Divorced My Scum Husband, Married His Evil brother

Chapter 725 725

Chapter 725 725

"Wait—WAIT! NO! CHLOE! DON'T LEAVE ME! CHLOE! CHLOE!!!!" Vincent screamed at the top of his lungs. But she didn't stop no matter how many times he shouted, trying to stop Chloe from leaving with Vernon.

In fact, she didn't even look back, signaling that she had moved on completely from Vincent.

"No, wife… Chloe… no… don't leave me…" Vincent screamed for too many times that his throat became parched. He could only murmur her name as he realized she was gone.

Chloe Gray, his wife, was gone with another man.

And that other man happened to be his little brother.

This was the betrayal that Vincent never expected. It was like a nightmare that he refused to stay. He'd rather die if this were his truth.

"Why is everyone leaving me? I know I made a mistake, but I can always be better…" Vincent murmured. "I can be a better person, I promise."

Vincent repeated that last sentence many times but didn't understand how to be a better person.

In his mind, he was always the best in everything.

He was raised as a Young Master. He was praised, admired, and adored by everyone around him. Even his late father told him that he should not settle for less. He needed to be one of the most powerful men in New York. He needed to bring the Gray family to the public, giving them a good image of a rich but generous family.

He was always successful in everything in his life.

So when things came crumbling down, he panicked and had no idea what to do in this dire situation.

But he knew that he wasn't an idiot. Though he might've lost the company his late father worked hard to build, he still had his brain. He could build another company from the ground up, even if it'd take a while.

So money, power, reputation, and everything else wasn't that important for him in the end.

The most important one was his wife.

He couldn't live knowing his wife had left him for another man. It made him so angry, yet so hopeless.

"I will do anything, please come back to me, Chloe…."

Vincent was trapped inside this darkness for a long time until he heard the voice of his beloved wife calling his name repeatedly.

"Vincent… Vincent… Vincent!"

Vincent lifted his head. He looked around desperately, trying to find the source of the voice.

"Chloe, where are you? CHLOE!"

"I'm right here!"

Vincent then saw the sight of the malnourished version of his wife running towards him. She was so thin, with only skin and bones. She had a very pale face, frail body, and even her hair wasn't as luscious as the Chloe that Vernon brought just now.

Vincent's heart was aching when he saw Chloe in such a state. He didn't know what had gotten into him, but he finally realized that that it reminded him of their wedding day.

The day when he fell in love with his wife all over again.

Chloe was so much better when she was healthy.

A healthy version of Chloe looked glamorous, gorgeous, so gorgeous that it reminded him of their wedding day.

The day when he fell in love with his wife all over again.

And also the day when he decided to destroy her.

But that didn't matter.

He vowed to make things better. He wanted Chloe to be healthy and spend as much time together as possible with her and their daughter.

Chloe ran towards him with her frail body. She looked pitiful, and Vincent couldn't help but call her name, "Chloe! I'm right here! Please hug me and never let go!"

He began to call her name frantically as she got closer and closer to the point that she was about to hug him.

"Chloe! CHLOE! CHLOEEEE!!!!"

"CHLOE!" Vincent yelled before he opened his eyes after that. His heartbeat was beating restlessly while he stared dazedly at his bedroom ceiling.

He was unblinking as he tried to process what was happening just now and then realized that it was all just a dream.

'It's just a dream…' Vincent thought. 'Everything is just a dream. Thank God, Vernon and Chloe didn't end up being together. Thank God, that I still have a chance to make amends with my wife.'

Vincent bit his lower lip as he stared at the ceiling for a long time. His eyes began to pool with tears as he remembered the content of his dream—or in this case, his nightmare.

He didn't know what was worse, to wake up and realize that he had missed the embrace coming from his malnourished wife.

Or to be stuck in a nightmare and realized that Chloe and Vernon ended up together and would get married soon.

That nightmare was so horrible that Vincent preferred not to live to see that happening. He'd rather die.


Again, he murmured her name while staring at the ceiling. The tears that pooled at the corner of his eyes streamed down and wet the pillow.

He knew his love for Chloe was doomed when he decided to destroy her.

But at that time, Chloe was just so stunning on their wedding day. She was so bright and beautiful and became the source of everyone's attention.

Every male guest in the venue secretly drooled at her, wanting to strip her naked because she was so damn gorgeous.

And Vincent got angry instead.

He was angry at those men who dared to look at his wife as if she was a slut. They couldn't wait to fuck.

And he got even angrier since Chloe didn't seem to mind the attention of those men.

She kept being her usual cheerful and kind self, greeting and conversing with almost every guest present, whether it was a man or woman.

And Vincent was so jealous he couldn't wait to lock Chloe in their bedroom, making sure that nobody could see an inch of her skin.

She was too beautiful, so Vincent had to ensure that Chloe was too ashamed to show an inch of her skin so that she would stay covered all the time.

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