How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 6: Chapter SS4

Book 6: Chapter SS4

Bonus Short Stories

Tomoe, Holding Down the Fort

It happened at around the time that Souma and the others were in the Star Dragon Mountain Range confronting the storm.

Tomoe, who had been left behind in a town bordering the Lunarian Orthodox Papal State because it was too dangerous to bring her along, was looking towards the Star Dragon Mountain Range in the northwest and praying everyone would be okay.

Big Brother. Big Sister, she prayed. Everyone... Please, come back safely.

Inugami, who had been entrusted with the task of guarding her, was concerned. Little Sister...

Today, ever since a large black cloud had been sighted over the Star Dragon Mountain Range, Tomoe had been looking out her window towards the Star Dragon Mountain Range and praying for everyones safety. Praying was the only thing she could do, so she was doing it with all her heart.

Unable to bear the sight any long, Inugami tried to cheer her up.

Its okay. His Majesty and the princess have Madam Aisha, Officer Halbert, and young Miss Carla, the foremost fighters of our kingdom, with them. If you add Madam Naden, the dragon, on top of that, no matter what might happen, Im sure those fighters will be able to protect the two of them.

Inugami said that to encourage her, but Tomoe looked down.

I understand that. I do, but... I worry. I think Aisha would lay down her life for Big Brother, but that makes me worry shell get hurt...

Inugami fell silent.

Because Souma had gone and made all of his bodyguards people they were close to, Tomoe must be worrying about what would happen if any of them were to suffer a life-threatening injury. It was easier to imagine the worst when it involved someone you knew, after all.

It would be easy to tell her things are okay... but even if it would be easy to say, without any basis for saying it, it wouldnt be enough to reassure her. It would be better to redirect her attention.

Inugami placed a hand on Tomoes shoulder. Its not good for your health to worry so much. Rather than imagine an unpleasant future, why not talk about what youll be doing after this? You can talk with me.

What Ill be doing after this...? Tomoe asked, looking up.

Tomoe had taken an interest, so Inugami continued in a bright tone of voice. Yes. His Majesty said his trips abroad would continue. He said quite clearly that he would be bringing you along, too. What do you think the next country youll visit is?

You mean somewhere other than the Star Dragon Mountain Range, right?

Tomoe started trying to predict the next country. A good sign.

We have good relations with the Empire, and theyre too far away, right? So itll be one of the neighboring countries...

Well, what neighbors does the Kingdom of Friedonia have?

We have five. The Union of Eastern Nations, the Republic of Turgis, the Mercenary State Zem, the Lunarian Orthodox Papal State, and the Nine-Headed Dragon Union across the sea.

Thanks to taking lessons from Hakuya, Tomoe was now able to rattle those names off so smoothly that it was hard to think of her as a child.

Which of those seem like places you wouldnt go to? Inugami asked.

I think with the trouble involved in crossing the sea, and with the dispute over fishing rights, it probably wont be the Nine-Headed Dragon Union. Its in the opposite direction of the city were staying in, too. Other than that, the Lunarian Orthodox Papal State just tried to make Big Brother into their holy king the other day, so I dont think hed want to go there.

I have to concur, Inugami nodded. In addition, the Union of Eastern Nations is a collection of small to medium sized states, and the negotiations for His Majesty to visit each of them individually would be difficult. Also, many of the requests for marriage that have been flooding the castle are coming from those countries, so he would likely hesitate to visit them.

In that case... will it be the Republic of Turgis or the Mercenary State Zem? Tomoe guessed.

Although there had been issues with the eternally neutral Zem during the war with Amidonia, they werent openly hostile. As for the Republic, it wasnt entirely clear whether they were hostile or not.

Tomoe asked, Do you know about Zem and the republic, Mr. Inugami?

Because the republic is a closed off country, I know that their five major races control the country through a council, but... thats about it. However, when it comes to Zem, I have heard things from the mercenaries.

Though it had been terminated after Souma had been entrusted with the throne, the Elfrieden Kingdom had previously had a mercenary contract with Zem. That was why Zemish mercenaries had been in the kingdom.

It seems that they are a meritocracy... or rather, it seems might makes right there.

M-Might does? Tomoe stammered.

Yes. It seems that even the right to rule can be claimed by martial prowess. Once every year, the country comes together to hold a big martial arts tournament, and they do everything possible to grant one wish to the winner. If the winner wishes to be king, they will be given the right to challenge the current king, and if they should emerge victorious, they become king themselves. That is why Zems king is always the most powerful warrior in the country.

Um, does that work for the country? Having someone be king just because theyre strong...

The bureaucracy that handles internal affairs is independent of the king, so it is probably all right. The king takes responsibility for military matters, so even if the kings talents are entirely martial in nature, they should be able to manage as a king. It seems the citizens find it reassuring, too. Because they claim neutrality, their country wont attack other countries, and if they are attacked themselves, theyll have the strongest possible king to defend them. Its a sort of charisma, I suppose.

Wow... There sure are a lot of ways to run a country. Tomoe let out an impressed sigh and smiled. There are so many different countries in the world. Could this be what my teacher (Hakuya) meant when he said to broaden my horizons?


I want to learn more about all the other countries. By learning more, I think I can learn to love this country that Big Brother and the others rule even more.

