How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 862 - 863 Sustainable Wrath

Chapter 862: Chapter 863 Sustainable Wrath

The boundless chaos, topless and directionless, the collector cluster that exists in the narrow spiritual realm is moving, or it can be said that it is not moving.

They have been wandering in the spiritual realm for a long time. Since the last time they fought with the spiritual master, they have begun to do this, fighting with the spiritual realm creatures while wandering aimlessly. The spiritual realm biota surging like waves has been killed by a bloody way.

No, it is not appropriate to use 'kill'. It should be said that the use of 'kill'. This area of the spiritual realm has been chiseled into pieces of open areas by them.

All the way to the back, even the spiritual realm creatures without intelligence are instinctively far away, avoiding this gathering group led by sustainability as a unique disaster in the spiritual realm.

I don't know how long time has passed, and even the patient collectors feel irritable.

"Sustinuation, should we find a breakthrough in a different way? Such a aimless search is too inefficient.

Clusters' actions in the spiritual realm are not without purpose. They are looking for channels on the spiritual realm and the river system, which are usually fixed channels for some alien civilizations to pray to the spiritual realm and then obtain them.

Channels are generally bound to artifacts, and then these artifacts will be regarded as 'magic artifacts' by those alien civilizations.

Often after the destruction of the alien civilization, the 'magic' still exists, so the passage still exists. Over time, there are countless channels in the spiritual realm.

But that was in the past, and now none of the passages that could be seen everywhere in the past can be found...

"Indeed, we should consider looking for a breakthrough in the spiritual realm in another way and return to the river system." I have always agreed with the idea of the same race.

Just as they were discussing, the spiritual realm suddenly became restless and silent, and there were many more sights, and the distorted picture announced the arrival of the indescribable.

[Give up, you can't go back.]

Abrupt information is directly displayed, not sound or image, but more direct information transmission.

"You can't imprison us forever. We will find the way back."

They are fearless to confront the spiritual masters. Even if the spiritual masters in the spiritual realm are as powerful as the gods and immortal, they are still not afraid at all.

In the face of the enemy, the collectors dare to show their extremely crazy side.

However, just when the collectors thought that Lingzun was ready to fight with them, Lingzun was extremely peaceful and did not show strong aggressiveness.

[Is it meaningless to go back? Because your ethnic group no longer exists.

Between the rhythm of chaos? chanting the message conveyed by the Lord of the Abyss of Fear? Pictures are presented in their minds forever.

That was the tragic death of almost all the collectors in the river system. It was the decadent of Amoeba after the targeted destruction, and there were corpses everywhere? The debris of the cluster is full of star systems? Become a group of meteorites that orbit stars, or a group of wandering meteorites wandering between stars.

"What...what happened?"

Are they forever stunned? Because their memory of the river system is still stuck in the good situation that 'Ameba developed a supernova of superluminal and destroyed, and the ethnic group is about to usher in a final victory'.

[Is your Amoeba's deadly point known to have been destroyed? And formulate a targeted destruction plan? The result is what you see now.]

[If you go back, the next fate will become a pile of corpses like them.]

Whisper between Xumi and chanting in the narrow space? Is the information rippled in circles? Pass it to them forever.

"Impossible! The ethnic group can't be so vulnerable! You just showed a small number of the dead clusters and tried to mislead us! Stop us from returning to the ethnic group!"

The first reaction of the collectors was not to believe it. How could this be true? Is the ethnic group so strong? The Great Destruction can't lock in the superluminal cluster. How can it destroy the cluster?

This must be Ling Zun deliberately misleading them, intercepting individual clusters that died from mistakes, and then exaggerating that the whole group fell into disaster!

However, the collectors forgot that Ling Zun could not be deceived...

[Then I'll put a short paragraph for you to 'listen'.]

Seeing that they did not believe it, the Lord of Fear Teared a small opening in the spiritual realm, and a fatal melody came from the other end to the collector.

