Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 126 The Cause Of The Plague

As Daniel and Cecilia continued to traverse the city, their perceptive eyes noticed a deeper layer of affliction.

It wasn't solely the people who suffered; the very essence of the city bore scars from the relentless plague.

Buildings stood worn and weathered, their vibrant facades faded, a reflection of the city's fading vitality.

Cracks marred the streets, symbols of both physical decay and metaphorical decline.

This wasn't just a plague that affected the people's lives but also the dynamism of the city that soon may succumb to the effects of the plague. 

This was no ordinary epidemic, it was a malevolent force that permeated every inch of the city's being.

Its insidious touch reached beyond the flesh, ensnaring the very soul of Exolia.

Even the most fledgling cultivators, typically shielded from such mundane afflictions, found themselves inexplicably weakened.

Daniel and Cecilia exchanged glances, comprehending the dire complexity they faced.

For the mortals, there's no telling when they would fall apart and Daniel predicts that it won't be long before the city would fall. 

"Master, this doesn't seem like it would be caused by a natural outbreak," Cecilia declared, her voice tinged with concern.

Her vigilant eyes scanned their surroundings as though seeking hidden answers. Her gaze penetrated every corner, her consciousness stretching to uncover any concealed presence.

Cecilia's perception was formidable; even the shrewdest attempt at concealment couldn't elude her senses. Yet, despite her exhaustive search, she found nothing to grasp onto.

Daniel's response was gentle, a reassuring smile gracing his lips as he affectionately ran his fingers through her hair.

Her smile mirrored his, a shared moment of camaraderie and understanding.

"Yes, my dear disciple, you're right," Daniel concurred, his tone carrying the certainty of his convictions.

As they continued their exploration, Daniel's mind worked in tandem with his observations. His insight, honed through countless trials and encounters, pieced together a puzzle he was all too familiar with. His lips curved into a knowing smile, Cecilia's curiosity mirrored in his eyes.

"This isn't a typical plague. Its impact on the buildings and structures suggests a sinister origin."

''This was done by something sinister, perhaps a ground of syndicates that's acting behind the scenes'' Daniel revealed and as he looked around, he turned his direction towards a certain tall building that uniquely stood amongst all of the structures throughout the whole city. 

''A group of syndicates?" Cecilia was oblivious to the word and she didn't understand the connection between them, and Daniel explained it to her with a smile. 

''The word doesn't matter, but it could be the alliances of 2 groups or more, or perhaps even alone and their purpose could be many'' He explained and he continued after taking a few more steps. 

''It could be depletion of resources, overpopulation and the most popular theory is the collection of the body'' He eventually said the goal behind the 'mysterious' force that might be behind the plague. 

''Collection of Body? Don't tell me they're using some sort of taboo or forbidden technique that requires corpses?'' She eventually connected the picture and after finding out, her impression towards whatever group that was behind this had fallen so low that she wouldn't mind wiping them out. 

''That's right my dear disciple and here you go'' He patted Cecilia once again and she never complained and loved receiving his pats. 

''They're collecting corpses to activate or execute whatever forbidden technique they're using but I bet because they didn't want to ruin their reputation, they're hiding it by replacing it with a plague'' Daniel explained. 

''And if I place my bet, it would be the Nobles'' He smirked and revealed the group of people that was behind the source of the plague. 

''But Master, how do you know all of this?'' Her admiration towards her master had grown and though she didn't doubt his words, she couldn't help but be a little bit curious. 

''Well, if you put your mind around it, it's kinda easy to figure out. If you look around you'll notice that only the commoners or even the cultivators are affected but those from the Noble Families are not. And even in this situation, they're not doing anything'' He said. 

''Perhaps the nobles are at their wit's end as their lifespan is coming to an end, and they're using their people to replenish their lifespan by exchanging their lifeforce for a higher capacity of cultivation energy'' He added. 

''Then master, what are your plans?'' Cecilia wondered. 

"Well, for the first part, let's pay a visit to Mecil," Daniel suggested with a spark of eagerness.

He charted a course through the labyrinthine streets of Exolia, a city that seemed to crumble beneath the weight of its affliction. Cecilia's steps mirrored his, anticipation dancing in her eyes as she kept pace with her master.

''This is awful. Even the shop is in tatters She commented that the shop had worn out and even the interiors were slowly falling apart. 

As they wove through the city's alleys and thoroughfares, the once vibrant tapestry of life was now a tableau of decay.

Buildings leaned precariously, and signs of wear and neglect scarred every corner. Cecilia's voice carried a mix of disbelief and sorrow as her gaze swept over the dilapidated scene.

"It's truly disheartening. Even the shops have succumbed to this plight," she lamented, her empathy echoing through her words as she observed the crumbling storefront. The interior was no better, a haunting echo of its former self.

However, undeterred by the shop's desolate appearance, Daniel led the way with purpose.

His memories guided him unerringly to the threshold of the establishment, despite the ravages of time and turmoil. Cecilia followed suit, her trust in her master unwavering.