Heh... I will accompany you anywhere you wish, Little Sister.

With that, Inugami patted Tomoe on the head, and...

Ah! Pardon me!

He hurriedly drew back his hand. Seeing Tomoe so enthused, he had patted her head despite himself, but that was clearly not proper for him to be doing to the adopted sister of his liege.

Tomoe had a blank look on her face, but she quickly shook her head when she saw Inugami bowing to her. Oh, no! Dont worry about it! I didnt mind!


Um... It kind of reminded me of Dad. It brought back fond memories.

Tomoes father had passed away soon after her little brother was born. That must be why Inugami, who was of a similar race, reminded her of him.

Tomoe took Inugamis hand. So... I want you to keep teaching me, praising me, and patting me on the head.

Little Sister... understood.

When Tomoe asked for that with upturned eyes, Inugami couldnt deny her.

Incidentally, Inugami wasnt the only member of the Black Cats present, and his compatriots would continue to bring up the indescribable expression he made at his point over drinks for a good long time.

Naden and the Royal Capital

My name is Naden Delal.

I am a black ryuu from the Star Dragon Mountain Range, and just the other day, I formed a dragon knight contract with King Souma of Friedonia, and then came to this country to become his bride.

Mind you, even if it is a dragon knight contract, Soumas a king, and Im a ryuu, so were kind of an exception to the norm.

Now, the night we returned to Parnam Castle, Souma called me into the governmental affairs office.

Hey, Naden, they gave you an education on how to act like a proper lady in the Star Dragon Mountain Range, right?

Yeah, I said. Lady Tiamat taught me everything Id need to know so that I would be ready to become a knights wife.

Judging from how well you dance, the level of education in the Star Dragon Mountain Range seems to be high. I dont think you need any new lessons on how to become a queen.

According to Souma, unlike a primary queen, a secondary queen gave up the right of her children to inherit the throne in exchange for not being restrained by all the strict rules of etiquette. If she always supported the primary queens in public, and maintained a certain base level of etiquette, that was apparently enough.

Because a woman could become a secondary queen regardless of her social status, and because, as long as she reported she was going, she could head out to the castle town with relative freedom, many women aspired to become secondary queens.

Souma scratched his cheek as he said, Well, even if youll be a secondary queen, youre still royalty, so normally youd need a guard when you went outside, but... I doubt theres going to be much that poses a risk to a ryuu. If you take on ryuu form, no one can lay a hand on you, and if it really gets risky, you can fly away.

I think youre right, but... what are you trying to get at? I wasnt sure why he was being so roundabout about this.

Souma smiled wryly and told me, Ill be heading to the Republic of Turgis soon, but you cant come with us because its so cold there, right, Naden? So, while Im gone, your schedules going to be empty.

He was rightryuus, dragons, and dragonewts didnt stand up well to the cold. If I insisted against my better judgment on accompanying him to a land of freezing cold like Turgis, it might ruin my health and cause trouble for Souma. That was why I couldnt accompany Souma on his trip to the Republic of Turgis. It frustrated me to not be able to help.

Dont make that face. Souma rose from his chair and patted me on the head. I have a request for you. Something only you can handle. Once we come back from the republic, I want to have a meeting with you about it.


Thats why, well, I wanted to say it would be good for you to look around the capital to your hearts content until then. The security inside the capital is solid, after all. I like the way youre free and uninhibited. I dont want to tie you down to the castle. Souma smiled. So you can go around the castle town freely. Thats what I wanted to tell you.

Souma... Um, thanks.

Souma was thinking about my needs. I was grateful for that.

Ha ha... he chuckled. Oh, also, take care of Liscia for me, too.

Yeah, she was looking a bit under the weather.

Shed said it was exhaustion catching up with her, but I was a little worried.

Roger that. Ill look after Liscia. I pounded my chest with one hand as I promised him that.

Though, even if he tells me I can come and go freely...

Some days after Souma and the others had left for the Republic of Turgis, I went down to the castle town.

As for Liscia, whod been feeling unwell, she might not have made a full recovery yet, but shed stabilized. She had no fever, and had an appetite. But, to stay on the safe side, she would be taking it easy and letting her body relax for a while. There would be a good doctor coming to see her tomorrow, so there was nothing for me to do.

That being the case, Id come down to the castle town, but I had no idea what to do. It was an unfamiliar land to me, after all. I could see the castle from anywhere in town, so there was no risk of me getting lost, but where was I going to go? While I was thinking that...


Suddenly, I felt a tug on my skirt, and when I looked down there was a little girl who only came up to my waist, crying and clinging to the hem of my skirt.

Huh, who are you? No, whats wrong?

I came here... with my friend, but... I dunno the way back... the little girl told me through her sobs.

Yikes, she was lost, huh?

I crouched down to get on the same level as her, patting the girl on the head. Erm... You came with your friend, right? Where were you going?

The... the plaza... with the fountain...

A plaza with a fountain, huh. I remembered seeing that from the air. Maybe, rather than hand her over to the guards, itd be faster for me to take her there myself. I picked the little girl up in my arms.


Its okay. Ill take you there.

I jumped, kicked off of a wall, and landed on one of the orange roofs. Even in my human form, I could do this much. I headed along the roofs towards the fountain plaza.

