Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 178: It’s unfortunate. After all, I have few friends.

Ch 178: It’s unfortunate. After all, I have few friends.

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There you can find 18 chapters in advance. Thanks to my patrons and to those who comment on the chapters. It means a lot to me and motivates me to continue this hobby of mine.

And, of course, thanks to everyone who reads this novel.


Jean stood with the spear in his hands. And Marc opened the steel pool. Both very coordinated performed their part. From the way they moved and what they did, it seems likely that they did these things so often that they knew them by heart.

When the steel pond was opened, a light blue, slightly see-through aura came out of it and surrounded the whole workshop.

"This is... Mana?"

"Concentrated Mana to be exact. Now silence, we will start the process."

'Concentrated Mana? Why does it sound so familiar?'

After thinking about it for a few seconds, I managed to remember.

[Healing (Ex) Lvl 4] [0|3]

[Upgrades 0|3]

[To upgrade to the next level, the following materials are necessary: (Concentrated Mana) (Golden Leaf) (Apple of Life)]

'There it is... one of the materials required to improve Delia's Healing (Ex) magic. Will they be willing to sell any of it?'

After his words, Marc moved away from the pool filled with concentrated mana to give space to Jean; the latter approached the pool and carefully deposited the bone spear inside it.

As soon as Jean was done putting the spear in, Marc quickly went over and covered it. He also moved some nuts to press the lid to the pond and seal it off from the outside, which stopped the mana from escaping.

I thought we would just have to wait, but then the steel pool began to glow. Dozens of magical symbols appeared on the steel, moving slowly as if they possessed life.

"Because it is made of bone, its properties are based on death, but it also has a connection to life."

As he speaks, Jean brings his fingers close together and moves the magical symbols in a specific order, forming a phrase. As it was formed, it quickly disappeared into the sea of magical symbols.

"The blade at its end signifies piercing and possesses a connection to the air, but the threads behind it imply the opposite."

Similarly, Marc moved the magical symbols around to form a phrase that vanished as soon as it was formed.

'Those magic symbols, what did they mean?'

As I instinctively look at them, their meaning appears in my mind, but the duration of this phenomenon is even less than milliseconds. In just one instant, the meaning appears, and the next, it disappears. It is impossible to be able to concentrate on one of them as different ones attack me at the same time.

The archer brothers must have spent a lifetime in front of the steel pool in order for the meaning of those magical symbols to be retained in their minds; they are so elusive that not only their meaning but also their appearance is difficult to remember.

Both of them continued to form sentences over the steel pool, and their relaxed and casual attitude disappeared completely.

In front of me, there are two masters skilled in imbuing weapons.

Time passed until the symbols disappeared and the steel pool returned to its initial metallic gleam.

With great care, Marc loosened the nuts and released the lid under pressure, and again the mana escaped from the pool, causing a translucent, light blue aura to appear in the workshop. Then, Jean removed the spear from within and placed it gently on an anvil.

*Crisp* *Crisp*

Emir: "!!!!"

'Those magic symbols on the spear... They're the same as the sentences they formed!'

Different symbols floated above the spear, moving swiftly back and forth. From time to time, the symbols rubbed against each other, generating sparks. But rather than a fight, it seemed that the rubbing formed inseparable bonds.

"This is the first time in a long time that I feel my work is flawless and free of errors. I can't wait to see the change in the weapon," Jean said, wiping the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.

"If I could replicate this feeling, I am confident that my arrows would produce a higher yield at a lower cost. And their shapes would change completely, creating the look I have always dreamed of" Marc observed the spear with sparkling eyes.

They completely forgot that they had been working with their brother, and their eyes remained fixed on the spear. They did not lie when they said that they were waiting with great longing for the fruit of their toil.

The bonds between the symbols grew by the second, until the last of them joined this network. It was at that moment that...The spear began to glow.

A blinding light that illuminated the dark workshop for a split second.

When we came to our senses, the light disappeared, but in return... a new weapon appeared in front of us.

Three big threads were woven together to make the bar. Before, the threads' texture and color were like that of a bone, but now they look the same as white gold. And the little threads that were previously a few centimeters away from the blade, which were tilted backwards, completely changed direction.

