Devil’s Music

Chapter 108: Drop The Beat!

Chapter 108: Drop The Beat!

As Geon's live performance reached its conclusion, a man in the hushed audience, who had clenched his fist from the beginning to the end of the song, finally relaxed his tense arm and broke into applause.

"Clap, clap, clap, clap."

Gradually, the onlookers, who had initially offered evaluating gestures with a haughty expression, began to join in one by one. Soon, the applause spread throughout the entire venue.




Philip, glancing at Norman with an astonished expression after witnessing him lean back in his seat, chuckled. Vinnie and Rex also let out discreet laughter as they observed Norman's reaction. Philip, raising one hand toward the cheering audience, grabbed the microphone and shouted.

"My friend, who is watching us from above. I sing for him. Let's go!"

In the subsequent live performance lasting about an hour and a half, the audience was truly immersed in ecstasy. Norman, a critic, was particularly astonished by Philip's vocals. When Geon unleashed sharp guitar sounds, Norman's expression transitioned from amazement to standing up from his seat in awe.

After receiving an encore four times, a rare occurrence for a U.S. band performing in the UK, the members returned to the waiting room. Despite entering the room with bodies drenched in sweat and exhaustion, all of them had bright expressions. The next day, the well-known British broadsheet 'Telegraph' featured an article.

**<Article Title: Self-Reflection on Prejudice>**

The author had previously written negatively about the U.S. rock group PANTERA's visit. After attending the live performance with the assumption that their sound wouldn't be as good as before due to the death of Dimebag Darrell, the author felt significant disappointment in his own prejudices. PANTERA was just as they used to be, or rather, they returned even more powerful than during Dimebag Darrell's lifetime.

Philip Anselmo's screaming vocals and Kei's guitar, which felt like being slashed with a razor blade, were more intense than before. Especially, Kei's guitar performance, taking over from Dimebag Darrell, made the author reflect on his past arrogance. The author apologizes in this article for his arrogant previous writings about them. The guilt peaked when footage of an interview with Dimebag Darrell from his lifetime surfaced.

Of course, what initially surprised the author was not PANTERA's live performance but Kei's debut stage playing songs by the British rock group Bush. The author was captivated by them from the first stage, and during the actual live performance, he was so excited that he never sat down once. Any rotten tomatoes he had intended to throw at them, he would eat himself. So, if his prejudice and arrogance can be forgiven.

**<Music Critic Norman Lebrecht, December 3, 2017>**

While on their way back to the U.S., the members, reading the article that came out, exchanged hearty laughter and high-fived each other. Geon also enjoyed the moment with a happy smile. After that, PANTERA gained great popularity on the European stage, and each time, they could read Norman Lebrecht's favorable articles.

After completing three tours in the U.S., the members and staff threw a party. It was both a celebration of the tour's success and a farewell party as they would now part ways with PANTERA. Philip, who had gotten drunk early on, was being dragged around by Geon as he struggled, and Geon managed to lay the heavily drunk Philip on the hotel bed before looking out the window.

The full moon outside the window appeared exceptionally beautiful. Geon sat by the window, resting his chin on his hand, reminiscing about the dream-like tour with PANTERA. From meeting the inebriated Philip in Seattle for the first time, to preventing Philip from playing instead of the indie guitarist at Crocodile, memories of the practice room where they met Vinnie and Rex, and the guerrilla tours in Korea, to the crisis situations faced in China – all of these moments brought a smile to Geon's face.

"Another memory has been created. Thank you so much for letting me meet such wonderful people. Whoever you are."

A broad smile spread across Geon's face as he gazed at the moon.


Geon returned to his Manhattan home after the extensive tour with Pantera. Though Philip was disappointed, Geon finally let go, acknowledging there was much to learn as a student. Vinnie and Rex exchanged greetings multiple times, promising to stay in touch. Lynn returned to China. Despite efforts from American companies to recruit Lynn, she firmly declined and left for China.

After a day of rest at home, Geon went to school the next day and visited Sharon's office. Of course, he had his face covered with a hat and mask.

*Knock, knock*

"Yes, come in."

Sharon, checking student evaluations in her office, was taken aback. It was because a stranger with a covered face had entered. As Sharon reached for the phone to call security, Geon raised both hands, revealing himself by removing the mask.

"Oh my! Kay!"

"Haha, it's been a while, Professor."

Sharon stood up abruptly, hugged Geon, and gestured for him to sit on the sofa.

"It's been a while, sit here. Coffee? Tea?"

Geon chuckled, remembering something Sharon had said before.

"Coffee, please. Haha."

Sharon, with a warm smile, poured coffee from the pot and spoke.

"I saw the news. You had an amazing tour. Really impressive."

Geon nodded slightly and replied, "Meeting good people made it even more enjoyable. Philip sends me texts every day, haha."

Sharon placed the coffee in front of Geon, saying, "Sit down, enjoy. How about Marilyn Manson's news?"