Y-Youre so fast... The little girl I was carrying blinked in surprise. But being carried like this... is a little scary. Can you give me a piggyback ride instead...?

No can do.

Why not?

Because the only one I let ride on my back is my husband, I said teasingly.

The little girl gave me a blank look.

Once I saw the girl to the fountain plaza where her friend was, I ended up playing with them, too, and I was covered in mud by the time I got back to the castle.

When she heard about it, I was summoned by Liscia, who gave me an earful.

Naden... you played around too much, she scolded.


It had been maybe fifteen minutes since Id been made to sit in front of the bed Liscia was sitting in.

Take more care about the way people see you, even if youre a secondary queen, show some understanding of your position, and, really, should a woman be going and getting covered in mud like that to begin with...? It seemed to me, from the lecture Id gotten, that she was plenty healthy.

Naden, Liscia said and looked straight at me.

W-Was I in for more? I tensed myself, expecting that, but Liscia put on a smile.

Have you taken a liking to this country?

I smiled and gave her a firm answer. Yup!

Poncho Becomes a Governor

It happened just before Souma departed for the Star Dragon Mountain Range.

On this day, Souma summoned the Kingdom of Friedonias Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Poncho, to the governmental affairs office.

When Poncho entered the room, Souma was seated in his chair, and for some reason the head maid Serina was standing in the corner of the room.

The presence of Serina, who stood there with a composed look on her face, seemed to catch his attention, but Poncho first addressed the provisional king.

I-I have come at your behest, yes.

Its good to have you here, Souma answered. I have a job for you.

A job, is it?

Souma unfurled a map of the country on top of the desk. You know we built the new city, Venetinova, as a key point for the distribution of goods, right? In consideration of the citys importance, I decided that, instead of a magistrate, I would create a new governor post and have that person manage the city. I plan to entrust it to Weist, who distinguished himself during the war, but it seems hes preoccupied with the procedures for changing his domain. Thats why, for the time being, I need someone else to serve as the governor in his place. I want you to do the job, Poncho.

Me, manage such an important city?!

Its because its an important city. That, and also because the city has taken in a large number of former refugees as citizens. If I made the mistake of leaving it to a prideful noble, theres the risk they would cause unneeded friction. I want someone with a mild personality, and one who has ample support from the populace.

B-But... I lack the experience... Poncho looked uncertain.

But Souma smiled wryly and gave him his seal of approval. It should be fine. Ive asked Serina to serve as your assistant. Besides, Komain, who was formerly the assistant leader of the refugees, is in Venetinova, too. You know her, right?

Y-Yes... Yes. We met a number of times while I was distributing food support...

Komain was the young woman who had been the assistant leader of the refugee camp, and she was the one whod brought together the former refugees whod chosen to cast aside their homelands to become citizens of the kingdom. Her personality was never timid, even when dealing with men, and that made her popular. With her help, the citizens would easily accept Poncho.

You can consult with the two of them while you work, Souma said. Im counting on you.

Now that the provisional king had told him that, Poncho was unable to say he didnt want to do it. Y-Yes. I understand. Ill be counting on your support, too, Madam Serina.

If it is my masters order, it would seem I have no choice, Serina said with a composed look on her face, then bowed. I will support you to the best of my abilities.

The fact of the matter was, when Souma had told Serina, I want you to go to Venetinova as Ponchos assistant, she had accepted immediately. It seemed she didnt want to be unable to eat Ponchos food while he was away from the castle. Knowing that fact, all Souma could do was smile wryly.

Well, do your best. Oh, also, I think all the marriage proposals that have been coming to the castle for you will start to go to that city, so good luck sorting through all of those.

C-Come again? The sudden mention of marriage proposals made Ponchos eyes go wide and his voice to sound funny. Th-Thereve been proposals for me?

Yeah. So, you know one of the reasons for my trip abroad is to provide an excuse to decline all the requests to meet young women with an eye to marriage that have been swamping the castle, right? Well, weve had a number of the same sort of requests for you. For the sake of the castle, Id like to have you go elsewhere, too.

Th-Then, the reason I was chosen to be magistrate of Venetinova was also...

Thats part of it, too. Ive given you Serina as an assistant, so do your best.

Having been told that, all Poncho could do was stand there, as if in a daze.

Some days later, in the office in the governors mansion in Venetinova...

Now then, Ill make a roster of the refugees whove joined us, said Komain.

Please do that, yes.

Poncho watched as the girl who had formerly been the assistant leader of the refugees left the room, papers in hand. This was the last thing he had needed to give his approval for as governor today.

Your government duties for the day are finished, but there are still things that need doing, his assistant, Serina, said.

Poncho, who understood what Serina meant, hesitantly asked, ...So, how many will there be today? Yes?

Five people. A relatively low number, Serina said plainly, causing Ponchos shoulders to slump.

Whenever his duties were finished, it was time to meet prospective marriage candidates. The daughters of nobles and powerful merchants who wanted to marry him were apparently already standing by in the waiting room. It was a regular work day, so he was getting off with just five, but on his days off, he was swamped with so many applicants that they had to form a line.

