How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 6: Chapter SS3

Book 6: Chapter SS3

Side Story 3: Genia and Merulas Lets Test it!

Its time for Genia...

...a-and Merulas...

...Lets Test It!

The two who shouted this and pumped their fists into the air were overscientist Genia, who had just gotten engaged to Ludwin Arcs, the Captain of the Royal Guard, the other day; and Merula Merlin, from the Spirit Kingdom of Garlan, the high elf whose too-strong curiosity had gotten her accused as a witch, and put her on the run from the Orthodox Papal State of Lunaria.

The two of them were now in the ruined dungeon workshop owned by the House of Maxwell.

...Um, was there some meaning behind that call? Merula asked Genia, her pale face having turned red.

Huh? It was obviously just a spur-of-the-moment thing.

Spur-of-the-moment...? Now, listen, Genia...

Cmon, Merumeru. Times finite. Lets get to testing!

Please, dont call me Merumeru!

Ignoring Merulas protests, Genia pulled something out from behind her. It was a squalid bag, about the size of a sandbag used in boxing practice.

This here is the item up for testing today, Genia declared. Dun-du-du-duuun: the Heros Sack.

The Heros Sack?

This sack was said to be used by the first King of Elfrieden, who, just like our king (Souma), was summoned from another world as a hero. It may not look like much, but it can hold a lot, and recently Sir Ponchos been using it to store the ingredients he gathers all over the continent and brings them back.

The first king... Wait, isnt this a real treasure? Merula asked, poking at the sack.

If this was the first King of Elfrieden they were talking about, he was a great hero who united the many races to form this kingdom. His story was told of in legend, and he was still loved and respected by the people. If the first king had used this, it was probably an incredibly prized possession.

Its technically a national treasure, yeah, Genia said like it was no big deal.

N-National treasure?! Merula jumped back in surprise. Wait, is it okay to treat a national treasure so poorly?!

When I told the king I want to study it, he said, Dont break it, and let me borrow it.

So easily?! Like you were asking to borrow a new pocket watch that he just bought?!

It sounds like the king wants to research overscience relics, Genia shrugged. You think something happened?

I-I wouldnt know...

Having learned there was a connection between his former world and this one after the incident in the Star Dragon Mountain Range, Souma directed his research organizations to do more specific research into the overscience relics that were no doubt key to learning what the connection was. He hadnt gone so far as to explain that situation to them, though.

Anyway, today I think well run tests on the Heros Sack. Genia picked up the relic. Now first, lets see about its weight and volume. As you can see, at present, even a delicate basement-dweller with thin arms like me can easily lift it up.

Was the self-deprecation necessary? But yes, it certainly does look light.

But, get this, theres already a whole lot of stuff inside. Okay, my golems, bring it on out.

With that, Genia had the dirt golems she made with her own ability bring over a large, rectangular water tank. It had to be as large as a sizable shed. The base was about four by five meters, and it was more than four meters tall. Genia had to put up a ladder just to stand on the edge of it.

Merula, who was left looking up at her, asked, Um, Genia? What is this for?

The thing about this sack is, its already been left immersed in a river for half a day.

What are you doing to a national treasure?! Wont you be punished?!

Merula was confused, but Genia didnt care.

We cant let little things get in the way of academic progress.

I... I always thought I was too obsessed with research, but... its a big world out there.

Haha! Please, dont compliment me like that, Merumeru.

Im not complimenting you!

Well, anyway, thanks to being immersed in the river for half a day, theres a lot of river water inside here. We dont know its volume, so it remains unknown whether its full or not. Regardless, I think if we open the sack into this water tank, we can find out how much water is inside. If it gets dangerous, we can just close the sack up, after all. With that, Genia turned the sack toward the water tank. Now, the grand opening.

With that easygoing proclamation, Genia opened the sack and water started gushing out with incredible force. The kickback made Genia lean backward despite herself, but she managed to prevent it from becoming a problem by having her golem servants hold her in place.

