Congratulations, juniors. The Core Disciple brings his hands up to the level of his shoulders and claps three times. However, I am here on an assignment given to me by Patriarch Feng Shang. Surely, that takes priority.

Surely, you have misspoken, junior brother.

The bearded disciple from before walks towards them with large strides and places himself in front of Liu Jin and Khong Hu. Though the bearded disciple is older and bigger, the Core Disciple does not look intimidated.

Our Patriarch is Lord Feng Zhang. Lord Feng Shang is merely his son.

Of course! Of course! The Core Disciple laughs. Forgive my mistake. I am merely so used to Lord Feng Shang acting as the Patriarch that I misspoke. That is all.

Junior brother, it seems to me you keep making mistakes. Whatever duty Lord Feng Shang tasked you with, how could it have anything to do with bullying your juniors? Is that how a disciple of the Eternal Flame Clan acts?

Bullying? The Core Disciple chuckles. What are you talking about, senior brother? This one was merely explaining things. Nothing more. If senior brother sensed any hostility from me, then thats only because this one is tired from his journey. It is not easy to travel here from the capital. Had senior brother ever being chosen to go there, hed understand. This one is sure of it.

The smug look on the Core Disciples face intensifies as the bearded disciple growls.

If this one came across as rude, then thats only a misunderstanding. You must understand, senior brother. Lord Feng Shang sent me here to find out why the Armory has not sent any supplies to the capital in spite of our repeated requests. I come here expecting to find a shortage of supplies, yet I see plenty of them being used all around me. Surely, it is not wrong of me to want to take a few?

I regret to inform Senior Brother that is simply not possible, Khong Hu says.

We are to leave these crates with Elder Geng, Liu Jin adds. It is he who will decide how they are used. These disciples cannot overstep their bounds and remove the choice from him.

Those are not their exact orders, but they are close enough that it wont matter.

You heard them. The bearded disciple wraps his hand around the hilt of his weapon. By now, their altercation has attracted a number of stares from those around them. Some have even paused their work. If you want to fulfill your duty, its our Elder you must talk to. He is not here right now, so you must return later. I understand full well Junior Brother Xi Mou is held in high regard, but that is no excuse for not doing things the proper way.

How curious. Since when is the world of an Elder superior to the word of Lord Feng Shang? Why must I be the one to accommodate myself to you who are both inferior? No matter how you look at it, it is I who have the authority here.

Authority? Khong Hu echoes. Forgive me for saying this, senior brother, but if you went to the capital with Lord Feng Shang and now return to fetch supplies, I can only conclude you are someone who has already been eliminated from the Crimson Cloud Tournament. I cannot imagine a person like that would be given authority over the orders of the Elders.

Crimson Cloud Tournament? It takes Liu Jin less than a second to recognize the name, and the instant he does, his heart leaps inside his chest. However, he has no time to dwell on it. A sharp spike of Qi draws his attention. For the first time, the disciple looks annoyed. Those words just now struck true.

Oh, my. Oh, my. Xi Mou places a hand on his forehead and shakes his head slowly. Disciples from the Apothecary have no manners, it seems. Shall I teach you a few?

Careful, the bearded disciple warns. You are not in a position of superiority here.

Xi Mou stops, becoming aware of the many stares and glares aimed at his person. He may be a powerful Core Disciple, but hes hardly the only Core Disciple present here. Quite a few are, quite literally, sharpening their weapons.

I see. So this is how the Armory welcomes its guests? Very well, I shall return later, but I will be sure to let Lord Feng Shang know about this.

The bearded disciple snorts. It occurs to Liu Jin that he may be a Core Disciple as well. One such as Lord Feng Shang hardly has time to be bothered by mere problems between disciples. If you have a complaint, file it with the Division of Internal Disputes.

Well be sure to do the same, Khong Hu adds.

Of course you will. Xi Mou snorts as he turns away. Id call this a wasted trip, but it has been revealing if nothing else.

The three watch in tense silence as Xi Mou walks away. Only once he has left through the gates do they relax.

That was quite unpleasant, Khong Hu says, adjusting his robes. There is nervous sweat on his forehead. I know it is not good to make hasty judgments, but I cannot help but think someone so boorish must be from External Relations.

He was transferred to the capital in preparation for the tournament, actually, the bearded disciple says. Are you two okay?

We are, Liu Jin replies, bowing his head. I thank you, Senior Brother. You have helped us both today.

There is no need to thank me, junior. As if Id ever let a lapdog of Lord Feng Shang do whatever he wants here! The bearded disciple is not quiet in his words, and to Liu Jins surprise, there are many who echo them.

He says hell file a report with Internal Disputes. Will Senior Brother be alright?

There is no need to worry. To Liu Jins surprise, Khong Hu is the one who answers. Internal Disputes would usually side with Lord Feng Shang, but there is nothing to fear right now. While Lord Feng Shang is away in the capital, it is Lord Feng Gui who has the most power inside the compound.

In other words, External and Internal, two of the four pillars of the Eternal Flame Clan, have sided with Lord Feng Shang. Meanwhile, the Apothecary is on Lord Feng Guis side.

Where then does the Division of Exploration fall?

Let us finish our job, Brother Qing, Khong Hu says, sighing. I doubt that braggart will try anything but do be cautious. It may be for the best if Brother Qing is always around one of us.

One of us.

In other words, people who support Lord Feng Gui. Khong Hu says it as if it is natural for Liu Jin to be counted among their number. Perhaps it is.

No, it definitely is.

Almost without realizing it, he has already taken a side. All around him, the battle lines are being drawn. It will not be long now before something big starts.

However, thats not the worst of it.

The Crimson Cloud Tournament.

How could he have forgotten about it?


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