That was Poncho, the man revered as Lord Ishizuka the God of Food, for you. He was so popular that he couldnt rest even on his days off. If he would just marry one of them already, things might settle down a little, but unfortunately, even with all these offers coming in, not one came to fruition.

Im sorry to put you through this too, Madam Serina, he said.

This is an order from my master, so dont let it bother you.

Serina accompanied Poncho to all of these marriage meetings. That was because Souma had asked her to keep a close eye on him and make sure Poncho didnt fall for a woman or a House that had ulterior motives.

Serina had a cool look on her face as she spoke, and Poncho acted very obliged to her.

Im truly grateful to you, Madam Serina, yes.

Talk is cheap. Serina turned away, then glanced sideways at Poncho. Id like to see you show your sincerity.

I understand, yes. With a wry smile, Poncho pulled a certain something out of his desk drawer. When he placed that long, black thing on his desk, Serina looked at it intently.

Is this... seaweed, perhaps?

This is a seaside city, after all. I managed to acquire some good quality kombu. Tonight Ill use the broth from this and eggs to make the dish called chawanmushi that His Majesty taught me, yes.

Chawanmushi... What sort of dish might that be? Her tone was level, but there was a sparkle in Serinas eyes, and it was clear she was intrigued.

Its soft like pudding, but it has a taste as deep as the sea, Im told.

Ooh... Lets get these meetings out of the way quickly, Sir Poncho.

Serina took Ponchos arm with an entranced look on her face. With Serina, whose head was no doubt full of chawanmushi, rushing him, Poncho left the office with a strained smile.

Incidentally, with Serina getting worked up, the bar was about to be raised for Ponchos meetings with prospective partners, but... that is a story for another time.

(To be continued in volume 7.)

Juna and Roroa Demand Answers

This happened the night that I temporarily returned from the Star Dragon Mountain Range to the Kingdom of Friedonia to consult with the others on whether to form a dragon knight contract, which was essentially an engagement, with Naden.

When I introduced Naden to Liscia, Juna, and Roroa, the ones who had remained in the kingdom, Liscia took Naden away (for some reason, she said theyd be taking a bath together), and I found myself being pulled away, with Roroa and Juna each holding one arm, and dragged to Roroas room.

Roroas room was filled with lots of girlish little things.

They sat me down in a chair in that room, and Roroa sat down across from me at a small table. Juna wore a broad smile as she stood at Roroas side.

Wh-What was this...? The way things were set up, was this an interrogation room or something?

Com on now, darlin. Out with it. Roroa folded her hands together in front of her mouth as she said that.

O-Out with... what exactly? I asked hesitantly.

Ive gotta mean everythin about Naden, obviously. Its only been about half a month since ya left for the Star Dragon Mountain Range, yknow. Whats got her so fond of ya in such a short time?

That had caught my attention, too. Oh, have some tea, Juna said, proffering a cup of black tea that she had prepared at some point. I sensed she had a strong desire to be married to you. You two only met just recently, didnt you? Just what was it that made that time so rich?

Rich? I was just doing normal stuff, really...

Tell us more.


The two pressed me, so I gave up and told them about Naden.

About how Naden had been the only ryuu in the land of dragons, and she had seemed isolated because shed looked different from those around her.

How Id happened to know what ryuus were, and when Id told Naden that she was one, she had looked like a great weight was lifted from her shoulders.

How wed watched an Imperial-made Jewel Voice Broadcast in her room, read romance novels, and lazed around.

How Id stepped in when a red dragon called Ruby had been picking a fight with her.

How I had been able to teach her to fly...

And so on, and so forth. They asked questions and picked over every little detail of the time Id spent with her.

Having heard all I had to say, Roroas cheeks were bright red. Whats with that lovely meetin? Darlin, youre basically a prince on a white horse.

I wasnt riding on any white horse, though, I said. I had a dragon carry me to the Star Dragon Mountain Range in her mouth.

Who cares if ya were actually ridin one! Ya appeared before a young gal in distress and fixed her problems right quick. Thats more than any girl can ask for!

Wait, was Roroa really the one to say itd been a contrived meeting? But it was true that it felt like we were dancing in the palm of Mother Dragons hand.

I agree with Roroa.

Even you, Juna?

Hearing your story, I felt like I could understand how you became a special person to Naden. I would say youre already a person she cant do without. That must by why she so strongly wants to be together with you.

Everythin was dramatic, down to the way you met. Roroa was nodding in agreement.

But no. If were just talking about how we met, wasnt the way I met both of you plenty dramatic? I asked. Juna, you were a spy sent by Excel, and Roroa, you came to me with your country in tow, right? Heck, you even came wrapped in a carpet, and surprised me with a dun-da-da-dun.

I directed that myself. Im jealous of Nadie, who got a dramatic meetin without havin to do anythin other than be herself.

Thats right, Juna said. Meeting you as a spy leaves a bad impression, too...

Roroa got up from her chair and turned to look away from me, while Juna looked a little dejected. Their individual reactions... felt really cute, somehow.

I rose from my chair and hugged both of them together. Without the two of you, Im sure I wouldnt be here doing any of this. Juna, you brought me my ties to Excel. Roroa, you soothed the hearts of the people of the principality. Of course, the same thing goes for my meetings with Liscia and Aisha. No matter how we met, if any one of you had been missing, I couldnt have built a present as good as the one we have now.