The water kept building, and in no time, the tank was already half full. Because it had been filled with river water, it was muddy, and there was a lot of algae, chunks of driftwood, and garbage inside.

Oh, fish... Merula, who was looking up from below, noticed a number of fish swimming inside the tank. They must have gotten inside while it was immersed in the river.

Setting aside everything else, the fish in the bag were still alive. This is fascinating. I dont know what the bag is like inside, but at a bare minimum, it has the conditions necessary to support living fish.

Merula tended to get dragged around by Genia, but she was every bit as curious. She quickly shifted her mind into research mode and began analyzing.

The water, which it seemed might come out infinitely, eventually came to a stop with the tank nine-tenths of the way full.

Hmm, said Genia. Its unthinkable that this was all that came in after it was immersed in the river for half a day. Therefore, this might be right around the capacity of the sack. More or less than one shed full? Normally, if there was this much water inside, I wouldnt be able to lift it. Does that mean the weight of the things inside can be ignored?

Having come down from the ladder, Genia speculated with her hand on her chin.

Its incredible to be able to ignore the weight of so much water... Merula pondered. Oh! Look, Genia. Can you see the fish swimming in the tank?

Hm? ...Youre right. Theyre swimming around full of energy.

Are they so energetic because it was just half a day? But theres no light inside, right? Even if there was water the whole time, theyd probably think it was night and be more sluggish.

The fish inside are energetic, huh... Theres something about that fact that catches my attention. If I recall, the king said food that gets put inside doesnt rot easily. If thats the case...

The girls traded arguments that seemed to go nowhere.

While they did, there were two men watching them from the terrace of the log cabin built inside the ruined dungeon workshop. One of them was the Captain of the Royal Guard, Ludwin Arcs, who was Genias fianc. The other was Merulas guardian (?), Souji Lester, the rotten bishop sent from the Orthodox Papal State of Lunaria.

The two were drinking beer on the terrace while watching the women engaged in their research. One wore a dumbfounded smile, and the other was holding his head.

That Genia, being reckless again. The one holding his head was Ludwin. Today, like every day, the serious Captain of the Royal Guard was being jerked around by his childhood friend Genia. Did she say she left a national treasure in a river for half a day? What was she thinking?! If it got lost, theyd do more than just abolish the House of Maxwell!

Hahaha! Souji laughed jollily as Ludwin clutched his head. Oh, whats the harm? Either way, during your generation, the Houses of Arcs and Maxwell will merge to become the House of Maxwell-Arcs, right?

Urgh, thats not the problem! Besides, should you be letting Madam Merula run wild, Sir Souji? Youre her guardian, arent you?

Even if you call me her guardian, my jobs just to take it easy and avoid acting on the requests my country sends me, Souji said. Ill protect her from the demands of my country to arrest her, but I dont care enough to open my mouth about anything else. When it comes to anything other than research, shes got her act together better than I do, anyway.

While saying that, Souji knocked back his beer. Normally, a man of the cloth in the Lunarian Orthodox faith would be expected to refrain from such worldly desires, but he was as rotten as ever.

Phew... he added. When it comes to one of us telling the other off, its Merula thats the noisy one, you know? Its always, Clean up this room, or, Youre acting like a slob. Get it together.

No, I think Madam Merula is right... Theyre both researchers, but the way shes neat and tidy is like the polar opposite of Genia.

You might be surprised to find youd be better off getting together with Merula instead, dont you think? Souji asked.

By the same token, if we paired you up with Genia, I think the two of you would run even more wild than you do now.

Imagining the pairings of Ludwin and Merrula, and Souji and Genia... The two of them smiled wryly. That was because though it resulted in couples with similar personalities, they just didnt feel right.

Well, its hard for things to work out when both partners are too similar, after all, Souji said.

...Is that how it works?

While the two were having that sort of heart-to-heart talk, Genia waved Souji over. Hey, you got a minute, Old Man Souji?

Hm? You mean me, Young Miss Genia?