"Mecil!" Daniel's voice rang out, its resonance cutting through the silence. 

The air quivered with anticipation as the name hung in the air, a summons that held the promise of reunion and discovery. Cecilia's gaze flickered between the surroundings and her master, her curiosity piqued by the mysterious figure he sought.

A shuffling sound emanated from a shadowed corner, and from within the dimness emerged a figure, Mecil. 

"D-Daniel?" Mecil's voice trembled with disbelief, her aze locked on the man who had entered her life like a whirlwind. Emotion rippled across her face as recognition dawned, bridging the gap between past and present.

A warm smile curved Daniel's lips, a gesture that held camaraderie and understanding. "Mecil, it's been a while," he greeted. 

Daniel doesn't possess any sort of feeling towards her yet, but because of her face and body that were implanted inside his brain, he wants Mecil to be part of his harem. 

It was even more impressive that she was able to recognise his voice and that shows just how much Mecil had been remembering him. 

Similar to Daniel, Mecil wasn't in love with him but because of the first impression he left, his incredibly attractive aura and even his kindness that had aided her with her lack of money, she couldn't forget about him. 

Upon rushing out of the door, Mecil was sweating profusely with her sweat all over her body and she wore traditional clothes yet even those clothes were wet due to her sweat. But even then, it added more charms to it. 

Her presence commanded attention, a vision of captivating allure that effortlessly drew gazes. Long wavy strands of chestnut brown hair cascaded down her back, framing a countenance that held an air of enchantment. Light red eyes sparkled with an inner fire, hinting at depths of wisdom and experience. A delicate curvature graced her lips, painted in a shade of subtle red that held the promise of secrets whispered.

Yet, her beauty transcended mere aesthetics. It was a reflection of the strength and resilience that had carried her through the tapestry of life. Her aura exuded a blend of confidence and elegance, a testament to the journey she had traversed.

Her figure was a symphony of curves and grace, a silhouette that effortlessly caught the eye.

The subtle arch of her back led to a generous bosom that defied subtlety, a silhouette that hinted at both maternal comfort and undeniable allure. A sculpted derrière completed the composition, a testament to a physique that had weathered the tests of time.

But beyond the physical, her presence resonated with a charisma that left an indelible mark.

Her gaze held a depth of understanding, a silent acknowledgement of the intricacies of existence. Every movement seemed deliberate, every gesture a brushstroke on the canvas of existence.

In the realm of cultivators and mortals alike, her appeal was undeniable.

A force of nature, she was more than just a striking visage, she was a living embodiment of grace, strength, and allure. A paragon of beauty, a tapestry is woven from the threads of time and experience, she stood as a living testament to the artistry of existence itself.

''It's you Mr.Daniel'' Her exhausted face eventually broke into a smile as though the light of her life had appeared before her. 

''It's me Mecil and it sounds like you have been missing me'' Daniel joked and he couldn't help but tease. 

''You jester Mr. Daniel'' She laughed together with him and after a few seconds only then did she see that there was another woman by his, and for a few seconds, there was a subtle jealousy in her eyes. 

''Oh?'' She raised her left eyebrow and questioned Daniel teasingly. ''I wonder who this beauty is? Is she perhaps your wife?'' 

''Yeah, that's right, her name is Cecilia, and it's kind of complicated to say that she's my wife at the same time, she's my disciple as well'' Daniel introduced Cecilia and she walked forward towards Mecil to introduce herself. 

''Hi, Mecil and it's nice to be your accomplice. Perhaps should I call you Elder Sister soon?'' Cecilia had no doubt that Mecil would one day become her master's harem which is why she was not jealous. 

However, Mecil was taken aback that her joke turned out to be real and she saw it coming out from his words, Her heart suddenly suffocated and she never felt this before. Not even on those nights that she imagined herself with Daniel. 

''A-Ah I see'' She stuttered. ''Aren't you a beauty? It's no wonder he had fallen for you'' She tried recovering but even Daniel could see that she was uneasy the moment he mentioned Cecilia being his wife. 

'Well, she would be shocked if I told her how many harems I have' He decided not to reveal it yet and would take his time spending the days in this city. 

''But I never thought that someone you have a disciple?'' She was astonished to know that he had a disciple considering that his looks appeared young. 

''Why? Are you surprised?'' Daniel widened his smile. 

''No, I'm not. After all, who could give a person 15 spiritual stones without being bothered by it? Only cultivators could do it'' Mecil was assured that spiritual stones were something that could be afforded by cultivators. 

But she's forgetting one fact. 

The ones that Daniel gave were Purple Spiritual Stones and not white spiritual stones. Hence, Daniel was a bit stunned that her reactions were subtle. 

(Hey guys, I decided to open a discord channel where mainly is all about the discussion and some 'pictures' if you want to and depending on the stones or even how many chapters are purchased, I would release some 'pictures'. https://discord.gg/yqK3JrS4jX)

(I would pose all character pictures over there instead of here since it would be easy)

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