Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 99 Destructive Battle! Two admirals vs two giants!

Chapter 99 Destructive Battle! Two admirals vs two giants!

Creating Manga Of One Piece On Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

(For those who wanted to support me to continue this great book and enjoy the advanced chapters)

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"Fleet Admiral, there is no one inside, the store is completely empty!"

After a salute, the Marine passed his report on examining what was inside the art store.

"Hmm? No one is inside? Is this confirmed?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Okay, you can go back."

Sengoku had a pensive look on his face as he thought.

"If they are not inside, where do you think they are? Could they have sensed our presence and they hid somewhere?"

Sengoku looked toward Zephyr who had said this with a disapproving look.

"Giants are hiding? Where did you hear that? Didn't you hear how proud giants are, it is impossible for giants to hide from an enemy."

"Uh...? Then it seems I'm wrong..."

Zephyr had an embarrassed look on his face.

"Yes, of course, you are wrong—"

"Gegyagyagya...! Did you hear that, Brogy?"

Suddenly, two giant shadows covered the sunlight from the place and caused many trees to fall, and scattering dust, it happened suddenly without warning.

"Gababababa! I heard it, he said it out loud, after all, were we in hiding, Dorry?"

Despite his loud laughter, the angry expression on Brogy's face betrayed him.

The two giants appeared from the backyard of the art store within 50 meters, completely outside the influence of the store's power.

Zephyr and Sengoku both looked at this in astonishment, very quickly the marines who were still outside dispersed and turned back behind the main force just as the Fleet Admiral ordered.

"They are really here."

"That guy's manga has some credibility."

"Remind me of refusing anyone by the name of Nezumi who wants to join the Navy."

Zephyr looked at his old friend with astonishment and laughed at his last line.

That rat Nezumi had appeared in the manga and his appearance had caused a huge negative effect on the Navy, if Smoker had not appeared and removed a little of that effect, the Marines wouldn't even be able to raise their heads when they go out on missions.

One Piece manga became like a noose around their necks, they no longer dared to offend Rob so that he wouldn't be so hard on them in the manga.

"Of course, I'll remind you, if I find out there's someone like Nezumi I'll crush him before he even thinks about joining the navy, don't worry."

"Have you heard of the World Government's Truth Search Project?"

"Truth Search Project?"

"What's the point of you coming here, Marines?"

Dorry's voice disturbed the scene, interrupting Sengoku and Zephyr's conversation.

"Gababababa! They seem to speak comfortably without regard to our presence, after insulting our pride by accusing us of hiding, they still underestimate us, Dorry... What do you think?"

Brogy's anger this time turned into an evil spirit visible in the air.

"Let's talk later, Zephyr."

Sengoku looked at the two giants and moved forward slightly.

"The red ogre, Brogy, the blue ogre, Dorry... Captains of the giant warriors' pirates, 100 million bounties for each of you, bounty from 74 years ago, you have caused fear and terror to the world even before my birth, I have neither right nor seniority to belittle the race of proud giants, there is no need for all this anger."

His words seemed to echo all over the place, Brogy and Dorry felt Sengoku's sincerity so their anger subsided a bit.

"Hmph! It's good that you know."

His title of the sage admiral was not for nothing, Sengoku paused for a bit before continuing to speak.

"The question of pride needn't be discussed, because the pride of giants rivals the sky itself, but that doesn't change the fact that you are criminals and wanted for justice, we have an arrest warrant today, and you must follow us quietly."

"In the name of justice, we are here today to capture the red ogre, Brogy, and the blue ogre, Dorry."

Brogy: "..."

Dorry: "..."





The earth shook and cracked, and sparks of collision attacks flew into the sky.

A destroying island level battle has begun hours ago, between two admirals and two giants.

A giant ax collided with a black fist and a frightening and horrific shockwave spread out, uprooting many trees.

Brogy gigantic body curved by a third and approached the ground due to Admiral Zephyr's fearsome attack.

The gigantic ax that followed him centuries ago contained many crevices, this was undoubtedly the toughest battle he had ever been through.

His friend Dorry was in no better condition.

Beside his stomach, Sengoku on his golden 'Buddha' form was unleashing horrific attacks that made Giant Dorry spit blood, his sword was already broken.

"It is useless to resist, you have already fought for two hours, this record is impressive enough to raise your bounty by leaps and bounds to over 500 million berries, why don't you give up now, we don't want to kill both of you."

Sengoku was truly a vile person, his words showing an air of kindness that seemed like a heavenly law, this was the effect of the mythical zoan devil fruit, Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu.

