Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 181: It looks even worse than collecting materials!

Ch 181: It looks even worse than collecting materials!

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And, of course, thanks to everyone who reads this novel.


"Hm? Is Alessia not at home?"

After searching all over the house, I managed to find her.

*Swish* *Swosh* *Slash*

Alessia is training in the backyard.

"Wind Slash!"

After her shout, her body moved nimbly.

1, 2, 3, and 4 moves are performed at breakneck speed, almost leaving afterimages. No one would be able to block such an attack, since there is no class that is 100% dedicated to increasing Agility.

Only the higher classes might have a chance to do something about it.


At the very moment of activating the skill, there was a change in her appearance. It seemed that time stopped around her, with her being the only one who could move in this slowness.

In a split second, her body became a blur, and then the position of her hands changed places. Although I couldn't see what she did, I am sure it was a sword slash fast enough that the human eye couldn't catch it.

Once her ability was deactivated, I entered the courtyard.

"Did you like my gifts?"

It was only upon hearing my words that Alessia noticed me.

"More than liking it, I am impressed. Magical objects that granted abilities were a well-kept secret. But for someone like me, it would be impossible to corroborate the veracity of these... Or so I thought. Who would have thought that I would not only discover the truth but also personally experience it?" With a broad smile, she said, "Thank you, master"

'- But the bigger question is... Where did he get them from? because… even with his money, they are hard to find. Haa... I'll ask him another time.'

'Um. Why do her glances seem to be hiding something?'

"You're welcome... Once I use the magic items on myself, we'll go to war. Just wait for me for a bit" Saying this, I removed the same items I left on her bedside table yesterday.

"Huh?! You haven't used them yet?" Alessia was surprised.

"No, because I also heard that their activation sometimes fails. If that were the case, I would have given you this one," I said, waving the magical item in my hand.

Alessia: "!!!!"

'- Is he willing to give me such precious objects without even hesitating?' Alessia opened her eyes wide in shock.

'Well, with this, she won't ask about their provenance. I can tell by the look on her face.'

Now, then, it is true what I said. There is the possibility of failure. Not for nothing both guilds had some spare items and didn't spend them all immediately. Plus, such items can't just be handed over to anyone.

In their hands, they would simply end up gathering dust. The conditions are so difficult to meet that the guilds are unlikely to use them in the near future.

With a magic object in each hand, I broke them. At first glance, they looked as hard as stone. But when I had the intention of breaking them, they coordinated and broke easily.

[You have acquired the unique skill: Wind Slash Sword Style]

[You have acquired the unique skill: Breathing Sword Style]

It's quite rare to see messages in the user interface. Normally, these only appear when I press buttons; they rarely do so for my actions in daily life.

As for the success of its activation, I think I know why this is.

'There must be a hidden requirement. It is likely that a certain number of points in some stats are required, as well as having a sword-related class with a certain minimum level.'

Me and Alessia, who have our status completely modified, easily met the conditions. So I just wanted to gain Alessia points by saying that last sentence.

[Wind Slash Sword Style] [0|3]

[Unique skill belonging to a four move style sword. Improves agility during all four moves]

[Upgrades 0 of 3]

[Enhancement Conditions: Understand 30% of the mysteries of the technique]

'Huh?! it doesn't need any materials?! Wait wait wait! Doesn't this mean I should work even harder?'

After all, it looks even worse than collecting materials!

[Breathing Sword Style] [0|3]

[Unique skill belonging to a Sword Style that improves perception for 3 seconds and restores a portion of energy]

[Improvements 0 of 3]

[Enhancement Conditions: Understand 30% of the mysteries of the technique]

'God! Don't do this to me, I want the materials system back! It might be tedious, but once I get the source of the materials, I can harvest them en masse! Ahh, calm down, calm down. Let's think... Why did the system change? I just checked the other skills, and they all require materials. Why do these skills deviate from the norm? What's so special about them?'

A theory comes to mind in response to the question.

