From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 371: Escape from the window

Chapter 371: Escape from the window

"Has he left?" Tang Li asked in a low voice.

Si Xiu checked her phone before shaking her head, "Brother Mark is saying that he still outside the airport," She glanced at her worriedly.

"President Mo will leave only when the plane takes off," Li Yu knew his boss very well. Especially when his wife will be involved, the man will abandon all his rules and logic.

"What do we do now?" Si Xiu glanced at Tang Li worriedly.

"What do you mean by all the tickets to Beijing are booked? I can pay a double price or make it triple"

Tang Li tilted her head to the side. After watching the show for a few seconds, she walked towards the woman who was arguing at the ticket counter.

"Miss," Her soft voice made the woman pause.

She turned around to look at Tang Li. A soft gasp escaped her lips when she looked at her. She has seen all types of beauties, in fact, she could be counted as one but the woman in front of her was in another league. So beautiful that one couldn't take their eyes off her.

Tang Li raised an eyebrow, to which the woman cleared her throat, "Yes?"

"You seem to need a ticket to Beijing?" Tang Li asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Lan Xingyu nodded her head, "Yes, it's important for me."

"What a coincidence. I happen to have one I don't need," Tang Li smiled kindly.

Si Xiu and Li Yu found themselves speechless at her words.

Lan Xingyu's eyes widened for a split second before her expressions turned to normal, "What do you want from me in return?"

"Nothing," Tang Li shrugged before passing her the ticket.

Lan Xingyu tilted her head downwards as she looked at the ticket. Her mid-length red locks of hair falling in front of her shoulder "Tang Li." She muttered. This name.Wasn't this the business queen that they spoke of?

By any chance, could this woman in front of her be the same Tang Li? No She denied her assumption right away. People like her would use their own jet rather than coming to the airport queuing up.

Only she was weird enough to do that. Others wouldn't be a weirdo like her.

"You won't be changing your mind right?" She asked once again, "In fact, I'll pay you."

Tang Li nodded her head, "No need to pay me. You'll miss the flight."

Lan Xingyu's brows bumped together, "If we meet again, I'll pay you back for this. If my mission this time is a success, I'll treat you as my benefactor for life."

"Good luck," Tang Li said.

"Thank you, Goodbye," She waved her hand before walking away.

If Tang Li knew that the woman's mission was to seduce Mo Yuhan, would she regret wishing her luck?

Tang Li looked at Si Xiu, "Has Mo Yuhan left yet?"

Si Xiu shook her head, "We have to go to the yacht tomorrow. There are lots of preparations to make. We can't delay our time here. But with President Mo here, how can we leave?"

"Does the washroom here have windows?" Her response made them choke on their saliva.

Outside the Airport.

Mo Yuhan looked at the sky with a distant expression as the flight took off. Soon, his car left the place.

"YouStop loitering around me," Mark felt more and more frustrated as Ethan trailed after him. Even when he pushed him away, the man was like a boomerang.

Ethan sighed, "You hate me that much?" He coldly asked.

"Am I supposed to answer you?" Mark folded his arms across his chest as he leaned back on his car, "Even if I hate you, is there something wrong with that?"

Ethan pressed his hand on the left. Just as Mark tried to escape, his other hand pressed on right trapping the man in between. His face inched closer and closer, "I did nothing wrong. Why'd you hate me?"

'Thump thump thump!' Mark could hear his heart drumming inside his ear.

He opened his mouth to speak but his voice was hoarse, "I am not fond of kabedons. This exactly the reason I hate you. You make me uncomfortable." It's very weird and very strange! With that thought, Mark lowered his eyes, his silvery bangs hiding his face.

Ethan gripped his chin before raising his head. Looking straight into his eyes, he asked, "Do I?"

Murmurs and whispers surrounded the place as the people gathered around to enjoy the BL.

But Mark's face was hidden behind Ethan's broad body.

Mark snapped out of his daze, "I am a public figure. Do you want to ruin my reputation overnight?" He glared at the man.

"I don't mind if there are rumors of Mark Wilson dating an unknown man in front of the airport or more so that of us making out in public. It's thrilling!" Ethan smirked.

"You are a sick pervert," Mark pushed him away before hurriedly getting inside the car, "Go die if you want to, don't drag me in some mess," With that, he drove away.

Soon, the crowd also disappeared since the show was over.

Ethan stood there and watched the car until it disappeared from his sight. "So many years have passed you're still wilful as ever. But, why do I feel you have gotten cuter?"

With a soft smile on his handsome face, he entered the car.

Back in Tang Li's villa.

"Hey, come out. What are you doing inside the bathroom for two hours?" Mark shouted as he knocked on the door again and again.

He was already out of sorts because of that bastard, he wanted to vent it somewhere. But instead of listening to his sob story, his best friend had locked herself inside.

"Kara, come out already. I bet you have washed yourself sparkling clean," He shouted.

"Stop shouting, I am not deaf," She coldly replied from inside.

"When will you come out then?"

"When I feel clean."

"You are showering for two hours. Do you want pneumonia?" Mark couldn't understand the logic. Who the hell showers for so long? He would be usually done in fifteen-minute minimum and a maximum of thirty minutes.

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