I gave Roroa and Juna a big smile. Its thanks to all of you that Im somehow managing to get by as king. Im grateful.

Hee hee! Youre too kind, Juna giggled.

Ha ha ha! If ya wanna say that, Im certainly not gonna complain.

The two of them smiled. While I was feeling relieved...

But still, darlin. Im thinkin you oughta show some more appreciation, Roroa went and said.

Huh? Show it?

Roroa grabbed my arm and started swinging it around. So, with that bein the case, Darlins sleepin in my bed today.

Ro-Roroa?! Junas eyes went wide.

How does that follow?! I exclaimed.

I cant have you go layin a hand on me yet cause of the whole succession issue, but if ya keep your hands to yourself, it oughta be fine, right? Ive heard ya already slept next to Bid Sister Cia and Big Sister Ai, so why dontcha sleep with me and Juna, too?

Oh, if thats all... Ill go get the pillows. Juna, seemingly satisfied with that explanation, left the room.

Huh? This was already decided?

Ha ha ha! Im gonna be dreamin sweet dreams tonight, Roroa snickered.

...Okay, I get it, I said.

And so, that day, the three of us slept together.

Roroa was more clingy than necessary, and Junas wonderful scent made me feel a little lightheaded, but I felt tired from moving, so I quickly fell asleep.

As for what I dreamed... thats embarrassing, so Id rather not say.

Ruby Goes to Hals Family Home

Im Ruby, a dragon who formed a dragon knight contract with Halbert, an officer of the Kingdom of Friedonia.

Its unusual for a dragon of the Star Dragon Mountain Range to marry into any country other than the Nothung Dragon Knight Kingdom, but when it came to being an exception, that black girl whod married the king had me beat.

Now, as for today, I had come to Hals family home, the House of Magna, but...

You big idiot! a man shouted.


The moment the door to the mansion opened, Hal was suddenly sent flying. In front of me, fist outstretched, there was a dapper old man who looked a lot like Hal. The old man had a red beard, and his macho body made him look like an experienced warrior.

Owww, what do you think youre doing, out of nowhere, Dad? Hal cried, rubbing his cheek.

Did this mean the elderly gentleman was Hals father?

Hals father... whose name I was later told was Glaive... pointed his clenched fist towards Hal as he said, Ive heard the reports. About everything you did in the Star Dragon Mountain Range. Ill recognize it was a time of crisis, and even that you were vital to solving the problem there. That said, dont you feel bad for what you did to Kaede? You two were engaged to be married! The same goes for this girl, too. Your thoughtless actions decided her future for her!


Hal got unsteadily to his feet, but he must have had something on his mind, because he didnt say anything in return. This was terrible, seeing Hal chastised for forming a contract with me.

Stop this! Im the one who was wrong! I hurriedly interposed myself between them. I imposed on them because I wanted to be able to do something. Hal and Kaede simply accepted that! So, please, punish me instead!

When I appealed to him like that, Glaive blinked. It was as if he was surprised by something he hadnt expected to happen.

Huh? Why was that his reaction? Wasnt he upset about us forming a contract?

There was an awkward silence, and then...

Okay, okay. You come over here.

There was a sudden pull on my arm, moving me out from between the two of them. When I turned back, there was a lady with a gentle look on her face. The lady let go of my arm, then placed her index finger on my lips.

No getting in their way. Thats how those two communicate as father and son.

C-Communicate? I stuttered. Like that?

It looked to me like Hal got punched, though!

The lady placed a hand on her cheek and made a troubled smile. Oh, men are such idiots. When he heard his son had become the first dragon knight in this country since the first hero king, he was happy, saying, That idiots a dragon knight, huh!

Thats what he says when hes happy?!

But if he were only to act happy, that wouldnt be fair to Kaede, who Hal had just gotten engaged to, or to the people of the House of Foxia, now would it? The situation being what it was, Kaede and the House of Foxia wont blame Hal for what he did. Thats why hes getting angry on their behalf.

Wh-What an awkward father and son... I said in exasperation, and the lady giggled.

Theyre going to be your family now. By the way, Im Hals mother Elba.

Y-Youre his mother?!

Oh, my, how lovely. Your red hair looks just like my husbands and Hals, so it will be like having a real daughter, Lady Elba said with a nonchalant smile. It was relieving to see that she seemed like a very warm person.

Meanwhile, now that Lady Elba had spilled his true feelings for all to hear, Sir Glaive turned red with embarrassment.

You lucky man! Glaive exclaimed, beating his son.

Gwah...! Wait, Im not going to accept getting punched for that, you jerk!

Oh, this time Hal was hitting back.

Ngh... Kaede wasnt enough for you, so you went and seduced a nice girl like this, too!

Urgh... I didnt seduce anyone!

The red-haired father and son started a slugging match. On a closer look, they both seemed full of life, so Lady Elba must have been right, and this was just how the Magnas communicated.

By the way, their communication ended with a victory for Sir Glaive. That was because Hal, who probably did feel a little guilty, couldnt help but pull his punches. While dragging the bloodied Hal behind him, Sir Glaive said to Lady Elba, Sorry, were going to go apologize to the House of Foxia.