Geon smirked a bit and said, "No, actually, I arrived home yesterday. I was too busy with the tour to pay attention."

Sharon laughed and said, "That band hit number one on the Billboard rock chart with 'Sad Devil Gamygyn.'"

Geon, slightly surprised, asked, "Really? Wow, congratulations. I'll give them a call later."

Sharon showed Geon stills from the music video of 'Sad Devil Gamygyn' on her smartphone, saying, "Kay's appearance had a great marketing effect. Also, Team Button's film did well. The re-release of the film attracted three million viewers in the U.S. Who would believe that?"

The passage is well-written overall, but I've made a few minor adjustments for clarity and fluency:

Geon, pleased with how everything had gone, smiled broadly. Watching Geon's satisfaction, Sharon remarked, "It's already winter break after the summer vacation mission. Time flies."

Geon chuckled and asked, "How did I do this semester?"

Sharon stood up, walked to her desk, and handed a document to Geon, saying, "Why ask? It's an A-plus. Other students worked hard too. Fabio Marchetti from the guitar department, who helped in Kay's studio class, even performed with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra."

Surprised, Geon replied, "Really? Fabio? That's impressive."

Sharon tapped her index finger and explained, "Impressive, but it's a relative evaluation. No one can beat Kay's score. Resurrecting the legendary band Pantera and replacing the genius guitarist Dimebag Darrell is something."

Geon playfully shrugged and said, "I'd like to show a more confident side than a humble one, but you're putting gold on my face, haha."

Covering her mouth, Sharon laughed and asked, "What are your plans for winter break? Planning to cause trouble somewhere again?"

Geon raised an eyebrow and said, "Trouble? I'm not in puberty, haha. I actually want to study something I've been wanting to during this break."

Sipping her coffee, Sharon inquired, "Study? What are you going to study? Music?"

Geon nodded and explained, "I want to learn the CuBase program a bit."

Sharon raised an eyebrow and said, "CuBase? Computer music software? Why all of a sudden?"

Geon played with his coffee cup and said, "Why not? Just thought it would be interesting. I don't want to set musical limits for myself. I want to learn programs that allow me to compose, much like learning various instruments. Actually, the reason I came to see you today is also to get introduced to someone who can teach me."

Sharon expressed disappointment as she spoke, "What? I thought you came because you missed me?"

Geon looked puzzled at first, but seeing Sharon's playful expression, he burst into laughter.

"Haha, of course, Professor. Seeing you is the first reason I came, and what I just mentioned is the second reason. Haha."

After Sharon put down the coffee cup, she rested her chin on her hand and spoke with a thoughtful expression.

"Hmm... CuBase... Well, there's no one at Juilliard who handles such a program, so it's a bit tricky. Uh..."

Waiting for Sharon to ponder for a moment, Geon quietly waited for her to continue. When Sharon stopped and seemed to hesitate, Geon waited for her to make a decision.

"Um... It might be possible with this person, but we're not very close personally, so I'm not sure if he'd be willing to help. I met him only once at a church in Compton during a tour, and I got his phone number."

Geon raised both hands, showing his palms, and said, "Don't force it. If it doesn't work out, I can just go to a music academy."

Sharon, looking at Geon with a stern face, said, "A Juilliard student going to another academy to learn music? That's unacceptable."

Geon grinned and, as if waiting for it, Sharon pressed the call button on her phone.

"Hello? Oh, hi. This is Sharon Isbin. Do you happen to remember me?"

"Yes, yes. It's been a long time. I apologize for calling out of the blue. Could you take a call?"

Observing Sharon's polite conversation, Geon quietly listened to the contents of the call.

"Oh, well, I have a student named 'Kay,' and, uh... Oh, you know him? Yes, yes. He's the student who was the music director for the Scissors Hand band. Do you remember?"

"That student wants to learn how to use the CuBase program. I called because I'm not within the range of what I can teach, and I wanted to ask for your help."

"What? Directly? Are you not too busy? Even if you don't do it yourself, would you mind recommending someone with engineering skills? Oh, okay. Okay. I understand. Then, I'll send the student to you. Thank you so much for agreeing to this sudden request, Mr. Young."

"Yes, let's have a meal next time. Yes, yes."

After Sharon hung up the phone, she sighed and put the phone down.

"I had a hard time asking someone like him. I'll have to treat him to a proper meal later, Kay."

Geon chuckled naturally and asked, "Sure! Of course. But Mr. Young? Who is he? Is he a professor?"

Sharon covered her ears with her hand, closed her eyes, and shook her head. Unable to understand the meaning, Geon widened his eyes. When Sharon opened her eyes again, she said,

"Andre Romelle Young."

Geon raised his head and asked with a smirk, "Andre Romelle Young? What does he do?"

Sharon took out headphones from her drawer, showing them to Geon as she spoke.

"He's also known as the 'Doctor Dre' of American hip-hop."


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