God Simulator

Chapter 144: Dark day hidden

Chapter 144: Dark day hidden

Lu Yao adjusted his perspective.

As Isabella said, the gloomy sun was sneaky, using the sun to block the boundary to reach the zenith.

Under normal rules, the boundary cannot be crossed. But the gloomy sun seemed to have another way. It stuck to the boundary, as if it wanted to break through the boundary and illegally cross over.

Lu Yao thought.

The gloomy sun is essentially a projection from a substance called "Gloomy Star" from the outside.

A huge black shadow like an eclipse stuck to the invisible boundary. The black ball inside was solidified in the air, seemingly sinking into the boundary at an extremely slow speed.

Lu Yao frowned as he watched.

What does it want to do?

A exclamation mark appeared above Isabella’s head on her broomstick. "Sir, the gloomy sun wants to completely sink into the boundary and merge itself with the power of the rules."

"In doing so, it will be reshaped and transformed by the power of the rules, but it can also escape this era and wait for the recovery after the update of the rules in the next era."

Lu Yao was stunned.

Can it really do that?

So it’s not my world version, I can just hide in the next version?

"Sir, this approach has unpredictable results, but it is also an opportunity."

Isabella explained, "The gloomy sun is currently in a difficult situation and cannot ascend under your watch... so it chooses to infiltrate the next era."

Lu Yao couldn’t help but type, asking if other monsters could do the same.

This is crucial.

If other individuals can imitate it, it would be a fatal loophole in the fragmented world. Whether it’s monsters or gods, theoretically they can hide in the boundary and wait for the arrival of the new era.

Although doing so is no different from being reincarnated, at least there is a chance like rolling the dice.

For Lu Yao, it’s a troublesome matter.

Isabella frankly said that she didn’t know the reason either.

Lu Yao thought of someone.

He opened the Yao City Temple and asked Sarina.

She is a true demigod, with the memories of the gods preserved.

Sarina knelt down on one knee. "Sir, this is because the gloomy sun comes from the Gloomy Star, and it is a ’myth’."

"’Myth’ is an immortal legend left in many eras and various worlds. It has caused many gods to fall and even participated in the divine war, leaving behind legends and epics."

"Usually, only the main gods can touch and control ’myth’..."

Lu Yao realized that he had overlooked something.

How could he forget about the tyrant, the experienced god?

In terms of his team, the one with the most experience and rich background in the profession of gods is the tyrant Sarina.

Isabella also only became a god after standing on the shoulders of the "Dam Builder". Not to mention the White God.

He immediately typed.

- Tell me about the Gloomy Star.

Facing the inquiry from the god, Sarina showed extreme patience and meticulousness.

"Sir, the Gloomy Star is a very special existence."

"Originally, the Gloomy Star was a world without an owner, but for some unknown reason, it had intense interference and overlap with the surrounding worlds, absorbing many fragmented worlds. It has been falling towards the deeper high-dimensional space."

"During the fall, the Gloomy Star absorbed more and more worlds, and its power of the rules became stronger and stronger, even distorting the surrounding dimensional boundaries... The Gloomy Star became a disaster capable of destroying many worlds."

"Its own power of the rules continues to rise and evolve, just approaching it is enough to change the surrounding worlds."

"In the temples of the gods, the Gloomy Star is a disaster that terrifies the gods. Due to the distortion of the power of the rules, it constantly refracts through one world after another, forming gloomy suns in other worlds."

"Due to the restrictions of the dimensional boundaries and the constraints of the power of the rules, when the gloomy sun reaches a distant world, its power is already very weak."

"Even so, the gloomy sun still distorts some rules, causing unpredictable disasters and changes."

Lu Yao was shocked as he listened.

This thing feels a bit like a world black hole.

Sarina continued, "The gloomy sun will continue to strengthen over time. Even if it is eliminated, another gloomy sun will appear, because the power of the rules of the Gloomy Star has formed a channel and will continue to refract into this world."

