Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 108

C108 – Don’t Talk about This Woman in front of Me

Yin Xu emerged from his meditation, greeted by the dimness of nightfall permeating the room, devoid of any illumination.

Undeterred by the darkness, he discerned another presence. “Why haven’t you lit the lamp?” he inquired.

A sigh emanated from the shadows. “Forgot,” came the response.

Yin Xu rose from the bed, traversing the darkness to reach Teng Yu’s side, whose body exuded an icy chill from his prolonged vigil.

Seating himself beside Teng Yu, Yin Xu removed his shoes, nestling against his back, transferring warmth in increments.

Teng Yu pulled him closer, his hand slipping beneath Yin Xu’s clothing to caress his supple form, jesting, “I wish I could detach my hand and affix it to you, sparing you the need to part.”

Observing Teng Yu’s light-hearted demeanor, Yin Xu shifted the conversation. “I’m famished. Why hasn’t dinner been brought?”

“I dispatched them earlier, assuming you were still asleep. When would you like to dine? Shall I summon them?” Teng Yu called out, “Men!”

A response echoed from beyond the door. Teng Yu issued instructions, prompting swift action from the attendant.

“Where’s Han Sen?” Yin Xu’s ears caught the unfamiliar voice outside, puzzled by Han Sen’s absence.

Han Sen and his son were indispensable aides to Teng Yu, perhaps even more trusted than himself. Yin Xu’s mind flitted darkly over this father-son duo.

Suppressing his unease, he addressed Teng Yu, “And?”

“Yes,” Teng Yu replied tersely, withholding further details.

Escorting the emperor mandated a select few Dark Guards at Teng Yu’s side, negating the need for additional personnel. Only eight imperial bodyguards accompanied them.

Yet, this arrangement burdened Head Steward Han with myriad responsibilities. In the heavily fortified palace, those lacking martial prowess found mobility restricted.

Yin Xu speculated on the palace affairs’ connection but remained uncertain about today’s revelations.

“Hunting postponed?”

“Indeed, news arrived that an envoy from Luo Qiu arrived unexpectedly, prompting an expedited return.”

Yin Xu doubted the Consort Rong’s pregnancy compelled such haste. “Why rush back with a scant envoy?” he mused.

“It’s rumored they’ve brought the Second Princess, signaling reconciliation. Even for the late Grand Princess, the Emperor must show restraint.”

Yin Xu rolled his eyes. “Yet, tomorrow, I intend to venture into Shenlu Mountain’s depths. The royal family guards it year-round.”

Teng Yu always carried the medicine Yin Xu had gifted, testament to his faith in Yin Xu’s alchemical prowess.

“If you desire it, let’s depart tonight, leaving a note. Tomorrow’s gossip will attribute my absence to disquiet over Consort Rong’s pregnancy, befitting my character,” Teng Yu proposed.

“You’ll join?” Yin Xu hesitated, mindful of the complications Teng Yu’s presence posed in the wilderness.

“Alone? Do you truly think it feasible?” Teng Yu’s voice lowered, nibbling on Yin Xu’s ear, evoking hidden desires.

Yin Xu arched an eyebrow, pressing closer to Teng Yu’s chest. “If you insist. But if confronted by peril, don’t fault me for failing to forewarn.”

Teng Yu recalled the unsettling scene at the unmarked grave, pondering its significance. While the night had lacked horrors, the eerie ambiance lent an air of peculiarity to Yin Xu’s actions.

Yet, Shenlu Mountain lacked a second unmarked grave. Apart from hunting and foraging, what else could Yin Xu pursue?

As their meal arrived, illumination finally graced the room, casting light upon their late repast.

The table groaned under meat-laden dishes, cooked in various styles. Their recent feasting would necessitate a lengthy respite before enduring another bout of excess.

Soon after the meal, an emissary arrived to deliver the emperor’s summons, requesting Teng Yu’s presence.

