Billionaire's Beloved Warm Wife

Chapter 105


Fu Qing told Yunzhou and yunyiyan about it.

Both father and son were angry. "What exactly did Yun Yiyan take away?"

"I didn't see it. But I see that Yun Yiyan is very cautious. I think it is definitely not an ordinary document. "

Yun Yiming narrowed his eyes and refused to accept. "The old man didn't give any property to Yun Yiyan, did he? Now it's obvious that my grandfather is deliberately partial to Yun Yiyan, so that I'm just like an outsider! "

"No nonsense!" Fu Qing interrupts Yun Yiming. "You are the eldest grandson of the cloud family. No one can change that!"

Yunzhou also thinks that the situation has changed recently. He has to start early, otherwise he can't get anything in the end. First of all, it is very important for him to get the will made by the old man. And then he'll do something else.

"Dad, Huo Dongyang is also a threat." Yun Yiming reminds me.

Yunzhou nodded, "as long as he didn't go back to the cloud home for a day, everything would be easy to say."

"Are you sure he won't come back?" Fu Qing refuted. "Although Huo Dongyang has not acted recently, I think he has acted since he disclosed his HD president."

Yunzhou felt that Fu Qing was too cautious, so he was suspicious. It's definitely not a good thing.

Yun Yiming looks at the discordant couple in front of him. He has no hope for anyone. He's on his own now. That's the surest way!

Jiangwan villa.

Huo Dongyang sits in front of the computer, watching John make a plan for the acquisition of Yunshi.

There has been no news from moling in recent days, so John has not worked out a detailed plan.

"Sir, there are visitors!" Said Lin Juan, standing at the door of the study.

Huo Dongyang closes his laptop. "Who's here?"

"He said he was the lady's father."

Huo Dongyang narrowed his eyes. Qiao Qingdong came later than he expected.

"Let him wait in the living room, and I'll be down in a minute."


Qiao Qingdong sits in the living room waiting for Huo Dongyang. He carefully looked at the furnishings in the living room, not like the luxury in imagination, but it was low-key with some extraordinary.

Lin Juan poured a cup of tea for Qiao Qingdong, "Mr. Qiao, please have tea."

Thank you Qiao Qingdong is a little nervous because he is about to face the president of HD. About this person's all, he also went to understand in detail in a few days, but he is still a fan like character.

Huo Dongyang came down from the upstairs. He looked at Qiao Qingdong's rigid appearance and knew that he must have come with a purpose. He narrowed his eyes, but for the sake that he was Qiao Wei's own father, he would not have met him!

"Chairman Joe."

Qiao Qingdong immediately stood up. "President William, I'd like to disturb you."

"Sit down, please."

Qiao Qingdong didn't dare to sit down first. "President William, please sit down first."

Huo Dongyang sits down opposite Qiao Qingdong, and Lin Juan brings him a cup of coffee.

Qiao Qingdong only dare to sit down at this time, and his face also has some unnatural.

"Chairman Qiao, what can I do for you today?"

Qiao Qingdong face Huo Dongyang is obviously lack of Qi, "is that slightly better body?"

"She's fine." Huo Dongyang replied. "I'm sure I'll take good care of her. It'll be better than her days in Qiao's house!"

"It's OK." Qiao Qingdong's face was full of embarrassment. Huo Dongyang's words have several meanings, and Qiao Qingdong also understands them.

Huo Dongyang took a sip of coffee. He was waiting for Qiao Qingdong to speak first.

Qiao Qingdong feels that his sweat has been dripping from his forehead. The man's aura is so strong that he is even more powerful than the old man of the cloud family.

Qiao Qingdong once in a while also reached out to wipe the sweat on his forehead, holding back his stomach and didn't know where to start.

Huo Dongyang seems to have no intention to open his mouth. Now it is completely in a cold state.

Qiao Qingdong moved his body, ready to summon up courage to go straight to the theme, Huo Dongyang's voice came, "Chairman Qiao, I think you seem very hot, do you need me to turn on the air conditioner for you?"

"No, No Qiao Qingdong waved his hands again and again. "There's really no need for trouble."

But Huo Dongyang didn't listen to him. He turned on the air conditioner with the remote control.

Qiao Qingdong was so made by Huo Dongyang that his face was even more embarrassed. I forgot the good lines I wanted to prepare.

The wind from the air conditioner soon dried Qiao Qingdong's sweat. After that, Qiao Qingdong felt goose bumps. He secretly looked at Huo Dongyang.

"President William, in fact, I'm here for business today."

"Well?" Huo Dongyang was patient this time. "What's the matter?"

Qiao Qingdong finally started from Qiao Wei and said, "you and Wei came to give me gifts without saying a few words that day, so you go first. I feel very sorry"It's nothing." Huo Dongyang answers. "I didn't intend to let Jovi go that day. Because she was ill that day, but she insisted on going. After all, you are her father. You can only stay with me

Huo Dongyang this sentence directly into Qiao Qingdong's heart. Yes, he is Qiao Wei's father, but what has he done to him these years. It's not really a dad's job.

Huo Dongyang also from Qiao Qingdong's eyes to see a trace of guilt, it seems that his conscience has not been completely eaten by the dog.

"Qiao Wei didn't do anything sorry for the Qiao family." Huo Dongyang continued.

"But she..." Qiao Qingdong wants to say Qiao Wei's ruthlessness recently, but seeing Huo Dongyang's blue gray eyes, he can't say a word completely.

Huo Dongyang understands what Qiao Qingdong is going to say. "Chairman Qiao thinks Qiao Wei is merciless? Not in the same camp as you? "

Qiao Qingdong lowered his head and didn't go to meet Huo Dongyang.

"Has chairman Qiao ever thought about the reason why Qiao Wei has refused to hand over the 40% shares?"

Qiao Qingdong is stunned. He doesn't even dare to look at Huo Dongyang. Su Lirong owns 40% of the shares, and she also left it to Qiao Wei as a legacy.

"I think Mrs. Joe was forced to do so." Huo Dongyang says what he thinks. "Because someone wanted her to die and take the share."

Qiao Qingdong looks shocked. "What do you say?"

"It seems that Chairman Qiao has never doubted that there is something wrong with his wife's death? You say that a good person dies just because he was stimulated once? Is there really nothing suspicious in this? As far as I know, Mrs. Joe founded senjo with you. Such a woman would fall so easily? "

Qiao Qingdong's face turned white, and Huo Dongyang said this with a firm tone. Did he know anything?

"What do you know?"

Huo Dongyang showed a shallow smile and did not answer.

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