She giggled. Come back soon.

Glaive set off in high spirits, dragging Hal with him, and Lady Elba watched them go with a gentle smile on her face. When I asked her about it, I was told Hal had disrespected the king once before and received that sort of punishment before being dragged to the castle to apologize. Was this how apologies were done in the House of Magna?

...Was I going to be able to make it in this house?

While I was worrying about that...

I told this to Kaede, too, but the most important thing in married life is getting used to it, okay? said Lady Elba.

...Ill take that to heart, Mother Elba.

All I could do was nod.

Some days later, Hal and Kaede accompanied the king south to the Republic of Turgis.

However, I ended up staying behind and watching the home front at the House of Magna. Dragons and ryuus were weak against the cold, and I would just be in the way if I accompanied the to the frigid lands of the republic.

And so, for the time being, I was enjoying the first family I had ever had.

What do you think, Father Glaive? I asked, giving him a shoulder rub.

U-Ungh... Not bad.

Glaive had a gruff face, and he could be curt, but his ears were turning red, so I could easily tell he felt embarrassed. Id thought he was a dapper old man, but he had a pretty cute side to him, too.

Ruby, dear, Im going to be getting dinner ready, said Lady Elba. Could you help?

Yes, Mother Elba!

And I cheerily went over to the kitchen.

The What-If Known as Discarded Setting Elements

*Note: This story has nothing to do with the main story. Sorry.

...There sure are a lot of them, Liscia said. Far more than predicted.

Thats just how serious the principality is.

As Liscia and I stood on the walls of Altomura, we could see the advancing forces of the Principality of Amidonia coming our way. The 30,000 soldiers of the principalitys army, which had moved into Elfrieden to take advantage of discord between the three dukes and me, were advancing from the south towards the fertile grain-producing region of Altomura.

We had only just put down the three dukes, and our main force, the Forbidden Army, was in the middle of absorbing the Army in the Carmine Duchy and being reorganized as the National Defense Force. The newly reorganized National Defense Force wouldnt be coming here, and would instead launch a counter-invasion to the north and take the capital of the principality, Van.

That was why Altomura had only the local garrison of five hundred soldiers and a force of two thousand marines under the command of Admiral Excel of the Navy. We had to stop the principalitys force of 30,000 with only 2,500 soldiers, and to buy time until the main force could begin their counter-invasion.

Its going to be a hard battle, Liscia said.

We knew that. Thats why we brought that thing, isnt it?

We turned around to look at the shining, metallic silver of a massive mechanical dragon. Created by the pride of our kingdom, the overscientist Genia Maxwell, this was Mechadra. It was a weapon with armor that was impervious to cannons, and it had a built in Type-10 which deflected magic attacks, but no functions that would make it move. It had been a white elephant, with no purpose but to maybe act as a giant scarecrow. However, my ability, Living Poltergeists, was able to move it.

Your Majesty, things are ready on my end, Aisha called.

The marines are ready to go anytime, Juna added.

The greatest warrior in the kingdom, Aisha, and the songstress who was also the commander of the marines, Juna, came along. They both reported in like that. If we sent Mechadra out, it was guaranteed to sow confusion in the principalitys ranks. In that time, Aisha and the marines would sally from the back gate, then make a big loop around to cut off the enemys supply lines from the rear.

I nodded to the two of them. Okay. Well, lets get started.

Yes, sir!

Watching Aisha and Juna run off, I tried to get into Mechadras cockpit. That was when it happened. Suddenly...

Souma! Liscia shouted my name and got me to stop.

I turned back to look, and Liscia threw herself at me and hugged me.


After I caught her, stumbling slightly, Liscia said in a strained voice, Um, listen... Im sorry. For getting you caught in a battle like this.

There were tears in her eyes. Her moistened eyes were bleary with the guilt of having torn me from my homeland, but still having made me fight on behalf of this country. She must have had it eating at her all this time.

I didnt want Liscia to look at me like that, so I put a hand on top of her head. Dont make that face. Im the king now, and there are things I must do.

Liscia kept acting worried. But if anything were to happen to you... I... Eek!

I hugged her tight. As I embraced her body, which despite all her strength was quite delicate, I gently patted the back of her head.

Its okay. Mechadra and I wont lose.


So, wait for me. Ill send them packing, and then Ill come right back to your side.


I released Liscia and got in the cockpit. Then, as I sat in my seat, I pressed my hands to the sides of the cockpit, transferring one of my consciousnesses into Mechadra.

In the next instant, Mechadra began to move like it had a will of its own, and let out a mechanical roar.

Okay... Lets go, Mechadra.

This is Souma Kazuya in Mechadra, launching.

? ? ?

...Wait, huh?

When I opened my eyes, I was in the governmental affairs office in Parnam.

In front of me was a mountain of paperwork to look through. Yep... the usual.

It looked like Id dozed off while doing paperwork. I felt like Id been watching a pretty realistic dream for a rather long time, but... I couldnt remember the details.

Well, thats just how dreams are.

When I stretched, Liscia, who had been doing paperwork with me, looked over at me with a mystified look on her face.

Are you okay? If youre tired, you should rest, you know?

