Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 99: Attacking the Vigon Kingdom!

Chapter 99: Attacking the Vigon Kingdom!

The full moon was shining in the sky, trying to fight with the darkness of the night. The roars of the beasts could be heard from time to time, disturbing the tranquillity of the place. It was mid-night time, so not many people could be seen outside of their houses.

The guards were standing above the walls of the city while some guards were taking rounds of the city, inspecting if everything was alright.

In the one silent street of the city, a portal appeared and a boy around the age of seventeen or eighteen walked out of it. A long sabre was placed on his back, giving him a rather heroic look.

The boy looked around vigilantly, trying to find any potential danger. When he didn't find anyone around, the boy sighed in relief.

"Looks like it's safe" However, he didn't finish his sentence and looked around again.

"Why the hell am I inside a city? In the death desert, there shouldn't be any buildings or alleys like this place." Afterwards, he realised that he was really inside the city. Though he was confused; he didn't panic. He had gone through much worse situations, after all.

Nonetheless, he walked out of the alley, and suddenly spotted two men walking towards him; both of them were wearing the same clothes, it was some kind of uniform. Ayaan thought they must be bodyguards in this city, patrolling at this time. 

The two men were talking and laughing without paying any attention to their surroundings. I didn't look as if they were patrolling the area, it was rather like sightseeing.

However, Ayaan didn't care about that, he just wanted to get some information out of them. Therefore, hiding at the corner and waited for the guards to pass from there. 

"Don't you know that the Stolax kingdom has fallen? Their king and the commander have gone missing. Now, our kingdom is controlling the whole kingdom." a first guy said in a proud tone. 

"Of course, I know about it. Everyone knows Alexander king's daughter had entered the heavenly palace but never came out and rumour has it been that they were able to enter the mysterious sixth floor of the heavenly palace." another man informed excitedly.

Afterwards, he paused for a second. Then continued, "I have heard that not even people from the central region were able to enter the sixth floor. That is why they want to capture Alexander king's daughter and ask them about the things on the sixth floor.''

The second man was rather talkative and vomited lots of information in a single breath. 

Ayaan realised that he wasn't in a death desert but in the Vigon kingdom instead!

"Leafwhisk!" Ayaan gritted his teeth but sighed, feeling rather helpless. He knew that Leafwhisk didn't have any bad intentions, but he just wasn't up to that job; he was too weak.

When the two guards disappeared from his sight, only then, Ayaan came out of the darkness; without wasting any time, he walked towards the palace of the kingdom, from where he felt some kind of summoning.

In five minutes later, he arrived in front of the palace of the Vigon kingdom. The guards were standing in front of the gate. Though Ayaan could easily kill them, it could alert other people, and he didn't want to alert anyone before he got his hands on the holy stone.

At this moment, a small white fruit appeared in his hand. Ayaan smiled when he saw the fruit. It was a fruit of invisibility, he had bought in the auction of the Capital Doham. The fruit had the ability to make someone invisible for half an hour. 

At that time, he had bought the fruit because he wanted to sneak into the royal palace of the Doham, to meet with Noor, but he never got the chance to use it. Now, it seems the perfect time for the use of the fruit.

However, before he ate the fruit, he silently released a few shadows out of his ring. Though his magic energy was sealed at the moment, he didn't need magic energy because every undead was connected to his soul. He could command them without the use of magic energy but not without soul power.

Immediately, the shadows started to spread in the Vigon Capital; though Ayaan didn't command them to immediately attack, he let his undead soldiers reach every corner of the capital all the soldiers he sent were that of the dark or shadow element he didn't let any other undead go in the open, or it could expose him immediately.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, he gave his undead the order to attack.


A booming sound resounded at the entrance of the capital, echoing in the entire city in the silence of the night.

"Wha-what is happening?" a guard who was standing at the gate of the palace, asked with his trembling voice.

"I think someone is attacking!" another man said with a fearful look.

"Who would dare to attack our kingdom? Our biggest enemy the Stolax kingdom is no more and it will be the territory of our kingdom sooner or later." the first guard said in confusion.

When they were gazing in the distance where the entrance of the capital was, a dark shadow formed under their feet. Before they could react two small bats lunged at them. Blood splattered around, two small holes appeared on the chests of the duo before falling on the ground lifelessly.


A banging sound resounded in the whole city, it again came from the entrance of the city. Ayaan came out of the shadow and looked at the lifeless corpses of two guards. However, he didn't go to the palace directly. 

Finally, he released his most powerful undead. A huge skeleton dragon appeared, and the army of about forty to fifty skeletons appeared around Ayaan. 

Looking at his undead army proudly Ayaan commanded, "Attack!"

Immediately, the group of undead creatures rushed towards the palace. Ayaan still didn't reveal himself; he wanted to drag big potatoes out of the palace.

And after some time a familiar face appeared from the palace. It was the man, who was defeated by Ayaan in the royal palace of the Doham; however, at the last moment, the king of the Vigon saved him.

After looking at the man, Ayaan grinned viciously, today he was going to wash the Vigon capital in blood.

However, he didn't want to kill everyone one in the city; if he were to do something like that, then there would be no difference between a maniac killer and him.

Although he wanted to kill those who were involved in the Doham's conspiracy. If it wasn't for Alexander, he would have died at that time. Therefore, now, he had the strength to take his revenge; of course, he won't spare his enemies.

The eighth level great mage looked at the army of undead and his face immediately paled. 

Though he was at the eighth level, there were more than forty great mages present in front of him. Furthermore, there were five to six great mages present in the undead army. Even the king of Vigon was here, he had to run, much less a puny eighth level great mage.

"Why the heck undead shrine is attacking our kingdom?!" The shriek of the man was suppressed in the noise of the battle which was taking place, or more clearly, a massacre which was taking place. It was a one-sided battle.

At this moment, Ayaan ate the fruit, this time was perfect to invade the royal palace of the Vigon.

After eating the fruit, his body started to fade, and finally, completely disappeared. Though the body of Ayaan had disappeared, the sabre was still on his back; after his body vanished, the sabre was still in the air. Therefore, Ayaan had to put the sabre in the space ring.

Subsequently, after that he walked towards the palace; at this time he saw the people of the two traitorous families coming out of the palace. It looks like they were working as an official of the kingdom and were even able to reside in the castle.

However, Ayaan didn't pay them much attention; they were just minor characters to him, he could kill them whenever he wanted; his top priority at the moment was to get the part of the holy stone.

Just when he was about to enter through the gate, he felt a powerful energy rushing in his direction Ayaan immediately stopped walking; although he wasn't visible at the moment, no one could say that he would be able to escape the keen perception of a powerful mage.

With powerful energy, Ayaan felt another kind of energy rushing towards him together with the first energy. However, he couldn't tell what it was. Finally, a man arrived in front of Ayaan Middle-aged man, with black hair, sharp eyes and tall build and on his head was a majestic golden crown.

In a single look, Ayaan was able to tell that he was a king of the Vigon kingdom. Simultaneously, he also recognized the other type of energy which rushed towards him along with the king.

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