Yeah. Sorry, but could you come over here for a moment?

Geez, I guess Ill have to...

With steps made slightly unsteady by alcohol, Souji headed over to where Genia and Merula were.

Being called out by name when Genia was experimenting...

Ludwin had a bad feeling about this. But if he stopped the man from going, he was bound to be the one to eat a stray bullet instead, so he shut up and watched Souji go.

Slightly before Genia called Souji over

I suspect the reason why food thats put in the sack doesnt rot easily is because the time it takes the food to rot is being extended, Genia said.

By which you mean? Merula asked.

I think the flow of time inside the sack is different from the flow of time outside the sack. Perhaps the reason the fish that had been inside for half a day were still so energetic also stems from the flow of time being different. So, heres the idea.

Genia pulled out an hourglass. When turned upside down, the sand that was filling the top part began falling to the bottom. Genia put the hourglass into the sack in that state.

This hourglass is designed so that it takes five minutes for all the sand to reach the bottom. Well wait five minutes with it like this.

...I see. So thats how it is.

Five minutes later

When Genia pulled out the hourglass, the sand still hadnt fully fallen. More than that, there was little change in the amount of sand at the top at all.

Genia brought her hand to her chin and groaned. Hrm... I expected the sand not to have fully fallen, but if the amount in the top hasnt noticeably changed, does that mean time is practically stopped?

Times stopped inside this bag?! Is that possible?!

Our common sense doesnt apply when it comes to the way overscience relics work, my dear Merumeru.

Dont call me that... But how can we tell if time is stopped inside or not?

Hm... It seems were forced to use our last resort.

L-Last resort?

Merula gulped as Genia flashed her an indomitable smile.

Going inside to see.

And that was why Souji was called over.

Merula turned a cold look on Genia. So youre not going to go inside.

I am an observer, Genia said. I have a duty to leave records of the experiment.

Honestly... This is really going to be okay, right?

Youre worried about the old man? Genia smirked, and Merula turned to look away.

Even if it was him, Id have trouble sleeping at night if anything were to happen.

Itll be fine, said Genia. You saw how energetically the fish were swimming around, didnt you?

They may have looked that way on the surface, but theres no way to tell if the fish are really fine when they dont speak.

Then Souji came over. You called, Young Miss Genia?

Hee hee! I know this is sudden, but were going to have you help us out a little.

Help? ...Wait, whuh?!

Without waiting for his response, Genia pulled the Heros Sack over the top of Souji.

Souji had an awfully muscular physique for a man of the cloth, and normally he never would have fit into a sack like that; but once it was over his head, he went in easily. He was completely inside in no time.

Merula was flabbergasted at what just suddenly happened. Wait! Is this really okay?!

No worries, no worries... Probably.

What do you mean, probably...?

For now, lets wait.

Was it around ten minutes later?

Genia slowly took Soujis body out of the bag.

When Souji flew out and landed flat on his butt, Merula rushed over to him.

Souji! Are you okay?!

Ow, ow, ow... What? What in the world just happened?

Theres nothing wrong with you, right?! Do you have two arms and two legs?! Do you have two eyes, noses, and ears?!

No, itd be weird if a human had two noses. Wait, but, huh?

When Souji looked restlessly around the area, Genia asked him a question.

Old Man Souji, just now, I put you in a bag. About how much time do you feel has passed?

Time? I wasnt counting, but... you pulled it off me right afterward, right?

Nope. You were actually inside the bag for about twenty seconds.

Dont be stupid. Theres no way it was that long.

Hm... Ow!

As Genia was trying to thinksmacka fist dropped down on her head.

When Genia turned around, Ludwin was standing there with a smile on his face and a pulsing vein on his temple. In response to that threatening look, Genia managed to force a smile, her face twitching.

B-Big Brother Luu? I-I cant say I approve of domestic violence.

You be quiet! What do you think youre doing, suddenly using Sir Souji for your experiments?!

It was for the advancement of science...