Liscia was showing concern for my well-being, but I told her with a forced smile, No, its nothing. I just dozed off and had a weird dream.

Explanation: This is what the story looks like if all limiters have been removed, and Soumas abilities, Mechadras functions, and the reactions of surrounding countries to both are addressed. In the early stages of writing Realist Hero, I considered letting Souma really let loose with his abilities, but it seemed more difficult to set this work apart from others that way, and it also seemed contrary to what the readers wanted, so I scrapped the idea.

Liscia in Recovery

I am Liscia Elfrieden. The candidate to become Soumas First Primary Queen.

With the matter of the Star Dragon Mountain Range sorted, we had all come back to the kingdom yesterday, but I must have been exhausted from all the moving around Id done, because my health gave out. The symptoms were the dizziness and the lethargy I had felt affecting my whole body as I was disembarking from the gondola. Also, my appetite was a little weaker than usual.

Because it was probably just a cold, I was resting and recuperating in my own bed. There were always people rushing around the castle, but today was quiet. I was sure they must have been trying not to make too much noise around this room because I wasnt feeling well.

It feels like... times stopped, I murmured.

Ever since Souma arrived, the days had gone by blindingly fast, so it might have been a while since Id felt so relaxed. Souma always had some sort of work, and since I had started helping him, it had been quite a while since Id had time where I didnt have to do anything. It was good to be able to relax, but...

...But Im bored.

I always joined the castle guards in their training with Aisha when I had spare time, but I couldnt do that in my condition. Well, I considered reading a book, but all I had in this room were manuals on military tactics and strategy. If I read these now, I was sure to lose my lunch. It hurt to admit it myself, but I sure had a bland room. The only girly thing in this room was a doll Souma had made as part of his hobby, so I felt pretty pathetic. (Souma had way too much girl power.)

While I was sitting there with nothing to do, there was a knock at the door.

Come in, I called out, and Roroa came in with Aisha, who was carrying some large, covered object.

Heya, Big Sister Cia, hows your health holdin up?

Pardon us... Oof. Aisha laid her large parcel down on the floor.

I blinked. My health is stabilizing, but... what is that thing?

Roroa laughed mischievously.

I figured youd be gettin bored, so we went and borrowed this from Darlin. Right, Big Sister Ai?

Yep. Ta-dah.

Aisha pulled back the cover to reveal a simple Jewel Voice Broadcast receiver. When Roroa pressed the switch on it, they were right in the middle of a singing program.

Went and had one of the royal familys units adjusted to receive public broadcasts, Roroa said with a smugly confident look. This oughta help kill some boredom while ya cant go out, dontcha think?

Is it okay for me to use it? We dont have that many simple receivers...

Weve received permission from His Highness. There were no plans to use it in the immediate future, so he said its fine, Aisha explained.

If theyd gotten permission, it was probably fine, I guess?

Thanks, Roroa, Aisha.

Ha ha ha! Roroa laughed. Dont you worry about it.

Get well soon, Aisha added.

They were concerned that staying to long might be a burden on me, so the two of them left the room quickly. Having been left by myself, I absentmindedly watched a music program. Usually I was on the production side of these things, so I hadnt relaxed and watched it this way before, but... it was surprisingly good.

While I was thinking that, there was another knock at the door.

Come in, I called out, and this time Juna and Naden came in.

Pardon us, said Juna.

Were coming in.

The two of them, it seemed, had armfuls of books. They lugged them in and left them at my bedside. From the look of the covers and titles, it looked like they were adventure and romance novels.

Whats with these books? I asked.

Theyre mine, brought here from the Star Dragon Mountain Range, Naden said, puffing up her chest with pride.

Juna smiled wryly and added, We heard from Lady Roroa that you were feeling bored, so Naden brought her books to lend you.

Because I heard you had nothing but military books. These books are all great.

It seemed Juna and Naden, like Roroa and Aisha before them, had come with something to help assuage my boredom. I smiled and thanked them.

Thanks, Juna, Naden.

Please, take good care of yourself, Juna told me.

If you need anything, just call us, Naden added.

The two of them left the room. I waved to them as they reluctantly closed the door behind themselves, holding one of the books they brought tight to my chest. I was really grateful for everyones kindness.

Ngh... I murmured.

It looked like, at some point, I had fallen asleep holding Nadens book.

By the time I woke up, the sun was already down. But it was still bright inside the room. That was because the lanterns were lit. Probably one of the maids had done that for me while I was asleep.

When I sat up, there was a knock at the door.

How are you? Liscia.

The one who came in after that knock was Souma. In his hands he held a tray with a small pot on it. Carla was behind him, too, carrying a soup dish and more.

I heard you had no appetite, but I thought you should at least eat something, Souma told me. I imposed on the kitchen staff to have this made.

With that said, Souma lifted the lid on the pot to show me what was inside.

Ta-dah. Grandmas special recipe for sick days, Tamatama Udon.

Tamatama Udon?

You simmer onions in the broth until theyre soft, then add in udon noodles, like the ones Poncho made for me. Once its boiled to the point its soft and easy to digest, you drop in an egg. Theres ginger in it, too, so itll warm you up, and its highly nutritious.

The steam wafted off of the soup broth before my eyes. I still didnt have much of an appetite, but it seemed I was hungry. It made me want to eat really badly.

