How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 855 - 856 Bragging for free

Chapter 855: Chapter 856 Bragging for free

The continuous negative mass is thrown into the large mass black hole, and the negative mass continuously neutralizes the positive mass of the black hole, thus making the mass of the black hole continue to decrease, and the dark sphere continues to shrink in volume with the decrease of mass.

Negative matter is not antimatter, and antimatter is still a positive mass, so investing in a black hole will only increase the mass of the black hole, at most only change the magnetic field of the black hole, while negative matter is a material with negative mass, and the addition of positive and negative is zero. A simple addition and subtraction mathematics interprets such a fatal thing for positive matter.

Such changes will naturally attract the attention of the owner of the abyss in the black hole, and repeat through the information transmission of the radiation changes of the black hole.

What did you do?

Where did you get this power?

Negative matter is something that the Lord of Fear can't understand, because it doesn't learn mathematics, physics, or even a basic scientific concept.

If there is even a little scientific concept, it can accumulate to understand positive and negative substances in a long period of time.

I was surprised because the black hole was shrinking, but Ling Zun was not surprised for a long time, just for a moment, because it would have no impact on it at all.

The Lord of the Abyss of Fear continues to transmit information through black hole radiation - Huo Gu, stop making unnecessary resistance. You should follow your fate. Cause and effect is fate, fate is cause and effect. Everything you do is meaningless...

"It's meaningless? I wonder if you still have the courage to talk to me about fate when the black hole can no longer maintain itself due to excessive mass reduction.

Huo Gu muttered to himself that he did not believe in any fate, fate, or that the fate he believed was never made by words, but self-evident.

For example, if everything dies, it will inevitably die if it is alive, and even the universe will die, which is nothing more than the difference between dying early and late.

This is fate, and no one can escape it.

[Judging from the information shown in the content, the life in the black hole is not afraid of the mass decay of the black hole. Maybe it knows that it can't kill it in this way.]

He expressed his views. Generally speaking, if it endangers himself, he must start the topic of reducing the mass of the black hole, but the spiritual master inside the black hole is just a simple inquiry? He continued to try to lug Hogu into the black hole.

This is a reaction that does not care about their negative material cutting black holes.

"Can't be killed? Wait for the internal singularities of black holes to be exposed from the event horizon? That horrible energy release will be extremely horrible. How does it survive? The collector was a little unconvinced or unwilling.

Do the collectors know that Huo Gu hates Ling Zun? Do you know that Huo Gu especially hates this spiritual master in the black hole now? So they also hate it together and how to do it fiercely.

[I don't know, this is just my prediction, otherwise I will face a life-and-death choice. The life hidden in the black hole should not be this performance.] Frankly.

Is the analysis reasonable? Huo Gu also somewhat agreed, "... Anyway, at least you should try it? Is there also a devastating silver-heart black hole that needs us to use a 'negative' plan to solve? Even if you can't kill that damn guy like this? At least you can accumulate some experience in fighting with the great destruction energy source and see if there is anything lacking in the 'negative' plan that needs to be supplemented.

Didn't Huo Gu forget about the silver-heart black hole? Compared with the current black hole, the most important thing for Amoeba is to dispose of the black hole with silver heart.

Even if it can only improve the success rate of the upcoming silver heart battle? It is also enough for Huogu to command the collectors to destroy the black hole in front of him.

Think about it? Huo Gu continued to derive a flat bone, leaving words on it - I can't predict what my fate is, but I can predict your fate.

Throwing the plate bone into the black hole, Huo Gu waited for the other party's reply.

Huo Gu wants to try to see if he can get any useful information from the spirit in the black hole.

Before long, the radiation of the black hole changed regularly and conveyed the message - we are immortal and eternal. In the endless years, you have held malice towards us and intending to destroy our lives, races and civilizations. I have seen too many...

However, they failed without exception, and time proved our eternal immortality and futile delusions...

Lingzun's words were quite complicated. Huo Gu summed it up and said, 'We Lingzun can't die. You are doing useless work'.

Huo Gu continues to leave messages on the flat bones - no matter how many times you resurrect, you will usher in the destruction we have given. Our pace will never stop, and we will eventually surpass your creator. At that time, you will usher in eternal destruction, which is your destiny.

Amoeba will not stop. The explosion of technology is an exponential multiplication. As the founder and witness of the Amoeba civilization, Hogu knows very well that the spiritual realm and spiritual realm will not be long. It is only a matter of time before the Hui civilization, and this time will not be far away. At least within 100,000 years, it will develop normally. Amoeba can definitely surpass the Hui civilization.

The spiritual master in the black hole still continues to persuade Huo Gu - in the long river, there is no lack of civilizations like you, but all of them hate the disaster of destruction. As early as the first meeting, I have foreseen everything today, and today's You...


Huo Gu's heart moved slightly, and a trace of doubt rose.

alarmist? Or...

Huo Gu put the idea on hold for the time being and continued to make flat bones to communicate with Lingzun to obtain intelligence.

The first flat bone - since I must be swallowed up by you, why are you in a hurry to show up? Contradictions.

The second flat bone - have you already foreseed everything about Amoeba today? So can you predict what I think at this moment? Can you accurately locate each cluster of Amoeba in the universe?

It is both questioning and testing. If Lingzun can report the specific location of the collector, it means that the spiritual realm can accurately detect the collector at the speed of light.

In this way, the previous speculation about 'collectors who cannot detect the superluminal state' in the spiritual realm will be overturned, and on the contrary, this speculation is confirmed.

If it is the former, a certain idea raised by Huo Gu because of Ling Zun's reply just now will also be fulfilled.

Ling Zun was silent, and Huo Gu was also secretly relieved.

[No answer, it seems that we are just scaring us, thinking that we are as easy to fool as those alien races.]

Ming didn't see Huo Gu's set of information. It only saw that the spiritual master was criticized by Huo Gu and no longer responded.

From the perspective of Min, the spiritual respect in the spiritual realm is equivalent to the liar on the earth. It is not very powerful, but bragging is first-class.

"In the end, the spiritual realm only relies on the spiritual realm. The spiritual realm is their upper limit. The height of the fountain cannot surpass its source. Naturally, they can't do what the spiritual realm can't do."

Huo Gu admitted Ling Zun's bragging behavior in disguise, and the words changed.

"However, it still brings some useful information."

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