Cultivation: When you take things to the extreme

Chapter 105 - 74: Transaction_2

Chapter 105 - 74: Transaction_2

Chapter 105: Chapter 74: Transaction_2

Translator: 549690339

“Cultivating the Thunder Skill, how luxurious of you. Do you possess a Thunder Spiritual Root? That is an anomaly among Spiritual Roots, one in ten thousand!”

“Without a Spiritual Root, don’t even think of cultivating. The heritage of Thunder Skills is priceless, while a Thunder Species Spiritual Root has a price but no market!”

The crowd was abuzz with discussion, but it had nothing to do with Xu Yang.

Following the woman upstairs, they arrived in a quiet room.

“This is Spiritual Tea, a special product of Spirit Rain Mountain. Please enjoy, esteemed guest!”

Yun Yan brewed a pot of Spiritual Tea and respectfully poured him a cup.

Xu Yang accepted without hesitation, raising the cup to drink, “I’m here to do business. ”

The statement seemed somewhat abrupt.

But Yun Yan was no ordinary individual, she instantly understood the subtext and immediately smiled, “This humble girl understands. What does the senior require? White Dragon Island will spare no effort to satisfy.”

The words ‘White Dragon Island’ were slightly emphasized in her speech.

Xu Yang smiled and without further ado, he pulled out four Storage Bags and placed them on the table, asking, “How many Spirit Stones can these fetch?” “Allow this humble girl to inspect them first.”

Yun Yan reached for a Storage Bag, her Divine Soul scanning its contents, and quickly came to a conclusion.

“Golden Toad, a supreme grade defensive Magic Artifact, shattered into pieces.

Material recycling value of three hundred Spirit Stones!”

“Golden Toad Bead, a high-grade offensive Magic Artifact, largely intact, valued at one thousand three hundred Spirit Stones!”

“Black Dragon Fork, a high-grade offensive Magic Artifact, largely intact, valued at one thousand one hundred Spirit Stones!”

“Mysterious Water Sword, a high-grade offensive Magic Artifact, largely intact, valued at one thousand one hundred Spirit Stones!” “Green Jade Sword, a medium-grade offensive Magic Artifact…”

“Black Dragon Nail, a medium-grade offensive Magic Artifact…”

After appraising, Yun Yan set down the first Storage Bag and said to Xu Yang with a smile, “The total comes to five thousand nine hundred and twenty-three inferior grade Spirit Stones. Given the bulk, I’ll round it up to an even six thousand Spirit Stones. What do you think, esteemed guest?”

Xu Yang nodded, “That’s acceptable, quite fair.”

“Our White Dragon Island always prioritizes fairness and honesty, no deceit to young or old!”

Yun Yan smiled, then took the second Storage Bag, finding it full of consumable items such as pills and talismans.

Xu Yang timely remarked, “I don’t recognize all these pills and talismans. Please appraise them first before we discuss the sale.”

Yun Yan cast a glance at him, then understandingly set about appraising the items.

“This is a Yellow Bud Pill, which replenishes Mana and accelerates cultivation!” “This is a Qi Restoring Pill, which replenishes Yuan Qi and heals injuries!” “This is a Detoxifying Pill, which can expel toxins and purify the body!”

“This is a Mysterious Water Pill, containing Mysterious Water Power, useful for those practicing water-related Cultivation Techniques or for water element spiritual pets!”

“This is Kui Water Thunder, crafted from the energy of Kui Water. Though not a true Thunder Technique, it has explosive effects, especially in water combat, greatly enhancing its power.”

“This is…”

As expected of the chief steward of White Dragon Tower, she swiftly appraised all the various pills, talismans, and consumables in the Storage Bag.

Xu Yang nodded and kept all the pills that could aid in cultivation and enhance his prowess, as well as some defensive talismans. He pushed everything else forward and said, “Sell all of these.”

“Very well! ”

Seeing this, Yun Yan simply smiled, not surprised.

Indeed, there was no need for surprise. The force of Thunder Skills was such that he didn’t need any other offensive means. Keeping pills that helped in cultivation and improved Cultivation, as well as some defensive talismans, was enough to show confidence in his own mastery of Thunder Skills. It also suggested he was a solitary Cultivator, dedicated to arduous practice.

Otherwise, for these consumables and previous various Magic Artifacts, even if not for personal use, it would have been a good choice to bring them back for his family, Sect, or subordinates. There was no need to trade them away. “These pills in total are worth three hundred and thirty-six Spirit Stones.”

After setting aside the pills that improved Cultivation and defensive talismans, there wasn’t much left, certainly not as much as the previous Magic Artifacts.

Robbing Cultivators, those with strength, indeed amass riches through plundering, but they can’t just plunder without any expense. Once Spirit Stones are obtained, they must be quickly converted into combat power.

Hence, Robbing Cultivators invest heavily in Magic Artifacts, as this directly affects their work efficiency and safety.

Take The Three Scourges of White Dragon, who had a supreme grade Magic Artifact, three high-grade Magic Artifacts, as well as numerous medium and inferior grade Magic Artifacts. Their wealth was comparable to a typical Foundation Establishment Cultivator.

This demonstrates just how lucrative their line of work is.

Of course, the risks are great too.

And now, that trio is finished.

Yun Yan picked up the third Storage Bag and then showed a look of surprise, “What is this…?”

“Just a bit of Spirit Rice I grew myself.”

Xu Yang smiled, “Please assess.”

“I didn’t expect the senior to be skilled in agriculture.”

Yun Yan in turn became more relaxed and assessed, “This is White Jade Rice, a tier one Spirit Rice, beneficial for enhancing Qi Blood and strengthening the physique, totaling five thousand six hundred pounds… valued at five hundred and sixty inferior grade Spirit Stones.”

“Ten pounds per Spirit Stone, that’s not bad!”

Xu Yang nodded and then brought out some Yellow Beam Rice, “And these?”

“This is…”

Yun Yan took one look and was astonished once more, “This is Yellow Beam Rice, which aids the Divine Soul and is a special type of Spirit Rice occurring from a mutation of White Jade Rice. The fair price per pound is ten Spirit Stones. If the senior is willing to part with it, I can offer twelve Spirit Stones per pound.”

“Ten Spirit Stones per pound?”

Xu Yang pondered for a moment, then said, “We can cooperate again in the future.”

“That is acceptable.”

Hearing this, Yun Yan didn’t show much concern, and reached for the fourth Storage Bag to check its contents, finding an assortment of miscellaneous items.

“Is this the Searching Immortal Order of the Green Jade Sect?” “This is a seed of the Green Snake Vine.”

“This is an identity jade token of a disciple from Red River Valley.”

“This is… a Passage Order from our White Dragon Island..”

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