Foreign Land Reclamation By a Vegetable-growing Skeleton

Chapter 104 - 90 The elf is going crazy looking for you (two in one) _1

Chapter 104: Chapter 90 The elf is going crazy looking for you (two in one) _1

Translator: 549690339

“You guys grew taller?!” Negris exclaimed in shock. The Purple Skeletons, who were initially about two point seven or two point eight meters tall, had seemingly sprouted up a bit, probably reaching two point nine meters now.

They were at least a dozen or so centimeters taller.

When they were kneeling, he didn’t notice it. But now that they were standing, the pressure was overwhelming.

“We got taller? Didn’t you guys shrink? How could we grow this fast? I’ve been two hundred years old and only grew this tall…” The Purple Skeletons had an ‘are you kidding me’ look on their faces. They didn’t buy Negris’ words and believed it was more likely that Negris and the others had shrunk.

However, before they finish their assertion, a member of the clan meekly said, “Chief… Chief, look at the Great Shaman and the others.

The Purple Skeletons turned to look. The Great Shaman, who was slightly shorter than her, was now a half head shorter. Not only her but all the young ones in the Purple Skeleton Clan had grown half a head taller. Only the Great Shaman and six or seven older clan members remained unchanged.

The Great Shaman and several older tribespeople were shocked when they saw the younger generation growing taller. “Why… why did you all grow taller?

Why… why aren’t we growing?”

“You guys are old. Once you’re past puberty, you don’t grow taller,” Negris explained.

Ange’s divine technique is the Instant Death Halo. It accelerates not time, but the entire process of life, which quickens death.

This technique might not seem powerful, but Negris only recently discovered the cunning aspect of it. It can make you feel hungry in a very short time. If the fight lasts a few minutes, it could leave the enemy weak and famished, wanting to eat even dirt.

If anyone dares fight Ange in the future, won’t they have to hold a knife in the right hand and bread in the left?

“Sir, you mean these kids could grow even taller?” The Great Shaman understood Negris’s statement and asked expectantly.

“Ah? They should be able to. You guys are Ti… um, members of the Purple Skeleton Clan, uh, yes, you certainly could. Waking up your bloodline talents might do the trick,” Negris hesitated, not knowing how to explain further.

These Purple Skeleton tribespeople didn’t seem to know their real identities. Although they were mixed-blood Titans, Negris could only tell they had the bloodline of the Gold Titans, the Thunder Titans, but he wasn’t sure of other specific details. Who knew what other creature’s blood they had mixed with theirs?

If they were pure-blooded Thunder Titans, it would be incredible. They were part of the Titan Gods, the Lord of Thunder, the God of Lightning, immortal and immensely powerful. They were truly monstrous entities.

Theoretically, if these Purple Skeletons could awaken their bloodline power, they should gain some of the Thunder Titans’ abilities. But who could be sure about this? Theoretically? Even though he’s the God of Knowledge, he’s not above being corrected either.

“That’s great! If you know about bloodline talents, do you know how to awaken them? We’ve been here too long, our numbers are decreasing, and our bloodline keeps weakening. Older generations occasionally produced individuals who awakened their bloodline talents, but there’s no one now. Height has also decreased; our ancestors were over three meters tall before they awakened their bloodline talents. Do you think the Purple Skeletons could grow over three meters?”

The Great Shaman chattered away to Negris. The younger guys growing taller while he and others were not growing was not a concern anymore.

“Yes, they should be able to. I think their main problem is malnutrition. They should eat more,” Negris remarked.

The power of the Titans comes from their bloodline talents. If they could awaken their bloodline talents, everything would be sorted out. However, judging from the situation just now, these guys were lacking nutrition. They should fill their stomachs before talking about bloodlines.

Just like the saying among the Dragon Clan— a dragon that eats grass would never grow.

The food to fill their stomachs was growing healthily. Ange discovered an issue. The deeply buried seeds had strong and thick roots after he forcefully made them sprout, and the plants produced more grain. The yield per acre had exceeded a thousand jin.

It’s uncertain whether it was because of the fertile land here or because the seeds were buried deep. He had to try deep planting when he goes back.

After removing the footprints, he picked up the sickle to harvest. When the grain was bundled up and taken away, Ange demonstrated sowing once again. He then told them techniques like weeding, pest control, bird scaring, fertilizing, soil loosening, wasteland burning, and heat preservation.

Listening to all this, both the Purple Skeletons and the Great Shaman were overwhelmed: “God of Purple Skeleton, why don’t you take us in? Farming is too tough for us. Let us go and fight. We are brave in battle, we can easily defeat the big black cats. Let us go and fight. Just feed us, and that would be enough.”

Negris’s heart raced at the Purple Skeletons’ words. Goodness, the mixed-blood Titans were Titans after all. Hadn’t you seen how the Purple Skeletons had even fought evenly with an Early Stage Swordsaint with their bodies alone? The others might not be as strong as the Purple Skeletons, but they were all at the level of the Great Swordsman.

God, he could hire twenty or so Great Swordsmen and even a Swordsaint just by offering them some food? Was it really that cheap? If they were fed well, developed for the second time, awakened their bloodline talents, and were equipped with appropriate weapons, having twenty Sword Saint level Titans leading the way… Just thinking about it was exciting.

Negris was already envisioning a majestic scene of a group of Titans marching in grandeur. Ange, however, simply said, “No fighting.”

Both the Purple Skeletons and the Great Shaman sighed in disappointment.

Quickly pulling Ange aside, Negris persuaded him, “We don’t have to fight. They can plow the fields. Some of the land has hardened and needs deep plowing. These Titans are perfect for that. They are strong and cheap. Let’s take them in.”

“Alright,” Ange agreed.

Hearing this, Negris nearly bit his tongue, he thought, “You agreed so quickly when it came to farming?!”

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