"I have been waiting without taking any action until you returned, waiting for your instructions."

Lu Yao realized that the tyrant seemed to have a solution.

But instead of immediately asking, he typed a few words.

- Well done!

A smiling face immediately appeared above Sarina’s head.

"Thank you for your praise, sir."

Lu Yao thought to himself, as expected.

This proud demigod has such a personality.

Sarina has a proud and dominant personality, and she is first-class in terms of both combat power and knowledge. There is no doubt about her abilities.

It’s just that she has a bit of an idol burden and a penchant for narcissism... so communication with her requires a certain approach.

More praise.

Lu Yao noticed that every time he praised her, Sarina’s reaction was particularly strong and full of enthusiasm. A big smiling face would appear above her head, and this state could last for a long time.

She is the type of apostle who needs praise.

It’s different from the type like the snowman who needs scolding.

"Sir, please allow me to propose an immature idea."

In the state of being praised, Sarina became visibly proactive.

- Go ahead.

"The gloomy sun also appeared in the world controlled by the ’Hunting Goddess’, and the Hunting Goddess took a certain approach."

"She captured the gloomy sun dragon that coexisted with the gloomy sun and used the dragon to control the gloomy sun, so the gloomy sun was completely under control."

The Hunting Goddess is the former boss of the tyrant Sarina, and she is also a senior main god.

Since there is reliable previous experience, Lu Yao is ready to give it a try.

He didn’t forget to type another line.

- Solving the gloomy sun, you will be credited.

Sarina said with some restraint, "It’s just a trivial matter, your great power can always control the gloomy sun."

Lu Yao began to ponder.

The problem lies with the gloomy sun dragon.

Dragon egg.

The snowman is still hatching eggs.

Is the dragon egg of the gloomy sun dragon the same as the dragon egg of the snowman?

He immediately clicked on the snowman’s avatar, and the screen jumped to the cold northern new continent.The snowman hid in the snow, motionless, like a brooding hen.

Lu Yao opened his inventory.


【Dragon Egg】: Speed -10.

A special substance formed by the projection of the Dark Sun, unable to be enhanced, sealed by the power of the rules. The dragon egg grows by absorbing the power of the Dark Sun until the young dragon awakens and breaks out of the shell.

【Rule Seal】

Constrained by the power of the rules, all abilities are weakened.

【Imprint Following】

Follows the first target seen after birth.

【Incubation Brand】

Dark Star (1692/13333)

【Incubation Brand】

Snowman·Jimmy (10432/13333)


The snowman’s incubation speed is not ideal.

The Dark Sun is desperately trying to burrow into the boundary, ready to hide and sleep at any moment.

There are priorities in everything, let’s give it a shot first!

Lu Yao selected the 【Mirror of Fire】, aiming the cross star at the body of the Dark Sun in the sky.

Mouse clicked to select.

The 【Aegir’s Fire】 of the Western Continent spewed out a fierce column of black smoke tinged with red, even revealing the ferocious skull of a fire dragon.

In the cloud layer of the sky, meteors with long tails of fire were rapidly crashing towards the Dark Sun!

The violent shock wave and dazzling light caused by the explosion temporarily overshadowed the black mist projected by the Dark Sun, dyeing half of the sky red.



The Dark Sun took a hit from a meteor bombardment, and its health, which had been continuously depleted by Isabella, plummeted even further.

It fell from the sky...

Lu Yao saw it clearly. It wasn’t self-destructing, but taking the opportunity to hide in the shadow of the sunset over the sea.

This was the Dark Sun’s escape route.

But Lu Yao didn’t stop it.

He hadn’t planned to destroy this round of Dark Sun in the first place, after all, the next Dark Sun would still appear. This one, no matter how familiar the pattern, its health was very low, it was easy to handle.

Just keep it from running away for now.

Thanks to: Tianxiao006 for supporting with 500 Qidian coins.

(End of the chapter)

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