Donning fresh attire, Teng Yu issued a stern warning to Yin Xu before departing. “Until my return, you are not to venture out alone!”

Yin Xu nonchalantly nodded, though his eyes betrayed a hint of mischief.

Unaware of Yin Xu’s subtle reaction, Teng Yu resolved to bring him along next time, had he noticed.

Stepping outside, Teng Yu’s demeanor underwent a dramatic transformation. Sporting a sly grin, his gaze softened, resembling nothing more than an ordinary dandy.

Despite Lu Shan’s northern location, its architectural style mirrored that of southern pavilions, owing to its mountainous surroundings. Its intricate designs stood in stark contrast to the austere structures of the north.

The emperor’s main court, akin to Lanxin Palace, boasted the sole palatial structure within Lu Shan, a testament to the emperor’s fondness for it. Imperial Consort Yun relished her annual visits, owing to this particular preference.

Teng Yu strode into the Emperor’s study, casually querying, “Why did Royal Father summon me? I heard you’re departing for the capital tomorrow. I, your son, haven’t had my fill.”

Emperor Dechang, absorbed in sketching, would recognize his mother’s visage even without Teng Yu’s proximity. However, the rough rendering failed to capture her essence entirely.

Yet, he comprehended why this man remembered Empress Liu’s features vividly, despite her passing.

Were it not for Consort Rong, her memory might have faded entirely.

After a brief interval, the emperor set aside his brush and beckoned Teng Yu. “Come, have a look. Zhen hasn’t depicted your mother in some time; they may appear unfamiliar to you.”

Glancing casually, Teng Yu shook his head. “Not quite right. Mother’s eyes should be narrower, nose straighter, lips fuller. Why labor over this?”

Though labeled as his mother, the portrait bore striking resemblance to Consort Rong. Unintentionally, he’d blurred the lines between the sisters, rendering them distinct.

The Emperor scrutinized the drawing before sighing. “Indeed, Zhen’s brush has grown rusty from disuse.”

Teng Yu inwardly lamented, “Is my memory truly fading?”

“Was I summoned merely to view this painting?” Teng Yu reclined in his chair, growing restless.

Witnessing his demeanor, the emperor chastised him. Midlife regret over the First Prince’s shortcomings lingered; perhaps, proper upbringing might have positioned him against the Yun Family.

“Undoubtedly, you’ve heard of the recent palace events. I summoned you to advise caution, particularly in your interactions with Aunt Rong…”

Before the emperor could finish, Teng Yu shattered a bottle, the resounding crash echoing through the study.

“Do not mention that woman in my presence! Inform her that if she wishes to safely bear children within the palace, it’s best she remains confined to her quarters!”

“How dare you!” The emperor seethed with rage, his face crimson. If not for his seated position, he might have risen to strike the insolent youth.

“It is my indulgence that has allowed you to cultivate such a vile disposition. How do you reconcile this behavior with the memory of your late mother?”

Teng Yu’s anger surged, his eyes blazing red. Clenching his fists behind his back, he struggled to contain the tempest of fury brewing within.

Yet, this rage was fleeting, suppressed by years of practiced restraint. Swiftly composing himself, he lifted his head with a sneer, retorting, “Does His Majesty truly believe I would acknowledge that woman’s offspring? How preposterous!”

“Teng Yu! Do not forget your station. I have tolerated your antics, but I never imagined I would foster such audacity. Do you comprehend how often I must rectify your missteps?”

“Your words have grown tiresome.” Teng Yu impatiently dug at his ears.

“Have you considered the consequences of your actions? How long will you remain blinded?” The emperor’s disappointment was palpable.

Internally, Teng Yu sneered: Let him become formidable, and the emperor’s ire shall know no bounds.

“I have committed no wrongdoing, hence there’s no need for introspection. Identify the author of the report, and I shall confront them myself. I shall ascertain my alleged transgressions.” Teng Yu’s smile was a facade.

