Dressed As the Heart of a Paranoid Boss

Chapter 947: fairy made a mistake

  Chapter 947 The fairy made a mistake

"hate me?"

  The man's deep and hoarse voice seemed to have been destroyed, and it carried a faint and terrifying aura.

   "Is this annoying?"

   "Ye Xian, who am I to you?"

  Ye Xian heard his creepy voice, like a wolf king transforming, and was so frightened that he just wanted to cry.

  Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Why did he suddenly lose his sense of reason?

  In the past, I still listened to her anyway, so I wouldn't be so disrespectful!

  She said without hesitation, "You are... a shameless werewolf!"

   "I am your man, your husband, your lifelong lover."

  Bo Ting corrected her with deep panting, and buried her in her fragrant neck, sucking bursts of her seductive body fragrance, as if her tendons were about to burst.

   "Baby, I really can't take it anymore." His arm holding her was getting tighter and tighter, as if trying to melt her into his bone marrow, "Do you really want to see me suffocated to death?"

  Ye Xian heard his voice slowed down and softened, his low profile was inexplicably pitiful, and the alarm bells rang in his mind.

   This trick again!

   Don't believe it. She believed in his evil a few times ago, and believed that he would be fine if he didn't do anything else. She nodded, but the consequences were unimaginable...

  He has gone straight from being a pitiful little boy to a ruthless monster, so there is no room for you to beg for mercy!


   If he can't do it, he has to do it, he has to kill her today.

  Bo Tingshen lifted the quilt, pressed her under his body, kissed her lips, and gestured with both hands to tear her clothes off.

  Wen Yan's curious voice came from outside the door.

   "Xianxian, Xianxian, have you changed?"

   "Are you still in the cloakroom? Is there something inappropriate? Auntie can adjust it for you!"

  In the darkness, Ye Xian's big clear and bright eyes opened to the extreme, and a whining sound came out of his mouth.

   Then, there was no more movement on the bed.

  At the moment when the crazy wolf was about to act, he heard a vague voice, "President, my aunt is here..."

  The sky and the earth returned to calm in an instant, and the man's brain buzzing and filled with chaotic currents seemed to be short-circuited.

   With a 'bang', disillusionment.


   Even in the darkness, Ye Xian seemed to be able to feel how dark and terrifying his face was at this moment. He should want to kill someone, right?


   "Sao Ao Rui~"

  Her fingers were like a happy bird on the quilt. Just as she was about to slip away, the man held her down firmly, and almost gnashed her teeth in her ear, "Ye, Xian, are you kidding me? You want to die."

   "Hey, are you still addicted to the wicked first?"

  Obviously he was the one who was caught in the original form, and he was also the one who suddenly fell in love. Now you say she is playing with him?

   "When will it not work, why not choose this time."

   "Hey, listen, is this something that can be said by a top student in Massachusetts? Can I pick the time for this matter? I don't want to, and it's not just now, it's just that I just remembered..."

  As she talked, she was proud of her 'aunt', "Then if you are not afraid, you can continue."

   "You think I'm afraid?"

  Ye Xian was genuinely frightened by his words, for fear that he would take the lead now and really destroy humanity, so he didn't care about it.

   "Wrong, wrong, I was wrong, don't..."

  As she spoke, she listened to him painfully regulating his breathing, rubbing her like a big dog for comfort, and seemed a little pitiful indeed...


  She gently stretched out her hand and patted him on the back. Young people must learn to endure, calm down these excellent qualities, not be dominated by hormones, and get rid of vulgar interests...

"take away!"

  The man's cold and terrifying voice suddenly startled Ye Xian.

   Then, the light came back to her eyes, and the quilt flew up, and when it fell, she only saw the stalwart figure of the man who was extremely restrained to leave.

   "Shoes on."

   "..." Ye Xian, "Oh."

   There seems to be something wrong with him...

   But it's all like this, and I still didn't forget to tell her to keep warm, which made her feel a little guilty. Why did he suddenly become so strong? She didn't do anything, didn't she just discover his secret? Shouldn't a normal person's reaction be shame and anger?

  Wen Yan was waiting patiently at the door of the cloakroom, when she suddenly saw Bo Tingshen walking out of the room, she asked suspiciously, "Tingshen, when did you come up?"

  He ignored her, walked into the bathroom with gloomy eyes, and closed the door heavily.

   "What's wrong with this kid...?"

  Wen Yan walked towards his room strangely, when Ye Xian heard her voice, he quickly got up from the bed, and hurriedly put on his shoes.

  As soon as Wen Yan entered the door, Ye Xian hurriedly got up and said to her with a smile, "Aunt Wen~ I forgot to tell you just now, I didn't change in the cloakroom, but in the president's room."

  Wen Yan saw that she was wearing a cheongsam, and Pingping curled up and walked over, her eyes shone with incomparable amazement for a moment, and she was so amazed that she didn't even say a word.

  Willow waist and full breasts, naturally charming bones, graceful and graceful, glamorous and incomparable.

   Is this a fairy from which palace in the heaven made a mistake and was punished to go down to earth? How can it be so beautiful?

When Wen Yan was young, she was famous in the Imperial City for her beauty. She boasted that no one could compare her beauty, and even the top beauties in the entertainment industry were ignored, but now she felt... even if it was her beauty Peak, standing in front of her now, is three points inferior.

  She is so beautiful that she is a little at a loss. How can she see the half-vibrant, lively and lovely appearance of 'Ye Shen'.

   "Xianxian, you are so beautiful!"

  Wen Yan couldn't help but went up and hugged her, "Now I finally understand why you want to enter the entertainment circle disguised as a man."


  Ye Xian was taken aback, did she know that she had chased after Jiang Wanze? How to explain this?

   "If you dress up as a woman, I don't know how dangerous it is, and how many wolves you will provoke."


  After saying a word, Ye Xian glanced at the door of the bathroom, as if he knew why the president did that just now.

  She said that she couldn't wear a cheongsam...too sexy.

   "Auntie, this cheongsam is pretty, but I don't think it suits me..."

"It fits! What doesn't fit? It's so beautiful!" Wen Yan looked up and down with satisfaction, as if it was tailor-made for her, "I must be envious that you are used to wearing loose men's clothes, and now you suddenly wear close-fitting clothes." I'm not used to the cheongsam."

   "It's okay, just get used to it in the future, and see what Auntie brought you~"

   As she spoke, she took out a piece of smooth and beautiful long hair in her hand.


   "That's right, Xianxian, Auntie wants to see you turn back into a girl completely, so just satisfy Auntie, okay?"

Thank you Yuntu, Xiangxiang Gongju, Dream Dream, sweet, Biai Ji Xiuran, Customer Service, Baby Pig, Sunshine and Salt, LILY, Brother Zhan’s Little Sweet Bo, Zhao Yuanwei, Yun Hai Tian Yang Bitter Like Ice, Envy The book coins rewarded by Xianxian and the votes cast by the cuties~



  (end of this chapter)

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