Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 94: Choose Your Weapons

Chapter 94: Choose Your Weapons

Leafwhisk looked at Ayaan with a weird expression for some time and then said, "You weren't able to evolve because your blood is locked." 

"Locked? What does the lock mean? And why is my blood locked?" Ayaan looked at Leafwhisk with a confused expression, he didn't know what was going on anymore.

The three girls as well looked at Leafwhisk curiously.

"Locked means locked. What else you want to know?" She replied nonchalantly, "Why do you think that heaven destroyer gave you his legacy? Though in real sense it is a trap instead of legacy."

"What do you mean?" Ayaan became even more confused. 

"Sigh you are really naive. That demon is really evil. He wants to use your body for his revival. At first, he changed your bloodline, so to turn you into a compatible vessel for him. Afterwards, he let you increase your magic power to make your body a little bit stronger so you could handle his powerful soul."

"Though his soul is damaged, the dead camel is still bigger than a dog. His final plane must be to devour your soul; so there won't be any problem in the compatibility of his soul and your body." Leafwhisk explained patiently as if she knew everything the demon did to him.

Ayaan heard the lady and couldn't help but shiver at the thought of being controlled no it wasn't being controlled. That demon wanted to devour his soul and that means he would die for forever, not ever reincarnate in this world again.

"If he wanted to use my body to reincarnate himself, then why didn't he do until now?" Ayaan questioned. If the Demon really wanted to reincarnate his body to revive himself, then why he didn't do anything till now. Furthermore, he even saved Ayaan once from life-threatening danger.

Leafwhisk shook her head after hearing him, "It isn't that he doesn't want to use your body to reincarnate. It is because he can't do that."

"And why is that?" An impatience expression appeared on his face. He couldn't take his gibberish any more, he wanted a direct answer.

"Didn't I tell you that your bloodline is locked?" Leafwhisk replied with a small chuckle.

"What do" Suddenly, Ayaan stopped and his eyes went wide in shock, understanding something.

"Are you saying my blood is locked, so the demon couldn't use my body to reincarnate?" looking at the Leafwhisk with an irritated expression.

"Yes, something like that," Leafwhisk replied.

"What do you mean by something like that? Can't you reply directly?" Ayaan asked annoyedly. He couldn't take her mysterious way of talking.

Looking at Ayaan's annoyed face, Leafwhisk couldn't help but laugh pleasantly. However, after that, she told him everything seriously, "It was the holy stone which locked your bloodline and when the demon tried to break the restriction in your bloodline, the holy stone suppressed the demon as well. However, it isn't powerful to erase the soul of the demon and neither it is powerful enough to purify your bloodline and erase the demon bloodline inside of your body."

"Does this mean I can again gain my human bloodline?" Ayaan asked, looking unblinkingly at the lady in front of him.

"Yes, but the process is going to be painful, but.." Suddenly, Leafwhisk stopped and didn't continue to speak any further.

"But?" Ayaan looked at the lady, he didn't even want to argue with her; he wanted to know everything about this shit.

"But before that, you have to get the other piece of the holy. And when you will acquire the last piece of the holy stone, that time would be most dangerous for you. Because at that time the holy stone will leave your boy for sometime before returning back. At that time, the demon which is suppressed will be free."

The grave expression plastered on Leafwhisk's face, she continued, "You know what would he do when he gets free, the first thing would be to break the restriction over his bloodline and then he will try to devour your soul or you can say, he will try to take control over your body."

"After becoming complete the power of the holy stone will be far above your imagination and it would be able to erase the soul of the demon and purify the demonic bloodline in your body, turning you into a human again."

Although Leafwhisk sounded as if everything was easy, Ayaan could see her grave face when she talked about the demon. It might be a short time when the demon would be free, but no one could predict what that demon could do at that small period of time.

Anyways, Ayaan didn't like his status as a dog from the start, he would be very glad if he could change his bloodline again and turn into a human because no one would turn into another race happily. If it was in his hands, he would never become heaven destroyer, but at that time he wanted power and for power, he had to sacrifice his humanity. 

But now, he had gotten another chance to make an amendment to his previous acts and he would not let this go. He have to fight with the demon? So what? If he couldn't even kill a broken soul of some random demon of the higher realm. How would he make his place in that vast world later?

Eventually, he turned towards Leafwhisk with a serious face, "Can you tell me the location of the two pieces now?"

Leafwhisk fell silent; afterwards, she looked at Ayaan, saying seriously, "Not now."

"Why not now? My strength won't increase much even if I stay here. Didn't you say I won't be able to become even an Archmage mage? Then what is the reason behind remaining here?" Ayaan couldn't understand her reasoning.

"Your strength can't increase but their strength could increase," she pointed towards the three girls beside him. Then continued, "I am saying this because there are two pieces and when you are near the part of the stone it would start to attract towards you and try to join another part of the holy stone which is inside your body." Leafwhisk explained to Ayaan but he still didn't understand. 

'Why is she considering the strength of Rebecca and others? I am the one who would go to get the pieces of the holy stone.' Confused expression was plastered on his face.

As if knowing his inner thoughts, Leafwhisk said, "Didn't I just say that the pieces of the holy stone would react to each other and try to combine together, if they are a certain distance apart? If you want to get the last stone piece, you have to combine it with the stone then and there."

"What will you do if someone were to attack you at that time. Outside dangerous aside, the demon is alone enough to devour your soul. If you are here I can at least give you a little hand; however, if you are somewhere else, how would I help you?"

Pausing for a second before proceeding, "That's why we need to send three of them to get the last piece of the holy stone. Then you can combine it inside the tower with your own pieces. Inside the tower, the combining of the stone will take less time. Less time means less danger when you will face the demon."

Ayaan looked at the lady, trying to see through her, but he didn't see any change in her expression. Her face was neutral this whole time. After thinking for some time, Ayaan asked, "Why can't you help me outside of the tower? You said you won't be able to help me outside of the tower, why?"

Leafwhisk knew that she had spilt the beans and now, she had to explain the reason. Frowning, the lady looked at Ayaan and said, "I think you have already guessed the reason, then why are you still asking?"

Subsequently, a smile appeared on Ayan's face after hearing her, "I know but I want to hear it by your mouth and the reason behind it."

Leafwhisk looked at sneering, "Yes, I am trapped here; however, if you want to know the reason, then you aren't qualified to know the reason."

Looking at her ugly expression, Ayaan didn't continue to press her. He would know everything eventually. However, it wasn't the right time.

Afterwards, Leafwhisk didn't spare Ayaan a single glance and turned towards the three ladies. Then she flicked her and a bunch of weapons fell on the table which was placed beside the altar.


The sonorous noise of metal hitting metal sounded. Ayaan's group turned towards the table and saw a bunch of weapons lying on the table. There were swords, knives, sabres, blades and many more.

Leafwhisk turned towards the ladies, and said, "The weapon is one of the strengths of the energy practitioners. Now, you aren't those low-level mages but far above and superior to them. We take pride in our weapons, and practice them and try to reach to the perfection," the lady paused, then said, "Choose your weapons."

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