They are abilities that come from a magic item. As a result, they are more accessible than those obtained through classes.

While it is enough to break this magic item to obtain its ability, it is logical that there is an impediment to prevent its mass use.

'Well, this explanation makes a lot of sense of this whole situation, and now I feel like I've gotten a little closer to the truth.'

"Master, were you able to acquire the skills?" Alessia asked, a bit worried.

'Ah, right. Ever since I destroyed the magic items, I've been keeping quiet. Alessia must have assumed that something bad had happened to me.'

Smiling, I said, "Wind Slash."

My body felt a sudden force growing inside it, a force that at the same time was warm but also uncomfortable. My body wants to release this force at any cost!

Without stopping it, I followed my instinct.

*Swish* *Swosh* *Slash* *Swosh*

It's amazing to be able to move at such speed without my body suffering the consequences; this is something I've only been able to hear from the higher classes. Holy Knights and Sword Saints can all perform movements that would be impossible for a normal human.

But here I am performing the same feat.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

Hearing Alessia's clapping, I came back to my senses.


As soon as I activated the skill, Alessia's clapping stopped-... No… to be exact, it's still going; it's just that my perception improved to the point that I saw her movements in slow motion.

Before the effect was over, I performed a slashing movement.


'Ouch ouch... Did it hurt?! Why?!'

While I asked myself the question, the skill's duration was up. As soon as this happened, Alessia's clapping continued, but it stopped the next second.

"That look... Are you wondering why it hurts to move?"

'Right, Alessia has practiced with this skill before, so she must have come to a conclusion.'

"Unlike Wind Slash, it appears that the Breathing skill does not protect the body from sudden movements. When moving at such speed, it is to be expected that the muscles will be affected. But this brings up new possibilities, such as... Can I move in such a way that it doesn't hurt? Or... Do my muscles hurt because I moved the wrong way? Just thinking about it gives me goose bumps! These are very profound abilities!" Alessia smiled happily as she narrated her findings.

Emir: "!!!!"

'They really are very powerful abilities. If we manage to level them up, I suppose that no one will be our match.'

With adrenaline coursing through our veins, we turned them on... again and again. Each time this happened, we shared our discoveries. Until we remembered something very important...

"We were going to war!"

We both prepare for departure, but then I see Alessia's determined look.

'Ah, right, the time has come for Alessia to accompany me in my activities.'

With an apologetic tone, I said, "Could you go back to teaming up with your friends?"

Alessia: "..."

'- Didn't I join the war to accompany him? So far, I've done anything but that!'

'Yup, I understand you, Alessia. But with the matter of my revenge, I haven't gone to Commander Cael to deliver my daily contribution. I have to prove my patriotism to avoid being seen as a spy.'

"Haa... Fine! but it will be the last time, okay?"

After letting her know my concerns, she nodded.

"Thank you for understanding."

"You're welcome," Alessia said, smiling.

It's great to have a partner who understands you once you explain your reasons. I wouldn't want to be with a cloying woman who always wants to be with me. For example, Melisa.

"... Space Travel."

The illusory door appeared in front of us.

"Your friends are one kilometer east of the mission’s board; if you go that way, you'll find them immediately."

"Eh... and how do you know that?" Alessia said, squinting her eyes.

Emir: "Ejem… Instinct"

Alessia: "..."

'Ugh, I always tend to use the map for these things without a second thought… I don't know if it's a bad habit or a good one, not telling her the truth... But the truth is that I'm running out of excuses.'

Luckily, Alessia is so used to the actions of her bad master that she went back to her usual attitude after a few seconds.

After kissing us goodbye, she walked through the illusory door and disappeared.

"Haa... Victor must have reported me to Commander Cael…" I scratched my head.

Actually, that's my biggest concern. I was about to assassinate him, after all. It would be unusual if he didn't report what happened to his superiors.

Sighing, I traveled to the rear army, impersonating the Golden Archer.

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