I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 100: Ceased to Exist

Chapter 100: Ceased to Exist

"Thanks, I more or less get what's happening now."

With the help of Hui-ying and the System, I continued with my cultivation and I finally got an understanding of how my Virus Qi Core and my Original Qi Core works. Basically, my Original Qi Core is my normal cultivation level while my Virus Qi Core is like my trump card cultivation level. Anyone who senses my cultivation level would immediately see that I'm in the Immortal Realm (I haven't accepted the prompt for my breakthrough to the First Stage of the King Realm yet). This is extremely useful in escaping near-death situations since my enemies would underestimate me, but in face of greater power, it wouldn't even amount to anything.

If I were to become stronger, that means I have to increase both my Virus Qi Core, my Original Qi Core, and my mysterious third Qi Core. And in doing so, I will provide balance over my body and have greater control over my cornucopia of skills.

One thing I also realized was that all my normal skills are carefully linked to my Original Qi Core while all my Blood and Virus Skills are all interlinked with my Virus Qi Core. I only came to this realization when Hui-ying told me about unlocking them when my Virus Qi Core achieved a breakthrough.

Frankly, this news is confusing my mind right now because... ever since I came into contact with the ways of cultivation, I always assumed that the level of cultivation is the level of power an individual has. Even though I reached the Dao Realm in the past, I never fully understood that the level of cultivation is the level of Qi Core one has. I always thought that the Qi Core is just a reserve of my Qi Energy, when in fact it's the source of an individual's power. Because of this understanding, I've hit enlightenment a greater understanding of how elements and Qi Cores work.

Never in my life did I expect to hit enlightenment after my cultivation reset. Just like what the masters said in the past (Well, I couldn't really call them masters. I prefer to call them sages because they hold vast knowledge but they never had the talent to cultivate), and enlightenment always happens when you least expect it.

With this, my control and understanding over my three Qi Cores were enhanced and it gave me the pinpoint precision and focus on my cultivation. When I focused on my Virus Qi Core with the intent to cultivate, it will grow and condense in size to my will. And when I focus on my Original Qi Core with the same intent, I will be able to cultivate it more compared to my other Qi Cores.

Finally, I'm starting to understand how my three Qi Cores work.

<Skill: Automatic Qi Condensation has activated>

<You're soul has detected a massive amount of Qi energy flowing past>

<You're Skill: Automatic Qi Condensation has evolved into Automatic Qi Absorption Skill>

<Notice: The skill has adjusted to the power output and input based on the surroundings. Therefore, it is advisable to use skills in optimal situations to further increase the chances of an improvement in skill.>

<Skill: Automatic Qi Absorption>

<Description: Automatically absorbs the massive amount of Qi Energy all at once. Automatic Qi Absorption is a passive skill. It can not be activated actively.>

<Notice: Activation of the Automatic Qi Absorption Skill carries its own risk.>

The massive amount of information on my new skill made me conclude that the new skill I learned was something legendary. I mean, currently, I don't have any cultivation techniques or martial arts but I could tell that this skill is on par with Transcendence Realm skills. I mean, if Automatic Qi Condensation was strong enough in its own way, the evolution of the skill is leaps and bounds better than that.


Suddenly, my thought process was cut off as I felt goosebumps all over my body. The amount of Qi Energy surrounding me was so frightening that my mind and consciousness almost succumbed to the Virus. Had it not been for my sheer focus and innate concentration, I would've had lost myself right there.

"So this is the Qi Current. It's scary." I couldn't help but say as I continued with my cultivation. Compared to the Qi Energy Ball underneath the Forsaken Tree, the Qi Current was ten times more potent and more massive in terms of its Qi Energy.

And just like that, my Automatic Qi Condensation Skill, now evolved to Automatic Qi Absorption Skill, sucked out the Qi Energy from the Qi Current as if it were a baby sucking milk.

As explained before, this Qi Current is something that has started long ago. Just like a current in the water, this Qi Current has a certain course on land and it has an annual rotation. That's why every year, it's expected to pass through the whole world, aiding everyone in their cultivation by providing a breakthrough. If I were to compare it to a cultivation essence, that is, an essence that speeds up cultivation, I would say that the Qi Current is the purest form of cultivation essence. If someone is in the Mortal Realm and has talent in terms of cultivation, he can quickly climb up to the Eighth Level of the Spirit Realm in an instant, provided if the Qi Current is passing through where that person was.

And now that it's passing through here, it greatly aided in my cultivation. But that's not all... it also aided in the cultivation of all rabid humans and cultivators in Ziyou Shelter. As for the Rush Hour the horde that follows the Qi Current they're on another level. First and foremost, my goal is to get out of here before the horde completely overwhelms me in my berserk state.

But I can't control that right now. At this very moment, the virus is in control over my body, and because of the massive amount of Qi Energy surrounding me, multiplied by the Qi Energy provided by the Qi Current, I don't think I'll be able to stabilize my third Qi Core and take control over my body any sooner.

My only hope right now is to continue cultivating in hopes that I could achieve a breakthrough that would help me regain my consciousness and in the process, gain my body back.

Ever since I lost control over my body, I didn't even bother watching what my body was doing as I continued cultivating. That's why, after a few minutes of doing so, I decided to spectate on my body through my soul.

And what I saw simply shook me to my core.

The moment I  started spectating, a notification rang through my head.

<Congratulations, you've achieved your daily quest.>

<You've gained your daily rewards>

<Daily rewards will be sent to your mailbox/ inventory>

"And there it goes again. Why does the System change its notifications sometimes? Does it achieve a breakthrough as well every time I did?"

<Congratulations, you've leveled up!>

<You are now level 25>

"And there it goes again."


I've been thinking about it for a long time now what would I do with the System? But until now, I still couldn't answer that question. I still have a lot of unanswered questions right now and those questions just kept piling up. That's why I decided to just accept whatever it is the System decides to give me. But if I deem it dangerous or risky, then I will gladly reject it even if the System disagrees with me. Up until now, the System only ever provided me with boosts and skills that I can't even complain about it.

Anyways, back to the main topic. Right now, my body in berserk mode is attacking everyone or everything in sight and Kurszt couldn't even stop me. He can hit me directly with his powerful physical attacks because of his physical enhancement but that's about it. My body is not even paying attention to him, it just continued with its rampage as it bit everyone and everything in sight.

No wonder I managed to complete the daily quest that I abhorred right after I saw it. If I can't do it, my berserk mode could easily do it in a snap of a finger.

I don't know how many rabid humans or people my body already killed but it served as a great reminder for me that I was still weak. As long as I couldn't take control of my skills, as long as I continued going through a rampage, my allies and my disciples would forever be exposed to constant danger. Before anything else, I have to completely subdue my skills and the System so nothing can control me.

Bearing that thought in mind, I proceeded to cultivate inside my soul. My third Qi Core still wouldn't budge but I could feel my Qi Core absorbing huge amounts of energy due to the Qi Current. It's a lot to take in all at once but the bottom line was, I was starting to grow stronger and I might achieve another breakthrough soon.

But just when I was about to reach my bottlecap, my third Qi Core suddenly activated, and just like what happened to the Qi Energy Ball back then, my third Qi Core absorbed all the Qi Energy in just a split second.

And just like that, the Qi Current, the Rush Hour, the Ziyou Shelter...

Everything ceased to exist.

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