There are things its okay to do, and things that arent! Now, listen here, you...

While Ludwin was starting to thoroughly lecture Genia, Merula was staring at the Heros Sack which had been left lying on the ground.

Souji noticed her line of sight and spoke up. H-Hey... Merula?

Even after he called her name, Merulas eyes were still fixed on the sack.

Souji remembered. Merula Merlin was a bundle of curiosity, and she would keep charging forward even after it killed the cat. For instance, she crept into a holy place, the main church of Lunarian Orthodoxy, to steal a glance at the Lunalith, a monolith which relayed prophesies from the moon god Lunaria, who was the object of worship in Lunarian Orthodoxy, were said to descend. That was how she was declared a witch by the Orthodox Church and ended up on the run.

As if she resolved herself to do it, Merula shouted and thrust her head into the sack.

Merula?! Souji shouted.

Then Ludwin and Genia noticed the situation, too.

Madam Merula?!


Unlike Ludwin, who was genuinely concerned for her well-being, Genia moved next to Merula, who was shoulders-deep in the bag, then pulled out a pocket watch and called out to her.

Merumeru, can you hear my voice?

Yes. I hear you, the reply came from inside the bag. It looked like she was okay.

Merumeru, whats it like in there? Did you see anything?

I saw something black just past the entrance. I dont know how to say it, but it was like darkness. I ended up thrusting my head inside it, but now I cant see a thing.

Darkness, huh... Can you hear my voice without any time lag?

Yes. I can hear you. In my current situation, it looks like the flow of time isnt any different from outside.

Hm... I wonder how far you have to go in for the flow of time to change. Will you move forward?

Ill try. Could I get you to hold onto my ankles, just in case?

Gotcha. Ill hold on tight.

Genia gripped Merula by the ankles as she slowly crawled forward into the bag. Even when she was halfway in, Merula seemed to hear Genia properly, without any time lag.

Merula, can I get you to sing something as you move forward from here on? Genia called.

Okay. ...La. La lu la.

A clear, pretty singing voice came from inside the bag.

It was a melody no one here knew, but the song might have come from Merulas homeland, the Spirit Kingdom of Garlan. While they could hear that singing, Merulas body kept advancing into the bag. Then, when Merulas feet and Genias hands were all the way inside the bag up to her wrists, it happened.

Merulas singing stopped dead.

Merula, can you hear me? Genia called out to her, but there was no response.

However, Genias hands were definitely still gripping Merulas ankles. From there, Genia got help from Ludwin and Souji to pull Merula out of the bag. When they did...

La la la.

The moment they started pulling, they heard Merulas singing. She continued singing as if nothing had happened. When she was pulled out, Merula tilted her head to the side in confusion.

The way it felt to me, not long after I started singing, you immediately pulled me out. I hadnt even finished my first song yet.

When she heard that report from Merula, Genia said, Hm... and thought deeply about it. It would seem that when a target is placed inside the bag, that targets time is stopped when it is fully inside. Thats why, when Merulas feet were sticking out, and when I had just my hands inside, we werent affected.

Having said that, Genia clapped her hands.

Well, for now, lets summarize what weve learned in a report. Overscience relics are fascinating indeed. I think even just what we learned today will be enough to satisfy the king.

Youre right. It was a truly fascinating item.

The women went about writing their report on the day, full of energy for some reason.

Looking at the two of them, the men sighed.

Hahh... It looks like it ended without anything going too wrong, said Ludwin.

Hey, Ludwin, do you get put through this all the time? Souji asked, sounding concerned, and Ludwin responded with a dry smile.

Yes... But now well have some quiet for a little while...

Come to think of it, Merumeru, Genia commented, Ive had a request from the king to investigate the Summoning Room, you know?

Oh, that room they used for the summoning ritual that brought His Majesty here from another world? That sounds very interesting indeed.


It seemed a second episode of Lets Test It! had been confirmed.

Seeing the dazed look in Ludwins eyes, Souji patted him on the shoulder.

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