Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 129 Opening an art store in Dressrosa!

Chapter 129 Opening an art store in Dressrosa!

Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

(For those who wanted to support me to continue this great book and enjoy the advanced chapters)

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"Don't worry everything will be fine."

Rob gently patted Scarlett's head.

Previously, the little girl held her tears firmly when she was trying to save her father, but when she saw the man with a gentle smile in front of her, she couldn't hold her tears anymore.

Rob took the crying child in his arms and took her to her mother, who was still stunned by what was happening.

King Riku had been looking at Rob with astonishment ever since he entered the royal hall.

He knows this man!

What would a dangerous pirate like him do in his house?!

No, what's important now is that he is very grateful to Rob for saving him and his child, anything else is unimportant.

Rob turned toward the CP0 agents who were still frozen under his pressure, without being able to lift a finger.

After the pressure on CP0's chief eased, he could move with ease.

"I see that you want to protect the rebellious royal family, right?"

"Do you realize what you doing, Sky Sword?"

The only person who can speak despite the terrible pressure is the chief of CP0.

"Well, I'm protecting them, what can you do about it?"

CP0 chief: "..."

"You raised that leg trying to kick the little girl, didn't you?"

Rob pointed his finger at the left leg of CP0's chief.

Before the latter could comprehend what was going on, he felt a terrifying pain in his left leg!

Although he had great pain resistance, the pain of lightning striking in his left leg and making his veins burn, made him want to scream out loudly.

CP0's chief fell onto the ground while holding his left leg, trying not to scream.

"I've been watching this farce for some time until now, I didn't expect it to be scum for trying to kick a little child, that's just a small punishment."

"You all, take your friend and get out of here."

The moment the pressure of the conquerer haki disappeared from them, they rushed towards their injured chief and took him and vanished from the place with their tail between their legs.


Amid the peaceful Dressrosa kingdom, an art store came out of nowhere, astonishing the people watching.

The people from the World Government who were still building their branch of manga agency felt hate. Why seems to create such a big building so easily?!

No, it was just easy for their opponent.

So far the world government hasn't come up with a rationale for Rob's ability to get new art stores out of nowhere.

It was most likely the ability of Devil Fruit, but which Devil Fruit?

This was not yet known.

The scary thing is, how many devil fruits did this man eat?!

The ability of the Paper Fruit has been confirmed.

The ability of the Lightning Fruit was confirmed!

Only this fact turned the world government upside down in the past days after they got the news about Rob's fight against Whitebeard.

The World Government was terrified by this matter, it wasn't the first time someone had defied common sense and obtained two abilities, but every time this happened, chaos engulfed all corners of the world!

The point here is that the World Government cannot enter into physical conflict with Rob for a reason only the Five Elders know.

As long as the World Queen doesn't wish to disturb Rob, the World Government cannot do anything to him!

Rob is arguably the freest person on the seas right now.

Back to Rob,

"This is my art store, I think you've heard of it before."

Next to Rob stood King Riku, his wife, and their daughter.

The royal family's expression was filled with excitement.

After Rob saved them from inevitable annihilation they were so grateful to him, he became their eternal benefactor.

They didn't know why the agents of the World Government didn't dare oppose Rob, but it didn't matter to them.

What is important is that they survived the disaster and all thanks to this man who came to Dressrosa with a keen commercial intent.

Yes, Rob has come to Dressrosa to set up his art store here in this famous kingdom in New World.

Earlier, he had teleported from Ohara to Whole Cake Island.

He spent some time with Linlin, who scolded him for suspending One Piece manga, but he also earned praise for the good anime he started showing.

Linlin's personality was contradictory, so Rob just had to go along with her.

After Linlin learns that Rob fought Whitebeard into a tie, her attitude to him becomes more friendly.

Her desire to have sex with him also became more brutal.

If he hadn't run away he would have cheated on his wife today.

Next, Rob flew from Totto land towards Dressrosa which was relatively close.

The moment he reached Dressrosa he could sense a strong killing intent in the royal palace, so he arrived and hid nearby, he was watching the event from beginning to end.

Because of today's event, he realized that the changes his appearance had caused to the world were too great!

Had he not chosen to come to Dressrosa today, the entire Riku Royal Family would have perished today, and there would be no Violet nor Rebecca in the future!

There may have been a lot of changes he hasn't discovered yet.

But will Rob regret it?

No, this was a new world, changes were inevitable, so he would accept any change that happened, and he would save as many people as possible who were affected or would be affected by it.

Well, who would have thought that an evil person like Big Mom would become his ally one day, and she would like to give herself to him?

This is a kind of welcome change, there will be fewer enemies in the future and more powerful allies.

"Oni San! Rob Oni San! May I enter the store now?!"


Rob came out of his thoughts and looked down and saw the cute little girl Scarlet clutching his robe.

"Of course, you can come in, I made everything free for you inside, you can have fun, my little."

Since he saved her, she has been calling him "Oni San", maybe Rob was older to be her father, but to call him Big Brother made Rob happy.

"Thank you, Oni San."

Scarlet ran to her mother and she whispered to her what Rob had told her, her mother was so happy, then she took her daughter and went to explore what was inside this legendary store which is so praised by all who saw it.

King Riku stayed behind to accompany Rob.


The titles of the next three chapters! (?Spoiler?)












Chapter 130: Manga 'Heir of the World' releases its first volume! Disparate reactions!

Chapter 131: Heir of the World VS Bleach!

Chapter 132: The politique changes in Flevance!


BlackStar_BH NOTE:

For those who say chapters are short, I have to tell you, my novel's average words are 1200 words per chapter, I really didn't shorten chapters because I lost momentum or something, just last week, anime episodes and manga chapters updates have so much momentum because of that I could write a lot of words without stopping, so the chapters were long, but after getting past that, I reached a transitional stage of getting ready to skip time, so the words seemed to be few. that's what I want to say, the long chapters are still on the way.

So don't lower your support for me, there are still more surprises in this novel, we are still in the beginning. I need more from your power stone.


'Heir of the World' is the manga that will be authored by the World Government, which means it's my work and own diligence. No need to complicate matters, this is not a real manga.


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