Thanks, Ill have some, I said.

Only as much as you can handle, okay? Im sure Aisha will eat the leftovers.

Hee hee! Maybe Ill eat it all and make Aisha sad... Yep, this is good.

Souma and Carla smiled as they watched me eat the udon. I could feel everyones kindness...

Its a secret, but I thought, You know, this isnt so bad, every once in a while.

But I couldnt have everyone worrying about me forever. Souma and the rest would be heading off for the Republic, but it sounded like Hilde the doctor would be coming soon. Id need her to give me a thorough examination.

The Former King and Queen are Enjoying the Slow Life

The Kingdom of Friedonia had a domain in the mountains that was under the direct control of the royal family.

It was the former domain of the previous king, Albert, from his days as a nobleman, and now it served as the place of retirement for the former royal couple.

It was pastoral, and the people there worked the fields and dairy barns by day, and then, though they only had sound, they enjoyed the Jewel Voice Broadcasts music and other programs while drinking at night. It was a relaxed lifestyle. This was the sticks, but the people were peaceful and it was a surprisingly easy area to live in.

La, la, la, Albert sang.

In that tranquil place, at Alberts manor, the former king was currently pruning the trees in his garden while singing to himself. Though Albert was remembered by the people as a good man and a mediocre king, there was actually one talent in which he excelled: horticulture.

Albert was especially good at making beautiful flowers bloom and neatly trimming the branches of the trees. This was because, in his days as an impoverished noble, he had done the gardening for the manor himself. Because it had partly been a hobby for him, his skill at it had quickly increased. The truth was, even after hed married Elisha and joined the royal family, he had still occasionally helped maintain the castles inner gardens.

In particular, Albert was skilled at pruning the trees so that their branches took on the shape of animals (topiary). The leaves and branches he was pruning now were going to look like a swan cleaning its wings. There were still some minute details for him to work on, but it was already high enough quality work that it felt like it had a sense of motion to it. Then...

Al, would you take a break and join me for tea? his wife called.

The former queen, Elisha, was on the terrace adjoining the gardens, a maid standing at her side with tea already prepared.

Albert wiped the sweat from his brow and smiled at her. Ohh, Elisha. Ill be right there.

And so, the two quietly enjoyed afternoon tea on the terrace. The afternoon went by slowly around them. Elisha enjoyed looking at the gardens as she sipped her tea.

The number of flowers and animals has certainly increased. Its like were living in a storybook.

A-Ahahaha... Maybe I got carried away and made too many after our son-in-law praised me for them, Albert said with an embarrassed laugh.

Alberts horticultural skills were wonderful, and the current provisional king, Souma, viewed them with deference. Because of that, Souma paid for Alberts gardening expenses out of his own pocket money. Hed built a greenhouse in the garden, and whenever he came across unusual flowers, he would send them to Albert to see if they could be cultivated in this country. Because of that, the current garden was filled with flowers and animal-shaped trees of all colors.

When she saw how bashful Albert was, Elisha giggled. Oh, whats the harm? This garden is very popular, after all.

There was a sudden pattering of footsteps. It looked like the children from the nearby village had come to play.

Kiiiing! Queeeen! Hello.


The children greeted them with flawless smiles.

Hey, hey, queen, one of the children said. Can we explore the garden again?

Hee hee! You can.

Having gotten her approval, the children cried out, Yay! throwing their hands up in the air and running off toward the garden.

This garden, overflowing with its many-colored flowers and animal-shaped trees, was an alluring place for children to explore, and they often came here to play. Albert and Elisha didnt really mind this, but the childrens parents, who were aware of their status, were very humble about it, and they always sent fresh vegetables as a token of appreciation for letting their children play.

It does me good to see them so energetic, but were not king and queen, or anything else for that matter, anymore, Albert said, feeling troubled as he touched his mustache.

Oh, whats the harm? Elisha said. Let them call us what they want.

I understand that, but it makes me feel like Im doing a disservice to our son-in-law and Liscia, who work so hard in the castle.

Hee hee! Those kids wouldnt mind it at all. Having said that, Elisha watched the children frolicking in the garden. To think we can spend our days in peace like this... I never imagined it.

Indeed. The first half of our lives was especially difficult, after all.

The two of them had supported one another in order to make it through the succession war that had followed the death of the king before Albert. At the time, the two of them probably could never have imagined that a peaceful life like this would come.

Smiling, Elisha placed her hand on top of Alberts. But thats why Im glad I chose you. Because the me of this world chose you, were able to live out our days in peace like this.

Elisha... It was your power that made it possible for me to entrust the throne to our son-in-law. Thanks to that, Im able to take it easy and muddle around in the garden, and to spend time with the people I love.

I love you, Al.

I love you, too, Elisha.

The maid could only smile wryly as he watched this well-aged couple giving off a lovey dovey aura.

Then another maid came up to the two of them and handed a letter to Albert. Master Albert, a letter from Liscia addressed to the two of you.

Hmm. From Liscia? Is she doing well?

Accepting the letter, the two of them looked through it. And then...

Oh, dear, said Albert.

Oh, me. Oh, my, said Elisha.

Its contents made the two of them smile in satisfaction.

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