General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 1109: Warm protection

Chapter 1109: Warm protection

Chapter 1109 Nuan Nuan's Guardian

Elder Liu was shocked, and he staggered back a step in disbelief: "City Lord..."

"Will you drive? Who do you want to kill?"

The angry shout flashed through his mind, and Elder Liu trembled all over.

He was so nervous and excited that he ignored the details of the driver.

Xia Houqing threw away the human skin mask in his hand, and looked at him coldly.

Elder Lius heart skipped a beat, he looked around, and said in disbelief, "You... how could you..."

Su Xiaoxiao smiled: "Why would you doubt you? Could it be that you have revealed something? You have revealed a lot of things, but the flaws are not concealed. You first propose to block the city lord's mansion, and then use the pretext of finding a hunting dog to trap Long Jing Sending it out is actually a good plan. If I guess correctly, Elder Zhao should become the scapegoat. You may not be able to kill him alone. Either you have a way to deal with him, or there is an ambush outside. I personally I tend to prefer the second type. But when the incident happened suddenly, you didnt have time to set up an ambush, so the Five Poison Sect is your accomplice, right?

The trick was exposed, and Elder Liu was shocked again.

You are so smart at such a young age.

They all went astray.

It's right to think about it, how can you be accepted as a direct disciple by the ghost mother-in-law without any talent?

Elder Liu thought too much, the ghost mother-in-law's acceptance of Su Xiaoxiao as her "inheritance" had nothing to do with Su Xiaoxiao's talent, it was purely Su Xiaoxiao's golden ability.

Elder Liu clenched his fists, and instead of answering Su Xiaoxiao's words directly, he asked instead: "Why do you doubt me?"

Su Xiaoxiao spread his hands and said: "Actually, both of them are suspicious. Elder Zhao went out first. He fainted after the carriage hadn't gone far. The city lord has already investigated him thoroughly, just as you are cleaning up the crazy puppets."

Elder Liu gritted his teeth: "It turns out that everything is a trick..."

Organ calculations, every step is just right.

"Are you convinced?" Su Xiaoxiao said wantonly.

Elder Liu still refused to accept: "Why do you suspect one of us? Don't Elder Li and Elder Hai have any suspicion?"

Su Xiaoxiao said: "Yes, people have been sent to test them, but you will definitely not be able to escape!"

Elder Liu took a deep breath, turned around to look at Xia Houqing, and said righteously: "City Master! I have been loyal to Xiahou's family for many years. When the old city master was alive, I was already a confidant of Xiahou's family. If you don't believe me, on the contrary Don't you think it's unfair for me to listen to an outsider's one-sided story and come to test me? Everything today was designed by them! City Lord! You were deceived by them!"

To some extent, Xia Houqing was indeed deceived by them.

No, it was tricked by the chief eunuch.

Before the search, the head **** asked Ye Lang to send an account book to the city lord, with a secret letter inside, which was for the city lord to test the two elders.

The reason why I didn't say it in person was because I didn't have a chance.

When he was talking with Xia Houqing alone, the two elders were next door.

With their hearing ability, as long as they listen with their heart, it is not difficult to hear.

Since Xia Houzheng was planted first, it is not difficult for Xia Houyi to guess that Xie Jinnian is planning to repeat the old trick and put Longjing in his yard.

Xia Houyi doesn't doubt that Xie Jinnian has this ability.

After all, Xie Jinnian has already stolen his treasure map under the noses of so many puppets.

If you want to ask how Xia Houqing agreed to test the two most trusted elders?

is actually simple.

Just add a sentence at the end of the letter: It's Yun Lin's plan.

Xia Houqing said coldly: "Elder Liu, I'll arrest you if you don't let go!"

If you are caught without a fight, the ending can only be death.

How could Elder Liu, who had been by Xia Houqing's side for many years, not know the fate of betraying the city lord?

He can't be caught!

He looked around, and suddenly flew towards Su Xiaoxiao and Yun Lin.

The city lord has martial arts, and it is not easy to catch him.

