Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 98: The Whole World in a Single Screen

Chapter 98: The Whole World in a Single Screen

Two months passed without even realising; Ayaan continued his hellish training; every day the strength of his adversaries increased. On this day, the beast which appeared in front of him was a peak level great mage beast. 

Though most of the beasts couldn't use the magic spells, their physical strength was horrifying compared to the mages. If it wasn't for the sabre, Ayaan would have died hundreds of times by those vicious beasts. 

Only later did Ayaan realise that the beasts weren't controlling their strength a bit; on the contrary, they were attacking him as if he had stolen their wives. The intensity of their attacks only increased as time passed; however, it sharpened his basic skills of sabre, he was able to easily use the sabre now. 



A huge python fell on the ground flatly without an ounce of life remaining in its body. The blood splattered all over the ground, making a small pool of red liquid under the snake. The body of the beast was filled with wounds and at the centre of the beast's head had been penetrated by a sabre.

Ayaan grabbed the handle of the sabre tightly and fell on the ground with his exhausted body. However, his eyes were filled with incredible excitement.

"Now, I am powerful enough to kill the peak level great mage!" Ayaan looked at the sabre as if he was looking at the naked woman. After all, without this sabre, he won't be able to reach this level. Afterwards, he dragged the snake to the seventh floor for their dinner.

Leafwhisk looked at him with a serious expression before informing, "You don't need to fight on the fourth floor now; it won't benefit you anymore. There are only peak level great mages on the fourth floor, after all; now you can kill them, it's no use to practice there."

Ayaan looked at the lady confusedly, asking, "Then what do I need to do now?"

Leafwhisk turned around and walked towards the altar of the seventh-place; Ayaan was confused by her action; then a voice reached in his ears, "Weren't you eager to know where the other two pieces of the holy stone are? Come, I will show you. Its time to complete the holy stone."

Ayaan froze on the spot due to shock.

"What are you waiting for? Come," Leafwhisk turned around and said to Ayaan.

"Ah? Yes, yes. Let's go, " replied Ayaan excitedly, he had waited for this day for too long. Now he was going to get the pieces of the holy stone and will complete his inheritance.

The three girls were also present at the place and we're waiting for Ayaan. They had already finished their training for today.

After hearing that Leafwhisk was about to tell them the location of the holy stone's pieces, everyone was surprised and excited.

After coming in front of the altar, Leafwhisk waved her hand and the altar gradually faded and a huge screen appeared in front of them; after looking at the screen, one could tell that the screen was a map. A huge map!

"Wha-what!?" the group gasped in shock. No one had expected that the altar could be turned into a huge screen and the screen could produce a map.

Ayaan looked at the map for some time and became even more shocked.

"Thi-this is the map of the Aemuggar!" A shocked cry escaped his mouth. His mouth was wide open in astonishment. He could believe that this screen had contained a map of an entire world.

He could see at the centre of the map was a huge continent and the four small continents were surrounding the central continent. He knew that the four surrounding continents were the northern, southern, western and eastern continents while at the centre of those four continents was the fabled central continent.

However, a dark place was separating the central region from the other four continents. Only then, Ayaan realised that it was a death desert which was feared by even the archmages. Crossing this desert was like ascending heaven. 

After glancing at the whole map once, Ayaan's attention arrived at the eastern continent where he was at the moment. However, there wasn't any name on the map; so he couldn't recognise the kingdoms or cities on the map. He only had a brief idea about the location of the paces; he didn't know the entirety of the eastern continent after all.

After looking at the eastern continent, he looked at the surrounding of the eastern continent. He saw a huge island beside the continent; though it wasn't as big as the continent itself, it was still about the size of the one-fourth of the continent.

When Ayaan asked others about the island, he realised that it was a demonic island; however, people of the island prefer to call it the demonic continent instead of the island. It was childish but Ayaan didn't bother to go into details of the issue. It didn't concern him whatever they call the island.

Finally, Ayaan turned towards Leafwhisk and asked, "So how are we going to find the holy stones? It is just a map; is it going to tell the location of the holy stones?"

Leafwhisk looked at Ayaan with disdain and said with a proud tone, "You think too little of the elementless tower. Just watch and you will know."

The lady waved her hand and the eastern continent started to zoom. Slowly the blurry places on the continent started to become clearer. It was working exactly like a satellite from the earth. However, even satellites on earth won't be able to show the images this clearly.

The group could see the cities on the map, the buildings were standing tall and the people were walking like tiny ants. It was a rather amazing view, like a video.

