Chapter 125

125 Chapter 125: Nameless family.

“You don’t trust people much, do you?” The old general said with a raised eyebrow.

“Unless given a good reason to trust, I see no need for that...” Alex answered with a sigh.

The old general only sighed in response. He couldn’t blame Alex for growing up to become this way. This is the type of world he was exposed to. It’s only natural things turn out this way.

His eyes were pinned on Alex and he remained silent for a while before speaking.

“Let go of everything else... If we survive this war, I will like to secure you as an asset... my generosity means you owe me and because of me, I believe you won’t turn your back on this country... Also, I request you take Blaze with you. He is hot-headed but he is talented. I strongly believe joining forces with you will help him learn a thing or two” General Firestorm said calmly.

Alex shook his head in refusal. He didn’t believe someone would have so much faith in his future without substantial evidence. At best he would be stronger than most Briggs but that shouldn’t be enough for this old general to invest so much in him.

“I may not live up to your expectations” Alex said slowly.

“You are the one who said a relationship shouldn’t be built on lies. You may be able to fool everyone but I know you are more capable than you look... you have secrets but they are not mine to uncover, and neither do I plan to suppress them... I will give you the resources to grow faster, in exchange I only ask you to protect this country and stay loyal to it... many have invested in it... many have died for it... I cannot let it fall now, especially at a crucial time like this” General Firestorm said with a stern look on his face.

Hearing this Alex was stunned but he wasn’t too shocked by this revelation. It was easy to tell something is off when they see the battlefield where he and the tiger tier mutant beast fought. He didn’t bother since no one had any solid evidence to prove anything.


What shocked him was the implication behind General Firestorm’s words. The United States is at a critical stage right now. With the rise of the Culture in Africa, the God sect in Japan, the Immortal palace of China, the regime of Russia, and other powerful groups springing up all over the world, the country’s position as the world superpower is at stake right now.

The need for more powerful and talented guardians is needed to secure their future but this also pissed Alex off. The country is in this situation because those at the top have always found a way to suppress the younger ones without significant background.

How do they expect to compete with other countries?

Alex sighed at the thought and looked away. The old general was suspecting he had secrets and he couldn’t blame the man. Not every D-rated human can fight a B-rated guardian and survive twice!

Not every C-rated human can battle a tiger threat level beast and survive to tell the story. If he were General firestorm who meets a youth shrouded in mystery, he would make the same bet.

“Alex...” Tracy muttered.

The look in his eyes already made his decision. Clear. This is the opportunity he needed and all he has to do is perform well in war and survive. Saying it that way may make it look simple but Alex has always believed that great rewards come at high risk. This is only a natural process of life.

“I need this... we need this” Alex said in a soft tone as he ran his hand across her smooth face.

“Inform Jason to prepare for the birth of a new family...” Alex said calmly.

General Firestorm and Tracy seemed to be excited by his words and they couldn’t help but ask.

“What do you plan to call this family?” They asked.

“Nameless... Alex said. Since we lack a name it means we can accept everyone no matter the background, the culture, the belief, or religion! Nothing at all...” Alex said thoughtfully.

His words stunned the rest since they weren’t expecting such a name. At first, it sounded strange but after thinking about the reason behind the name they found it reasonable and accepting.

In the blink of an eye a week flew by and all the D-rated recruits had to be sent back to the military academy while the C-rated ones remained behind to undergo special training.

While Tracy didn’t want to leave Alex behind at a time like this, she also knew it was necessary since the entire state of Virginia was about to become a complete warzone.

Meanwhile, Alex began going through the list of recruits in the base. He needed to form a small special squad of his one with not more than five members.

He could have easily picked the members of the big four but that’s not what Alex wanted. He needed a team he would work it long after this war. A team that will become the core members of the Nameless family.

With the help of the annoying old general, it wasn’t difficult to get more information on every recruit present, surprisingly he found many with different backgrounds but only a few caught his attention.

“And we are back to square one again” Alex said bitterly as he looked at a file with a family picture tagged to it.

The picture belonged to Silver!

No matter how much he wished to move on without his old friend, he knew if he wanted to bring out the best in the nameless he would need this guy. In his opinion, the trying times that will come after this war when he declares his new faction can only be overcome with Silver by his side.

“I guess I have no choice but to make my move” Alex smiled bitterly as he picked up his phone while gazing at the five files selected.

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