Xia Houjin is just a adopted son and cannot be a valuable hostage.

These two are the best choices.

"You are presumptuous!"

When he realized that Elder Liu was so angry that he went to arrest his son, Xia Houqing was instantly angry!

He also rushed over quickly.

It's a pity that he is too far away, and Elder Liu's movement is too fast.

At the critical moment, Su Xiaoxiao and Yun Lin were suddenly dragged behind each other by two powerful hands, and they were the palace lord and Wei Xu.

At the same time, both of them slapped Elder Liu together.

Elder Liu fell backwards heavily!

Wei Xu gently put down Ling Yun, ejected suddenly, swept over Elder Liu, and raised his foot to aim at his chest.

In Elder Liu's frightened eyes, he stomped the person down!


A six-foot-deep hole was smashed into the ground!

Huge flying stones flew around, Xia Houqing hurriedly raised her sleeves to cover her face.

Ye Lang flashed in front of Xie Jinnian, blocking the impacting gravel with his chest.


It hurts!

This person is so strong!

Ling Yun opened an organ umbrella, blocking the three of them very gracefully.

It is worth mentioning that the umbrella was given by Gui Ji.

He is an apprentice gift for apprenticeship, and she is an apprentice gift for apprentices.

Su Xiaoxiao: "Wow, this umbrella is really easy to use!"

Elder Liu was lying in the pit, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and when he wanted to get up again, the guards of the City Lord's Mansion had pointed more than a dozen long swords at him.

He was captured.

Xia Houqing said to Xie Jinnian: "Take him back to the prison."

Xie Jinnian replied: "Yes, adoptive father."

Xia Houqing immediately looked at Wei Xu.

Just now his son was in danger, he, the father, couldn't save him, but Duanmuqi saved his son first.

The action of putting down his son seemed to be afraid of breaking the most precious thing in the world.

He felt a little uncomfortable.

In addition, the way he dealt with Elder Liu was quite different from the previous fight.

Internal strength has been strengthened by more than one level.

this person


Ling Yun walked over, blocking his view of Wei Xu.

Xia Houqing was taken aback.

Ling Yun said: "Can't I call you father?"

Xia Houqing hurriedly said: "Yes, yes! I am so happy!"

Ling Yun said lightly: "Don't go back in a hurry, just stay and have a meal."

This is the first time Ling Yun took the initiative to keep him for dinner, and Xia Houqing's jealousy towards Duanmu Qi was instantly diluted.

He is really careless.

Which son in the world would be closer to a stepfather than his own father?

Not to mention that he is not Yunshuang's own flesh and blood, Duanmuqi is only a stepfather in name, and the relationship is further away.

"I heard Jin'er say that today's plan is all your idea?"

Ling Yun replied vaguely: "Well... I just raised some ideas, mainly because he has a strong comprehension ability."

what's the plan?

Ling Yun glared at Xie Jinnian resentfully from the corner of his eye.

Su Xiaoxiao gloated!

Ha, I feel the pain of not talking to me in advance every time you perform on the spot!

"How did you come up with this?"

Xia Houqing was very interested, and while walking towards Qingyun Palace with Ling Yun, she asked happily.

Ling Yun cleared his throat: "Just... that's what I thought of, the bystander knows... Do you still eat? Is this the only thing you talk about when you meet me? I don't like to mention things about the City Lord's Mansion!"

Xia Houqing: "Okay, okay, don't mention it!"

"Do you want to invite your mother to go with your Uncle Duanmu?"

"What do you want them to do? Don't you want to eat alone with me?"

"Think! Think!"

The voices of the two gradually moved away from the figure together.

Wei Xu looked complicated.

The palace lord looked at Ling Yun, and twitched the corners of her lips. She has also learned to smile a little bit recently, although it is not natural yet.

"Can you see? He deliberately took the city lord away for you. I have never seen him care so much about anyone. I think he has really regarded you as his father in his heart. You are like a mountain." Guard him, and he hopes to guard you like a gurgling brook."

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