Future News: My Phone Mutated

Chapter 82  Misunderstanding

82  Misunderstanding

On the other side, Sun Xiaogang was about to ask Lin Haisheng if he knew where Lin Bai was when he heard the "busy" dial tone coming from the phone. He was stunned.

Yu Jinmo looked at Sun Xiaogang who was holding the phone in a daze. She didn't know what had happened, and she couldn't help but feel nervous.

She wanted to ask, but she was afraid that it would affect Sun Xiaogang's phone call. She could only endure it. At the same time, she prayed silently in her heart that nothing would happen to Lin Bai.

After a long while, Sun Xiaogang put down his phone in a daze. There was still a look of disbelief on his face.

Yu Jinmo asked carefully, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Sun Xiaogang shook his head and didn't say anything.

Yu Jinmo became even more anxious.

"What exactly happened? Tell me!"

Sun Xiaogang didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he explained, "Nothing. It's just that Uncle Lin didn't wait for me to finish speaking before he hung up."

This time, Yu Jinmo was also stunned.

"Has the signal been cut off?" Yu Jinmo tried to guess.

Sun Xiaogang said, "Maybe, I'll try again."

As he said that, he dialed Lin Haisheng's number again.

"Uncle Lin, I'm Lin Bai's roommate, Sun Xiaogang. Is he at home now?"

Sun Xiaogang spoke quickly this time and finally finished what he wanted to say.

However, the response was still a busy tone.

Lin Haisheng hung up again.

Sun Xiaogang was speechless.

This time, he was finally convinced that there was no problem with the phone signal. The call was disconnected was because Lin Haisheng hung up on him.

"Uncle Lin doesn't seem to want to take my call."

Sun Xiaogang said helplessly.

Yu Jinmo couldn't care about anything else at this time and said directly, "Give me uncle Lin's number. I'll try calling him."

Sun Xiaogang immediately pulled out his contact list and showed it to her.

Yu Jinmo called the number, but the result was the same. Before he could finish his sentence, he was hung up.

"Do you think Uncle Lin is unwilling to answer our call or is it just inconvenient?"

"Will he be in danger?"

Yu Jinmo couldn't help but let her imagination run wild, and she became increasingly anxious.

Sun Xiaogang also felt that Lin Haisheng's attitude was very strange.

He had gone to Lin Bai's house as a guest and met Lin Haisheng. At that time, Lin Haisheng had been very kind to him.

However, now, he did not even wait for him to finish speaking and hung up on him twice in a row. It was really too abnormal.

Sun Xiaogang wanted to comfort Yu Jinmo and say that he was fine, but he could not even think of a decent reason.

He could not even convince himself, so how could he convince Yu Jinmo?

"Maybe... maybe Uncle Lin is working overtime and can't pick up the phone."

In order not to make Yu Jinmo more anxious, Sun Xiaogang could only find an excuse to explain for Lin Haisheng.

Yu Jinmo could only force a smile. "Probably. Then I'll try to contact Lin Bai later. Maybe I'll be able to contact him. It's getting late. You should go back first."

Yu Jinmo was really embarrassed and asked Sun Xiaogang to accompany him outside in the cold wind.

Sun Xiaogang said, "Okay, then I'll go back and take a look. Maybe Boss is already back."


Yu Jinmo smiled and nodded, but she knew that it was impossible.

Given Lin Bai's character, it was impossible for him to go back to the dormitory without replying to her.

Something must have happened to him.

After watching Sun Xiaogang leave, Yu Jinmo hesitated for a while with her phone in her hand. She opened Lin Haisheng's contact number and started to edit the text message she was about to send him.

"Hello, Uncle Lin. I'm Lin Bai's classmate, Yu Jinmo. Since evening onwards, he hasn't picked up anyone's calls. Our classmates can't contact him either. I'm worried that something might have happened to him. Uncle, can you contact him?"

After he finished editing the message, Yu Jinmo took a deep breath and clicked send. Then, she waited for what felt as long as a year.

On Lin Haisheng's end.

Other than receiving calls from Sun Xiaogang and Yu Jinmo, the police from the Public Security Bureau had also been constantly contacting him.

Therefore, his line was constantly engaged. After he hung up, there were new calls coming in immediately.

After a few times, Lin Haisheng was extremely frustrated.

"Are these scammers done yet?!"

Lin Haisheng said angrily, "If they call again, I'll definitely scold them!"

Before he could finish his sentence, his phone rang again.

This time, it was not a call, but a text message from Yu Jinmo.

Lin Haisheng opened it and glanced at it. He felt a little uneasy.

'Could it be true?'

Lin Haisheng hesitated for a moment before dialing Lin Bai's phone number. The phone rang for a long time, but no one picked up.

He didn't reply to his texts either.

Lin Haisheng's uneasiness spread like a tidal wave.

It was the same for Mrs. Lin.

"There have been so many calls from people asking about Lin Bai. Did something really happen to him?"

Lin Bai's mother had already started sobbing.

Lin Haisheng consoled, "Not necessarily. Don't worry, I'll contact the police to confirm."

As he spoke, he called the police. After briefly explaining the situation, he asked the other party to transfer the call to the Public Security Bureau in their area.

He wanted to personally confirm with the other party whether Lin Bai had really been detained.

Lin Haisheng was afraid that if he searched on the Internet, he would find fake information posted by a swindler, so he simply asked the police to transfer the call. That way, there would definitely be no mistakes.

After some communication, Lin Haisheng finally believed that his precious son was really detained by the Public Security Bureau because of a fight.

There were no fraudulent calls. The calls that he had hung up on previously were all real.

Lin Haisheng felt his head buzzing and his head spinning.

He did not even know how he had hung up the phone.

Mrs. Lin, who was beside him, heard everything. She wiped her tears and asked him, "How did our son get into a fight with someone? He even hurt someone? This doesn't seem like something he would do!"

Lin Haisheng could not figure it out either.

"There must be a misunderstanding!"

He forced himself to calm down.

"Our son definitely wouldn't hit someone for no reason. I'm going to the Public Security Bureau now!"

"No matter what, we have to get to the bottom of this!"

Mrs. Lin wiped away her tears and nodded. "Yes, yes, we have to get to the bottom of this. I'll go with you."

Lin Haisheng advised her to wait at home, but Mrs. Lin refused to do anything. In the end, there was nothing he could do, so Lin Haisheng could only bring her along.

After much effort, the couple finally saw Lin Bai.

Seeing the blood on Lin Bai's clothes, Lin Bai's mother immediately burst into tears tears.

"Son, why are you still injured? Is it serious? Have you bandaged it?"

Lin Bai's mother asked in tears.

Lin Bai hurriedly said, "I'm fine. It's just a superficial wound. It's been treated long ago."

"Dad, Mom, did the police call you to ask you to come over?"

Lin Bai was already hopping mad. It was one thing for him to be detained, but why did they have to torment his parents in the middle of the night?

Even if he had to inform his family, couldn't they wait until tomorrow? Must he torture them in the middle of the night?!


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