Slowly, Leafwhisk flicked her finger on the screen and the image changed and the other city appeared in front of the group and then, another. It went for some time when Leafwhisk stopped. Because at the centre of the city was a red dot. 

"Found it!" Leafwhisk said excitedly.

Ayaan looked at the place but suddenly it disappeared. He turned towards Leafwshisk in confusion, "Why did it disappear?"

Leafwhisk looked at Ayaan seriously and said, "It didn't disappear, I made it disappear."

"Why?" the man asked in confusion. Everyone else as well looked at the lady suspiciously.

Looking at their suspicious faces, Leafwhisk laughed bitterly, "It isn't that I don't want to complete the holy stone, but in return, I want your to promise me one favour."

Eventually, Leafwhisk looked into Ayaan's dark black eyes. Waiting for his reply eagerly.

"What kind of favoure?" Ayaan narrowed his eyes while staring at the tiny figure in the air,  flipping her beautiful wings continuously.

"I want you to do something for me." Ayaan could sense the great seriousness in her voice. This matter must be really important to her.

"Can you tell me what you want me to do? Remember if you want to marry Noor with someone later, trying to show off your typical teacher type attitude, no matter what, I will kill you by myself. If the matter could threaten my life, I still won't do. If you want to control me, dream on!" Ayaan said every sentence very slowly while looking continuously at the Leafwhisk.

Leafwhisk chuckled when she heard him, "Don't worry, I won't force you to do anything against your will. And I won't ask you to fulfil my promise if you aren't powerful enough."

After hearing Leafwhisk, Ayaan was able to tell that the task was dangerous; however, he didn't have any option right now. He couldn't go outside like usual, every faction on the eastern continent must be searching for him like hungry wolves. He won't survive for long if he would go outside. He needed Leafwhisk's help. She was powerful and knowledgeable.

"Alright, I agree." Ayaan gritted his teeth and accepted her offer. As for the promise, it was far away in the future. He didn't need to think about it now.

"Great!" Leafwhisk smiled pleasantly and the screen again appeared in front of her.

Suddenly, Ayaan remembered something, he looked at Leafwhisk and asked, "Didn't you say, you are trapped inside the tower? So how could you do so many things inside the tower, as if it belongs to you? I have the holy stone, but even I don't know much about the tower. Why is that?

Without turning her head towards him, Leafwhisk replied with a relaxed tone, "Yes, I told you, I am trapped here but did I say I was trapped here against my will? Or do you think that someone had trapped me here to harm me or control me?"

Immediately, Ayaan looked at her in shock. He didn't know how to reply to her. Her answer was beyond shocking for him.

Does that mean, she wasn't trapped by her enemy but someone else?

She said it wasn't to harm her. Then, was it to protect her?

Does that mean she was hiding inside the tower all this time?

"Done! I have found the exact locations of the holy stone. One is in the death desert and the other is in the eastern continent." Ayaan was jolted awake by Leafwhisk's voice and turned towards the map.

"Vigon kingdom!?" the group of four shouted simultaneously. They couldn't believe there was a piece of a holy stone hidden in the Vigon kingdom. 

Looking at the Vigon kingdom on the map, Ayaan couldn't help but grit his teeth when he remembered his last encounter at the royal place with the king of the Vigon kingdom. He wanted to rush at that place and kill that bastard king.

However, when he saw the name of the death desert, he gave up. He turned towards Leafwhisk and said, "I will go to the death desert; let them go to the Vigon kingdom."

The death desert was a very dangerous place and Ayaan didn't want his women to go there.

Leafwhisk wanted girls to go to the death desert and Ayaan to the Vigon kingdom, but she knew that he wouldn't listen to her; therefore, she nodded and two portals appeared, connecting at the two dots on the map. 

"What? We can use the map like that?" Ayaan looked at the map with wide eyes. This map could be used to travel any place visible inside it. That was insane!

"Did you think that the map was so simple?" after saying that she passed four tokens to everyone. 

"This token will help you guys to find the holy stone."

"I don't need the token if I am near another piece of the holy stone, I can feel it," Ayaan replied proudly.

"After completing your mission, break the token. It will teleport you back to here." Leafwhisk didn't reply to him and explained one more function of the token.

This time Ayaan didn't speak anything. It looks like he didn't know how to return inside the tower.

When the group disappeared, Leafwhisk muttered, "You are too weak at the moment; let the girls do the hard work this time."

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