Divorced My Scum Husband, Married His Evil brother

Chapter 722 722

Everything turned black for Vincent. He thought he was hallucinating because his body felt too light, so light that he felt numb all over.

His mind got blurred because of the endless parroting in the room.

People called him nonstop and asked the same questions he couldn't answer because of Chloe.

She was the problem of everything in his life. If only he didn't fall in love with her back in high school, he would be an amazing man with a submissive wife who would do everything for him by now.

Chloe was the one who changed him and also the one who ruined him. 

'This is all because of you… Chloe Gray…' 

That was Vincent's last thought before he lost consciousness completely.

"MR. GRAY!!"

Everyone in the room, and people who watched this broadcast, was shocked when they saw Mr. Vincent Gray faint after being bombarded with questions. 

The moderator panicked and yelled, "Medic! Call the ambulance, hurry!" 

The staff quickly surrounded Mr. Gray to stop people from filming him, and the broadcast went wild when plenty of bodyguards yelled, "BACK OFF! MR. GRAY NEEDS SPACE TO BREATHE!"

The live broadcast was cut short when there was a little scuffle between the bodyguard and a cameraman.

Everyone who watched the live broadcast on the TV was still trying to process what was happening, and Chloe was also one of them.

She was actually surprised by the result of Vincent's press conference. She watched the live broadcasting with Vernon by her side, waiting for Vincent to explode angrily and yell at everyone. So everyone will know his true color. 

But fainting was out of her calculation. 

Vernon observed Chloe's expression and asked, "Are you surprised by the result?"

"Of course! I didn't expect him to faint," Chloe replied. "I just expected him to scream and yell, probably going violent towards the reporters as well."

"Well, it doesn't matter. What's important is that Vincent already embarrassed himself in public," Vernon said. "The fact that he cannot answer the question, and got a panic attack to the point of fainting, already proves that he is guilty. I'm sure that the public also has the same opinion as us."

Vernon kept on staring at Chloe and noticed that Chloe didn't seem to be too happy about this. 

He frowned.

He thought that Chloe would rejoice after seeing such an embarrassing condition Vincent had right now. He was a laughing stock in the public, and this would just worsen as people would see him as an abusive bastard and a good liar since he could fool the public with his perfect gentleman persona.

"Love, do you not like it?" Vernon asked. "I feed those reporters with a few information about you and Vincent, just enough to make them start questioning many things during the press conference."

Chloe stayed silent while staring at the static TV.

"I am happy, Vernon," she replied. "I just… didn't expect him to faint like that. It reminds me of myself. When I was with him, I fainted a lot because he often abused me physically and mentally. He'd shock me with his outrageous behavior and I often fainted out of despair."

"This is the first time I saw him in the receiving end, and I feel guilty to admit that I actually feel happy when I saw him like that," Chloe bit her lower lip and then turned her head to look at Vernon. "Do you think I'm evil because I like seeing him in that condition? Should I be sad about it? Should I pity him?"

"Wha—of course not! You shouldn't pity him at all! Do you not remember what kind of horrible shits he did to you?" Vernon snapped back. He grabbed Chloe's hand and wrapped it tightly as if he didn't want to let go. "Don't ever think about pitying that bastard, Chloe. He deserves to suffer!"

"O—Okay," Chloe was surprised by Vernon's sudden overreaction. "I didn't feel bad nor do I pity him. I'm just unsure, how can I be so cold to someone? I've never been this mean before, and it makes me a little uncomfortable."

Vernon sighed.

Of course, Chloe would feel uncomfortable doing all this cold-hearted stuff to take someone down. Vernon felt joy when he saw Vincent fainting during a live broadcast just because of a question he couldn't answer.

After all, Vernon was used to fighting with other businessmen through callous methods. He wasn't a stranger to the difficult life of scheming and ruthlessly taking down a business rival.

Unlike Chloe, she was just a normal housewife who longed for a normal happy life, which she couldn't get for the past ten years.

But she had to get used to this. The revenge against Vincent was still ongoing, and Vernon would not stop until he found that bastard under the bridge, begging for spare change.

"You're not mean or cruel, Chloe," Vernon assured. "Just because you feel vengeful towards one person, doesn't mean that you are evil, especially when that person is the one who abused you for ten years straight."

"So please…" Vernon slowly loosened his grip on her hand and put her palm on his chest, "Please stop feeling guilty about Vincent. Let him suffer, he deserves all the misfortunate that happened to him. Remember that his downfall is the only way for us to be together."

Chloe nodded.

"I'm sorry for being a little hesitant," Chloe said. "You're right. He deserves to get all the misfortune in his life. He has done enough damage to us and everyone around him."

Vernon was relieved that Chloe seemed to have been certain about this. Though the chance was close to impossible, he was still worried that Chloe would think about returning to Vincent if that bastard begged in front of her.

After all, Chloe had a very soft heart. She might forgive Vincent after all the horrible abuses she got from him.

'I won't let them meet again,' Vernon thought. 'I have to make sure that Vincent will never be able to contact Chloe anymore.'

"So, what will you do after this, Vernon?" Chloe asked as she decided to throw this small guilt in her heart for revenge. "The public opinion is already stacked against his favor, and now that he fainted because of a simple question he can't answer, there is no doubt that his reputation would plummet, alongside his stock, right?"

"You're right. It won't take long for the Gray company to crumble," Vernon confirmed. "The stock has plummeted, and he has almost zero business partners because I've snatched them all. But of course we need to watch our back. We can wait for about a month to see everything unfold."

"One month?" Chloe frowned. "But isn't it good to file for divorce right now? After all, everyone's opinion is already against him."

"No, it's not enough," Vernon said. "He still hasn't lost everything. He may lose the company, but he also inherited tons of inheritance from my late father. We need to destroy that too, so he will end up in the street."

"Then how are we supposed to do that?" Chloe asked. She knew that Vincent would still live a luxurious and comfortable lifestyle because Vincent inherited all the accumulated wealth of the Gray family. 

Vernon smirked, "I have. My own way, of course. I have a perfect person to turn him completely insane. Just trust me, okay?"

"Okay then…" Chloe nodded. She was unsure what was in Vernon's mind and what kind of plan he brewed after this.

She had done all the things she had in mind. Chloe basically destroyed Vincent's reputation and also his company. It would be difficult for him to recover after this.

But it seemed that Vernon's wouldn't stop until Vincent was six feet under. 

Vernon wanted Vincent to truly suffer for the rest of his life, mainly because he already knew that Vincent treated him as a dog instead of a brother. Vincent was just as horrible—if not even more horrible—than Dorothea.

However, that wasn't his strongest reason.

His greatest reason had always been Chloe.

He wanted to have Chloe all for himself, including marrying her to make it official.

'And I will stop at nothing as long as I can have her,' Vernon vowed in his heart. 'I don't care how many lives I have to destroy. How many schemes I have to go through. I have to make sure that Chloe is mine, and that's all that matters for me.'

Meanwhile, Chloe was also thinking about something;

'Is it wrong that I'm actually happy with Vincent's suffering? I felt nothing but joy when I saw him faint, and I certainly want him to suffer even more,' Chloe thought. 'I hope I won't have to do this kind of thing to someone else. I don't like this malicious feeling in my heart.'

'The revenge against Vincent has to be the first and the last cruel action I did against someone, then after that, I can finally obtain my complete freedom,' Chloe looked up to stare at Vernon and added, 'And stay with the man that I love and loved me back.'

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