With intentional guidance, only a small number of collectors received the information and died the next moment, so simply.

This scene is naturally regarded as an attack by them.

"Be on guard! Be alert! It's an attack!"

[Don't be nervous, just let them receive a short piece of information that is spreading over there.]

[You see, just a short period of time, they died, just like those corpses.]

The chaos echoes a message recited by the Lord of the Abyss of Fear, which is illusory and illusory.

"What exactly are you talking about? Make it clear, and we will respond as appropriate. Calm down and continue to respond.

Its meaning is very clear. If you want them to believe, you must give a reasonable explanation for why and why the extremely powerful ethnic group has become like this.

The Lord of the Abyss of Fear explained as the collectors wished.

[The highest-level order in your Amoeba, what they 'listen to' is that the content of the order is 'spread and then die'.]

"The highest level...will?"

"Why did the will do this?"

Perpetually, they were stunned. The explanation of the Lord of Fear of the Abyss solved all the questions encountered by the collectors, and then a lot of new questions emerged.

[The answer to the question is up to you.] The Lord of the Abyss of Fear said.

"What should we do?"

[Ask in person and bring Huo Gu here. You can ask why he did this. It's not complicated. You just need to guide the method I gave you...]

Before the Lord of the Abyss of Fear had finished, he received a lasting reply.

"Forget it, the will naturally has a reason to do so. No matter how unreasonable the order is, there are naturally factors that we don't understand."

"Yes, the will does everything right, even if it makes us die."

Death must die, and all actions of the will must be for the community, and since there are so many clusters in the ethnic group to die, there must be reasons that they don't know yet.

Unconditional and unreserved trust!


There was no response, the surging chaos in the spiritual realm fell silent, and the restless spiral faintly came from bursts of mockery.

[Failure! Εκμηδ? νιση! Εκμηδ? νιση!]

[It must be like this, Amoeba is like this, that's why there is such a weakness that can be broken.]

[The beauty of sacrifice, the treasure of trust, how dazzling, such a pure and special thinking, throughout history, only Amoeba...]

The onlooker's spirit is sneering, because he is afraid that the master of the abyss's usual tricks have failed.

At the end of the other side, a long sigh, bluntly speaking in obscure language that is difficult to read, words that the collector can understand.

[Collector, I want to trade with you.]

"What do you want to trade?" Ask forever.

[Use Huogu in exchange for the survival and continuation of your ethnic group.]


In less than a second, the whole cluster replied like this without even thinking too much.

What else can be the purpose of bringing the will to Lingzun? Even the most stupid collector can guess it.

[Why? This is a very cost-effective deal. Your supremacy can no longer give you shelter, and you can no longer think of giving you knowledge like in the past, guiding your ethnic group in the future, or even becoming the fatal point of your Amoeba. Under the rolling wheel of the times, it should It should be eliminated.

[Part of you has abandoned it...]

Perpetually noticed the part of the message that "abandoned it" and then became irritable.

"What did you say?! Who? Who dares to do this!"


A picture unfolds, which is a cluster of successors that has completed the ascension, which is just a picture of being intercepted before the speed of light, because after the great destruction, the degree of caution of the successor has reached the highest level.

[Now only the Amoeba creatures that completely do not follow Hogu can survive unaffected there. Everything unfolds as we expected. The rebels in the Amoeba civilization have abandoned your supreme will in order to survive.]

"Let us out of the spiritual realm! We're going to kill them!"

It was permanently exposed, and it once again recalled that the group of traitors were born, wrecking the same clan in order to survive, and then carried the same clan and enslaved the same clan.

[Guide Huo Gu, and I will let you go.] The Lord of the Abyss of Fear said.

"No! Don't even think about it!"

The perpetuation of anger and other excited collectors still refuse unwaveringly.

[Then you can watch more and more of the same kind who abandon Huo Gu appear.]

[Just in time, we also want to enjoy more delicious hatred...]

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