Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1137: One Last Exchange

Chapter 1137: One Last Exchange

Caxellac hadn't really been too keen to rely on extracting the Null Life Essence within this world because it was much too little to make too much of a difference in the grand scheme of the fight; where it was currently, that was.

While it was indeed in the billions - meaning Replicus couldn't even store it all in his body and had to cast the excess in Beyrmir's Storage Units - the damage Caxellac had taken, mainly from having his very cellular make-up altered to emerald, his armour, in particular, would require a significant amount of that reserve to fix. His brand of healing was only simple when he didn't have to reconfigure his entire anatomy after all, and that of the complex armour. Said armour was the main reason Caxellac had been able to avoid certain death from Replicus' attacks - from the Fallen Reincarnator's Shadow to the Ju`wtte-enhanced punches - as well. It was efficient against soul attacks and any damage dealt to him was transferred to the armour, most of the debilitating effects that came with that damage forced to rapidly disperse. The armour also improved the Null Devil King's efficiency when expending Null Life Essence beyond his own capability to do the same, which was why he had been able to make do with the little amount he had.

Now that a significant portion of it was turned to stone, he had to fix it before most of its powers could be restored, which was quite an expensive affair.

As the massive form of Beyrmir flew down, the Fallen Reincarnator's Shadow in hand and the Sallow Face following after it, Caxellac wore a broad smile.

He looked at the masked creature.

"A rather fascinating creature. I confess, I was taken aback by that last attack. It defies most of what I think should be possible with just mana," Caxellac said.

Replicus chuckled. As the shadow of his Apostle was cast darkly over him, he obtained a monstrous sort of regality. When he explained the mechanics behind the Sallow Face's feat of creating duplicates of him, he expelled the air of wise hegemon.

"It's simple, really," he said. "A Majestic Territory allows its user to create tangible matter within it. It's not impossible to create minions, like you do. This beast simply conjured versions of me infused with as much power as it could muster, mimicking my abilities as best as it could, and expelled them from the Territory. You wouldn't know, but Mages are some of the most terrifying beings in this world, and this guy just so happens to be an accomplished one."

Caxellac nodded with an, "I see" and then proceeded to sit on the ebony waters below.

"I was right in the end," he continued. "I truly needed to get away from the world I knew. I know all there is to know about the Null Verse. Well, what's important, at least. When I was younger, doing my best to hone my skills - simple skills, really - in hopes of becoming an Authority, I was filled with so much ambition and curiosity. Obtaining the powers that I did - those that gave me Dominion over most things in the Null Verse - was a curse I never truly cured."

"There's a sort of ignorance that comes with age and a kind of enslavement that comes with power. It got to me, and made me start losing interest in the worlds I reigned over. I started losing interest in power because I had so much of it. Even though so many things have happened in the millions of years I've been thriving, I can't help but feel like I was never truly a part of it. Haha. Why am I even sharing this with you, I wonder?"

Replicus narrowed his curved eyes.

"Earlier, when you said to Serenity that many people have scoured the Null Verse, looking for remnants of the Warmoth's powers... You were one of them at some point, weren't you? It took me a moment to realise it, but you didn't just get grouchy because someone like me dared to face you, right? It just bothers you that someone outside the Null Verse got the powers of a myth you and many others idolised," he said.

Caxellac didn't reply. His facial expression didn't change either.

"Is that the real reason why you postponed your death?" Replicus added.

He had confirmed his suspicion when the Null Devil King had cried, "Match me!"

Time ticked by.

It was only when the fourth minute chimed that Caxellac spoke.

"It has been a widespread tale - a myth, really - that among the few who are believed to have escaped the Null Verse - other than a particular race of tome-wielding, corrupted seers, of course - the Warmoth was among them. It was rumoured that one of his hidden demesnes allowed him to escape the boundary of Serenity's treasure from time to time. I believe it. Ever since I took the seat that the Warmoth left behind, I also wanted to leave a mark in history by choosing to die... elsewhere, like him. To become a potent mystery to all." Replicus reeled.


One of the Warmoth's three dimensions, his legacy, led from to the outside world from the Null Verse?!

Serenity didn't seem to believe this piece of information. Replicus heard her harrumph from within.

"Is that so?" he said to Caxellac who looked up.

"Indeed. You'll find that old ones like me rarely have especially ambitious goals, haha. However, I would be remiss if I allowed myself to win or lose because of a mere time-limit," the Null Devil King said.

The timer prompted by the [Rune of the FIRST] was still active.

In truth, while it was still a strategic play that Caxellac hoped would work for him in the end, he never intended to rely on it. He only desired the boost it offered so that he could bring himself as close to his full power as possible in the battle.

Now that things had reached this point...

"I doubt you're satisfied with this result either. You yourself expressed a bitter distaste for having to rely on your Apostle instead of beating me on your own. Of course, its well within your right to use your Class, but I'd rather you face me alongside your minions," Caxellac


Replicus nodded.

"You're right about that. What do you propose then?" he asked.

The frosty Null Life Essence around Caxellac dwindled.

"One last exchange. A brief one. If the mighty Warmoth defeats me, I will die an infinitely better death. If he loses... well, let's hope he doesn't perish at least," he said, and the Bastard Sword of the Hedonist emitted a harsh, red energy like a thick, oily paint.

Replicus readied himself.

He had noticed earlier that the Null Devil King's sword was a Fond Calamity - a sort of Null Life weapon bonded to its user indefinitely.

Caxellac had been about to unleash its full power before, but had been interrupted when Beyrmir dragged him up with [Null Extraction].

Now, however...

"He's about to use it..." Replicus heard Serenity from within.

"What? The sword?" he asked.

"No. Caxellac is about to use his trump card. The most severe expression of Null Life Essence

- the pinnacle of power a Null Lifeform can obtain through nothing but sheer skill in manipulating Null Life Essence," Serenity said. "He's sacrificing the Bastard Sword to acquire enough Null Life Essence to perform it."

And indeed, as Serenity said, the Bastard Sword in Caxellac's hand started to disintegrate, and bits of it fed into him.

Of course, Caxellac didn't use whatever power he received to heal, even though Replicus felt his reserves of energy start to fill up to at least a third of their full capacity.

"The pinnacle of Null Life Essence, huh?" Replicus said, his four arms surging with mana.

Serenity had mentioned about this on their way here.

"Yes. Be on guard, Skullius," Serenity said. "But don't miss this chance to see it for yourself and experience it. I would prefer you retreat and lose to Caxellac's [Rune of the FIRST], but..."

"I know," Replicus said. "Growth. I can't grow without taking risks. My entire life here on Aigas has taught me that. Behind every tribulation is a lesson in strength, if I can survive it." Serenity would have smiled if she could, despite knowing the immense amount of danger


If this was the Null Verse, Serenity would have expected to see a few more than two hundred worlds obliterated at the hands of what Caxellac intended to unleash right now.

It was that potent.

Caxellac took in a deep breath while facing Replicus and his pasty, burnt and petrified face

turned serious.

Then he chanted: "Mors, Serene Grace..."

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