Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 125: Failed?

Chapter 125: Failed?

In the darkness, two bodies fell on the ground with a thud sound without head and a cold wind flew and a bloody stench drifted along with it, spreading in all directions. The light of the campfire fell on the blood on the ground and reflected itself in it like a mirror image, making the scene rather beautiful.

Ayaan looked at the corpses without any emotions and walked towards the palace entrance. He could see that there were two more guards standing just outside the building.

Feeling rather bad for those two guards, Ayaan decided to send them to their reincarnation. Life as a low lifeguard was really pitiful after all. So his magnanimous heart woke up at the moment from slumber and let them go to their next life. Hope they won't become guards again in their next life...

As the group proceeded deeper and deeper in the palace, they met many guards, but they were easily dealt with by three ladies. Ayaan didn't even need to do anything. Furthermore, this palace was rather luxurious. It was made from very precious stones. Though Ayaan didn't know much about stones or marbles, he could still tell that this thing was precious. 

After walking for some time, they ended up in front of a small pool. In between the pool, there was a fountain, showering water continuously. There were quite a few lotuses in the pool, making a rather beautiful sight.

"This Punishment Hall Leader is really something. Is he a disguised lady? Furthermore, what is the need to use the fountain at this hour?" said Ayaan disdainfully.

"Because I was waiting for you guys." suddenly a voice came from behind them and hundreds of guards surrounded them in the blink.

Ayaan looked at the man who walked out from behind the guards and narrowed his eyes. It was a middle-aged man around the age of forty years old. Ayaan knew that he was a Punishment Hall Leader and they had come for this man.

"Who are you? And why are you attacking my mansion?" asked Punishment Hall Leader. His voice was dignified, there was arrogance in his voice, there was pride and there was contempt for the people in front of him.

"Ohh, I am here to shatter your ugly mouth and arrogant nose, and yeah, your dog eyes. I don't like them so I will donate them to the roadside dog for the morning snack," Ayaan shrugged his shoulders and replied in an uncaring manner. There was nothing to talk about, he had infiltrated this palace and his owner had arrived to bite him for that. If he wanted to escape, then, he had to so his unyielding character and awesome prows.

"Hahahaha" suddenly the middle-aged man burst into a peal of laughter. However, anyone could tell that his laughter was full of fury. This man was really angered by Ayaan's word.

But who knew that Ayaan provoked this man even further, "Though I know I am awesome, powerful, handsome, dashing and all. But I didn't realise that before I even act you will become crackbrained. Well, I myself don't know how extraordinary I am" 

"Die!" the man couldn't take his bragging anymore. At last, he lost his temper. Furthermore, at this moment a long wand appeared in this man's hand. At the top of the want, there was a shining crystal. Ayaan didn't know what that crystal was.

"Dodge, it is a magic artefact, Fierce Wand of Wind. my father had found it in a ruin from the past. But there was no one with wind magic capable of using it except this man. So father had given him this wand. By using this wand. The attack power will multiply at least two times." Explained Rebecca.

"Who are you?" a shocked expression appeared in that man's face. This magic artefact was his treasure, not many knew about it; however, this girl knew about it. 

"Wait! Father? Rebecca? Hahaha, I was right!" said the man with shining eyes. Suddenly, Ayaan saw something in his eyes, something he had seen in many other people's eyes, greed. 

Now Ayaan realised that he must have known that Rebecca was one of those people who had entered the Heavenly Palace because everyone had already spread their sketches around. However, it looked like he didn't tell anyone about her. He wanted to find her by his own effort and get all the rewards for himself. What a greedy dog!

Ayaan's disgust for this man only intensified after this encounter.

"How did you know that we will attack your palace?" asked Ayaan. He couldn't understand where he had made a mistake. No one should have known about his plan. So how the Punishment Hall Leader knew about his plan. It looked as if he was waiting for him with full force.

"Of course, I knew you would attack. After all, I have killed this girl's father. Shouldn't she get revenge for him?" his mouth cracked into a mocking smile, revealing his white teeth.

Hearing his words, Ayaan narrowed his eyes. He still didn't understand, "You knew that we would attack?"

"Of course, I knew you would attack. When you have killed those people from brothels. I have sensed Rebecca's aura at that place. Therefore, I have made a story and told that stupid king that I have sensed some strange energy and the people that brothel had offended are from the central plane; therefore, I suggested to kill every one of those people to give explanation from the central region. So I killed every single of those guards outside the brothel. 

However, no one knew why I had killed those people. I didn't want to let anyone know about Rebecca because her sketch is in that bounty list as well. If one of those guards had seen that bounty poster he would definitely go and report the king for money." laughed the man when he explained as if he had done something really amazing.

Only now did he realise that that bounty wasn't because he had killed people from the Demonic Continent. But because some big bosses wanted to capture him.

Looking at the Punishment Hall Leader, Ayaan smiled, "Nice plane, I must say. A traitorous and vile people definitely are full of crafty schemes. You wanted to swallow us by yourself and wanted to know the secret of the Heavenly Tower. However, you don't know how big a mistake you have made because of your greed. Well, it is good for us, so I must thank you for killing those people."

"We will see, hmph!" snorted the man and flicked his wand, a huge tornado started to form. Ayaan was surprised after looking at how fast this spell was forming. This wand was definitely a treasure which could help a mage to shorten the type to prepare the spell and increase its power.


After the tornado was formed, it dashed towards Ayaan's group. However, Ayaan's groups didn't move from their spot.

"Shit, why the fucking aren't you moving?" an anxious expression appeared on Punishment Hall Leaders face. He thought that they would at least defend against his attacks; therefore, he used his wand to attack them and wanted to injure them before interrogating. But now, it looked he was going to kill them because those four stupid youngsters weren't moving or defending at all.

However, now he had already attacked and there was no way to stop his attack.

"Boom!" The tornado covered four of them just in a blink.

"Fuck, those four wants to die before I could interrogate them. Their plan failed and they have no chance left, so there is only one way to escape and death, damn it!" cursed Punishment Hall Leader. 

"Your imagination is really something for an ugly old bastard."


With a bang sound, the tornado dispersed. The Punishment Hall Leader narrowed his eyes when he saw this and a bad premonition appeared in his heart, making him uneasy.

When the dust settled, the four figures revealed themselves, without even a scratch on their bodies. Their clothes were still as good as before. There was a mocking smile on Ayaan's face.

"H-how?" Punishment Hall Leader's mouth left agape, he wasn't able to say anything for some time due to the astonishment he was feeling.

"Why do you care about, how? It happened and that's what matters," smiled Ayaan. There was a mischievous smile on the corner of his lips.

"Hmph! So what were you able to block my one attack? Let's see how many more you could block," sneered the man and again flicked his wand full of confidence.

Looking at his act, Ayaan shook his head, turning towards Rebecca Ayaan and said, "I wonder why your father made this moron Punishment Hall Leader? People like him just misuse their powers."

"On the Demonic Continent, it is the strength that matters. He was only second to father so he became Punishment Hall Leader. Anyway, we will deal with those minions, you grab that big potato," Ayaan looked at Rebecca in surprise and chuckled at her mischievous smile. He didn't know that she could also talk like this.

"Die!" at this moment, even more powerful cyclone dashed towards them.

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