The Emperor exhaled wearily, gesturing for Teng Yu to depart. “Leave! Upon your return to the capital, confine yourself to the mansion for three months. Any deviation will result in forfeiture of your princely privileges!”

Teng Yu stormed to his feet, his expression sour. “Then why not confine me until that woman’s offspring is born!” With a dismissive flick of his robe, he stormed from the chamber.

Once beyond the courtyard’s confines, Teng Yu shed his angry facade. Rubbing his face, he muttered, “Seems I’ve taken quite a fancy to this child. I wonder if Imperial Consort Yun’s scheme will succeed this time.”

With no heir in sight, Teng Yu harbored suspicions. Alas, concrete evidence eluded him.

Evidence aside, Imperial Consort Yun possessed unparalleled influence within the palace, a testament to her mastery of intrigue.

On this front, he owed a debt of gratitude to Imperial Consort Yun. Without her interventions, he’d have faced countless rivals and obstacles.

Night descended, cloaking the Third Prince’s quarters in darkness. Even the palace attendants dozed fitfully.

A faint creak announced a door’s stealthy opening, swiftly followed by its discreet closure.

Yin Xu affixed an Invisibility Rune to himself and Teng Yu before proceeding toward the mountain’s rear.

Teng Yu remained on edge throughout the journey, unable to shake the feeling of unease. His gaze often drifted to the simple talisman adorning his chest, incredulous that its enchantment rendered them unseen.

This was too amazing!

He had anticipated some formidable technique, given the person’s rumored invisibility skill. Yet, it proved to be nothing more than a piece of parchment.

Truly astounding!

Returning from the main courtyard, Yin Xu lay at the table, engrossed in drawing talismans. With bold strokes of red cinnabar ink, he intricately crafted four within two hours.

Teng Yu trailed after Yin Xu, his head spinning, until he clumsily collided with a tree.

Under Yin Xu’s amused gaze, Teng Yu scratched his nose, querying, “If others can’t see me, why can you? And why can I see you? Are you certain we weren’t spotted just now?”

Unperturbed by Teng Yu’s perplexity, Yin Xu retorted with a question, “Do you think you’d still be free if they had?”

Teng Yu tentatively touched Yin Xu’s face, confirming his corporeal presence. He pinched Yin Xu’s cheek firmly, reassured by his genuine reaction.

“With this, I’d be invincible, wouldn’t I? Where can’t I go?” Teng Yu chuckled.

Yin Xu wagged a finger. “How naive! Firstly, this talisman only conceals itself, not its surroundings. Did you notice the birds scattering when you laughed earlier?”

Teng Yu chuckled awkwardly, feeling exposed.

Yet, who could blame him? Yin Xu always defied expectations.

Merely a mortal, Teng Yu had only encountered such tales in books. When mythical occurrences befell ordinary folk, even the most composed would falter.

“Secondly, crafting this invisibility talisman isn’t a simple task. It drains my mental fortitude. Think drawing these talismans isn’t exhausting?” Once trivial to the Demon Lord in his previous life, now, as a mortal, Yin Xu lacked such spiritual vigor.

Teng Yu scooped him up, hastening forward. As a chill breeze swept past, Yin Xu protested, “What are you doing… Put me down quickly…”

“Aren’t you fatigued?” Teng Yu interrupted, stifling Yin Xu’s complaints with a pat on the backside.

Yin Xu wriggled, feeling faint, and conceded, “Teng Yu, release me. I can barely breathe…”

Hastily complying, Teng Yu released him, but Yin Xu recoiled, wiping his lips, “You…”

Teng Yu pecked his lips again, “Don’t be vexed. How about I carry you?” Squatting, he offered his back to Yin Xu.

Bathed in the moon’s gentle glow, Teng Yu’s back offered a soothing respite. Despite feeling embarrassed at being carried by a man, Yin Xu couldn’t bring himself to refuse, gazing at Teng Yu’s determined form.

Perched on Teng Yu’s back, Yin Xu mused inwardly, “This is just a one-time concession due to fatigue.”

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