In Rob's previous world, this negative effect of the Devil Fruit might not have been known even to Rob himself, but it is real.

The mythical zoan cannot be measured by common sense, it has sky-defying peculiarities.

Both Brogy and Dorry seemed to lose some resolve when they heard Sengoku's hypnotic words, but nonetheless, it wasn't enough to defeat the will of the proud giants.

"Gegyagyagya! You must be kidding, Marines! With just this little power, impossible to subdue us, you should kill us and take our corpse with you if you can."

"What that comrade Dorry says is true, we still have a role to play before we think about leaving here."

"Allowing the Son of Destiny to continue his journey in peace, that is our role!!"

It seemed as if rabid spirits possessed the giants, their screams shook the heavens and the earth, the bodies of Brogy and Dorry glowed with red and blue light respectively.

Their aura rose to a dangerous level as if they were ready to throw an overwhelming combined attack.

A level of strength truly frightening, to the point that the expressions of Zephyr, Sengoku and the Vice-Admirals present all changed toward expressions of terror.

"Hurry up, enter the art store! Except for the Vice-Admirals, everyone needs to hide!"

As soon as he heard the words of the Fleet Admiral, the marines ran to hide in the legendary store, its walls were sturdy enough to protect them from everything, this was recognized by the world government.

Dorry wielded his broken sword once more, and Brogy also held onto his cracked ax even more tightly.

"It seems that my sword and your ax cannot hold out until that day arrives, Brogy."

"No! Their duty has only advanced a bit, that's it, their weapon spirits will stay with us until that day to carry out their duty even if we only use wood sticks!"

"You are right!"

Brogy's red aura and Dorry's blue aura intertwined together and concentrated their combined strength on the troublesome marines group, the Admirals and the Four Vice-Admirals.

They would have been terrified of messing with the mightiest Elbaf warriors!

Their robes flew with the wind and they were able to stand up again vigorously, despite their miserable and bloody state, their eyes carried a glint of undying confidence, the power of giants ran through their veins, a power that would make even the most powerful in this world bow in honor.

The two giants took a deep breath that sounded like a hurricane was dragging into their mouths, and swollen veins appeared on their arms, a sign of an approaching horrific attack.

An attack that brings with it the true power of Brogy and Dorry, can't be compared with what appeared in the original when breakthrough the huge body of Islands Eater.

"It's kinda scary..."

"Get ready to defend with all you have!"

Sengoku transformed into Daibutsu again, he had to defend with all his might, they really underestimated these giants, but it's okay, no matter how strong they were they had to fall here today.

They had 2 admirals and 4 vice-admirals, in the face of overwhelming power no matter how much they resisted, be would no sense.

[Daibutsu- Palm of Mercy!!]

Sengoku's hand turned into a huge golden palm the size of a giant's body, and he was sure of his strongest defensive card.



The giants shouted in the name of the Giants race trademark attack and attacked with every drop of their strength and stamina, the eruption of the volcano that marked the beginning of their battles was every time, a sign of their combined attack against the enemy this time, the volcano erupted announcing the emergence of the strongest attack in their quiver giants.

The sky thundered and the earth shooked, two cross blades a kilometer high, hundreds of meters wide, and in different colors (blue and red) shot out.

A combined power made the sky turn dark.

The island was split from the beginning of the attack to the arrival point, where it collided with a giant golden palm, and here the world lost its light again.

A horrific explosion occurred, like the explosion of a nuclear bomb, Little Garden Island turned into horrific chaos, which was about to be cut into two little gardens instead of one little garden if the attack on Sengoku Daibatsu's palm had not been stopped temporarily.

Sengoku sweated as he tried to stop the attack with all his might, but in the end, he couldn't stop it completely, the terrifying slashing attack slipped from his palm and crashed into them all, and continued towards the sea.

The island was divided into two parts.

The little garden was transformed into two little gardens, only a small part remained attached, it looked like scissors being partly opened, the hunt skeletons of Brogy and Dorry drifting apart, each on its own small island.

One Vice-Admiral died!

The other three were seriously injured!

Zephyr sustained minor injuries!

Sengoku's anger reached the sky this time.

The two strong giants fell on the ground without the ability to move.

This was the end of the battle.


The titles of the next three chapters! (?Spoiler?)







?Chapter 100?: Scaring the shit of marine goddess! Rob's arrival!

Chapter 101: Expelling Fleet Navy Again! The Annoying Mihawk!

Chapter 102: Big Belly! 6 Months Pregnant! Fighting Mihawk!

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