Now 8 threads whose appearance is not different from white gold lean forward towards the beginning of the blade, and it is there that an incredible phenomenon occurs. The 8 threads glow slightly, expelling a celestial aura. This aura is caught by the blade which is constantly surrounded by it with no apparent end.

'From what I can tell, the mana surrounds the blade indefinitely.'

[Boar Spear Armor (Imbued with Magic)] [(Rock+) (Feather+) (Celestial Chalice+)]

'No… It can't be! Wait a bit! Didn't merging two runes into the same weapon create its '+' version? How is it possible for its + version to be found in three different runes? and in the same weapon!!! Technically it should be impossible!'

Jean: "..."

'- My Holy God Solus...'

Marc: "..."

'- My Holy God Solus...'

'My Holy God Solus… How was this possib... Ah, right. As expected from someone with 60 points in luck. Hm, for now...'


The two hypnosis scrolls were consumed, and the brothers' eyes lost their glow.

'Haa... You can't blame me. I just fear that in their drunkenness they will end up talking too much, and then the information from this spear will end up in the wrong hands.'

This spear will be shown to the public, but only when Delia is in trouble. Also, just because something is extravagant doesn't imply that it's strong. Many people will think it's just a decorative weapon, because it's impossible for mana to surge indefinitely in a weapon! I still can't even believe it myself!

What makes this spear so special is its change; only those who have seen the before and after of the weapon will understand its true potential.

"After removing it from the concentrated mana pool, the spear changed its texture from bone to white gold. Everything else remained untouched; and its shape remained the same as before. Understood?"

"Yes, sir''

Only when they nodded did I manage to relax.

After storing the spear in my inventory, I gave the final order.

"Wake up"

Once their eyes returned to normal, with a smile from ear to ear I handed them each a gold coin.

"Thank you! That's just what I wanted! Here's what I promised..."



'Haa… those reactions are the same ones they had the first time I paid them for the bow and arrows. Haa... if they were more trustworthy men, I wouldn't have resorted to hypnosis to shut them up; I would have simply befriended them. It's unfortunate. After all, I have few friends.'

"Then I'll say goodbye. Thank you for everything."

"Ah... You are still here… yes, yes, goodbye," Jean waved his hand without encouragement.

"Mn, bye" Marc didn't even look at me.

'These guys.'

As soon as they got the money, their attitude changed completely. And they returned to the same behavior they displayed when I first came with Alessia.

"Ah, right. Before I leave, I wanted to ask you guys... Do you sell any concentrated mana?"

"Dream on," they replied in unison.

Emir: "..."

'Hey! don't they remember who gave them those gold coins? Is it okay for them to treat a potential customer like that? Because I almost certainly won't be coming back to this place ever again!'

Being careful not to step on the bows lying on the floor, I somehow managed to get out of the shop. Only when I got out of the house of the archer brothers did I deactivate the [Luck] profile.

I don't want to get used to this luck because I'm afraid that my attitude will become as relaxed as my parents'. They see danger as something fun. That's why they sent me out of the house with a bronze sword after all.

Until my status points are plentiful enough to afford me the luxury of keeping the luck attribute at high levels, I must improve my instincts.

It is only by feeling danger that I will grow.


After riding my stupid horse away from the capital and turning on the Space Travel magic, I drag the horse through the illusory gate while moving forward.

"Haa, the Solitary Temple"

The sky is already orange and the sun is about to set. This scenery, mixed with the dilapidated temple in front of me, gives it a special taste. It is because of this that, despite everything, once a year the believers of Denir city come to pray in this place.

*Swish* *Swosh*

I was leading the horse to the small stable when I saw Delia training with her spear in the backyard. From the sheen on her skin, and the beads of sweat falling down her skin, she must have been training without a break.

Emir: "..."

From morning until evening, she has been casting magic to heal the wounded from the war. And now when she finally got home, instead of resting, she is training with the spear.

'The religious people are too dedicated for my taste... I must twist this Saint a little more to make her freer.'

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