Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 100: Another Day

Chapter 100: Another Day

After taking a break and showering, Alex put on a new pair of loose clothes and headed out of his room. He entered the elevator and went to the reception. Alex looked happy, his face has a small smile and his enthusiasm was very high. Knowing more about this world made Alex feel more connected to the people and the country itself so Alex felt like he was, in some form, home. 'I miss the shitty place I had but this is just entirely better, Better people, friends who are there for me, powers I guess life became better after I came here' Alex chose to ignore the huge amount of things that happened when he came to this world and only focused on the positive.

Rachel looked at Alex and smiled, "You look fresh That training routine you have every morning must be tiring though At first, I thought it was someone forcing you to do it but after asking Hana yesterday, it seems like you're just doing it to train. So good on you Alex to take the extra steps to become stronger!" She said in an excited manner. 

Alex smiled and nodded, "Thank you" He wasn't so happy about the training internally but he had no choice but to do this. He looked at Rachel who was also smiling back at him. She suddenly seemed to remember something and spoke, "Speaking of Hana Did she visit you yesterday? She seemed to be very curious about where you were" She said with a sly smile.

Alex nodded, He looked at Rachel and answered, "She did indeed. She came to visit Well, more like she came to observe and decide if I was training properly and if I had the potential to improve but that's similar, right?" Alex laughed awkwardly. 

Rachel nodded and spoke firmly, "There is one thing you need to know Alex, If Hana visits you, you appreciate it! She isn't the cold queen for some random reason. She doesn't care about others but she showed a lot of interest in you so don't do anything that breaks her trust for you. You're the only person who I can think of now when the thought of persuading Hana to lead the Awakened Bureau comes to mind I might just be a normal, powerless receptionist But I do know that the leaders of the awakened will decide the fate of many things that run here so they ultimately affect me" Rachel then scratched her head, "Well, That and I just look up to Hana a lot and the thought of her leading the strongest people in the country is something that I just love Seeing the people you love succeed is a good feeling." Rachel said in an awkward voice. 

Alex nodded when he heard Rachel, he saw midnight come out of the elevator and spoke, "you're correct! But Let's continue this when I return. Take care of yourself and bye!" Alex ran off to Midnight, into the elevator. 

Rachel tried to stop Alex, "Wait! You Ugh, Whatever." She puffed her cheeks and mumbled, "Good Luck trying to find me during the day and night shifts I'm only here for morning shifts" She Looked a bit annoyed.

Rachel then looked at the ceiling, "I guess every little girl who knows of the strongest awakened wants to be like Hana, Pretty yet powerful Well, I guess I can act like a kid sometimes and not feel guilty." Rachel sighed as she went on with her job.

Alex followed Midnight who looked at Alex with a Smile, "I saw the footage of your ass getting kicked yesterday, Can't say that I was surprised, The difficulty was bumped up so you couldn't but there was this one moment that made me back away from the screen in disbelief. Tell me this one thing, How many times did you watch me take down Imani Or rather, I should say: How many times did Imani make you watch me take her down. How many times did she play that footage back?" Midnight laughed. 

Alex smiled and spoke, "It was a lot. She spends so much time explaining so much to me that remembering it gives me a headache But I was lucky that I just kept on observing you taking her down because I guess just looking at how you did that slide tackle type of kick that I could copy it to a degree that it was effective" He remembered back to downing the Reaper. He had so much trouble with that reaper but Alex felt proud that he did take it down instead of giving up. 

Alex also wasn't surprised by Midnight's words on The simulation being made purposely more difficult for him. He didn't know that Imani would have done it but he wasn't surprised as well. Midnight looked at Alex and gave him a thumbs up, "My mood got so much better after seeing that move from you. Today, I'll teach you a lot more. And You'll have more combat time with the bot as well. You might not have noticed it but I saw a new side of you when you went into a difficult battle You were smiling like you loved it." Midnight teased Alex. 

Alex looked a bit surprised by midnight's words, He didn't remember having that kind of fun but he didn't also dislike the entire battle. It felt more exhausting to him. "I don't know about that I didn't feel like I enjoyed it more than doing something else but I guess It's good?" Alex shrugged. 

Midnight laughed and nodded, 'This kid I guess we will see him change the more powerful she gets.' She looked at Alex. 

The elevator went on its way down to the basement. Alex and Midnight were heading back to the training facility, for Alex's 2nd day of training. 

"WHAT?" A scream of surprise followed up by a hearty laugh echoed a small office room. Master Zhun looked at Ryan and spoke, "that's good, this kid I knew there was something about him." He replayed the video of Alex's training, scrolling through everything that Alex was doing on the video.

"I'm telling you, This is our chance to create someone who can finally go against that freak When that happens, our country can keep its integrity" Ryan spoke in a serious tone. He then looked at the ceiling and said, "but I guess it's not the time bad blood can only be paid in blood We have Hana anyway, and she has promised us that she would help if the chance arises" He then looked at Master Zhun. 

Master Zhun smiled and nodded. He closed the video and spoke, "Alex's will choose his path on his own He crossed over from another world so we can't say for sure that we own him. We don't own him. He has a free passport as per the World Awakened Act states, 'Any drifters from another world get to decide what country they want to represent So Alex has his own free will here But looking at how fond he has been with these women around him, it doesn't seem like he will leave so soon Plus, I looked into the documents that he had in his wallet, the boy lived in a country that looked very similar to that of Hojo so It's probably safe to assume that He is most likely will be more fond of a country that's similar to his own" He said in a calm tone. 

Ryan took a deep breath and nodded, "yes, that's true I just got excited by seeing everything and just went back in history But we can ignore that for now, I guess" Master Zhun smiled and nodded. He seemed happy with Ryan's reply. 

Ryan looked at Master Zhun and spoke, "but Let's get back to Alex's abilities He doesn't seem to have any specific ability as we do Magic casting seemed like the ability but most people who have that ability could use their magic for other things as well Healing by itself would have made sense but it seems like Alex has only a self heal ability I'd say that he just gets more powerful in those abilities or some specific ability will awaken as his body evolves and gets more powerful." Ryan slowly spoke. 

Master Zhun nodded. He thought for a bit before speaking, "That's very true I'd say let's see if Alex's abilities are limited or not I don't think he has a self heal only I think he can heal others with his ability as well Making his even more precious for us But even if he doesn't have that ability, It's still amazing About his other abilities we can only say that time will tell For now, we just relax, and deal with those terrorists I've sent OJ to Alex so he will train Alex in healing if Alex's abilities don't limit him to himself, that is." Master Zhun spoke. 

Alex stood in front of Midnight, She was teaching him more kicks, continuing from yesterday's training. As Alex trained, A tall man watched as he stood in the corner.

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