I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 91: Strong Will

Chapter 91: Strong Will

<Skill: Strong Will>

<Strong Will: Grants sixty percent chance of complete control over Rage, Ferocity, and Killling Intent Skill>

<Obtained from maximizing the levels of the three Skills>

<Would you like to activate Strong Will?>


While I was casually following the Screecher Baby who was digging deeper towards the ball of Qi energy and yes, I've never given it a name I activated my newly obtained skill called Strong Will. From my understanding, it grants complete control over my three skills that make me default into a mindless rabid human. Does that mean I would be able to enter the berserk mode with my mind still intact? Does that mean that there will be times when I could control the overall increase in my strength instead of going on a rampage?

Every passing second, I could feel my throbbing headache worsening and my consciousness slipping away. If I don't act up now, I would revert into a mindless rabid human once again and if that were to happen right now, then I wouldn't be able to save all the children here, let alone Yang Mei Mei.

And then again, there's nothing I could do about it. At first, I wanted to annihilate every single person in this Shelter, but after seeing that there were still children who survived, I decided to prioritize their safety over my resentment.

But I swore to myself that the moment I saved them, I will come back to this shelter and annihilate everyone. They... no, these animals don't deserve to live.

"Yes," I responded to the System

<Congratulations! Activation of the Skill: Strong Will is successful!>

<Time remaining 02:00:00>

<Time remaining 1:59:59>

<Time remaining 1:59:58>


It's gone.

My headaches are gone!

And not only that, I seemed to have retained the berserk power I have. This Strong Will skill is pretty powerful... but it's extremely risky. If it activates unsuccessfully, then that would endanger all the people around me. And now that I'm in a higher Realm than most of the people I've encountered, it would be pretty awful if I overpower all of them when I go berserk. I might even cause their deaths!

Well, I shouldn't overthink right now. Right now, all I have to do is find out what this ball of Qi energy is. If it's a threat, then I'd have to eliminate it along with the Forsaken Tree. But if it turns out to be harmless, then well, I'll just think about it when that time comes.

But first and foremost, I should secure the safety of the children first.

<Do you want to summon your subordinates?>


"Yes," I responded once again. "Hui-ying, can you continuously feed them my Qi? I'll focus on this ball of Qi energy in front of me while you focus on bringing those kids out of here. Also, Mei Mei should be waiting where I left her. Pick her up and bring all of them to Red Sea Shelter. It may be far but I think I can take it." I instructed her.

"But... the farther your subordinates are from you, the more Qi Energy from your body will get depleted. Are you sure about this, Yongrui?" Hui-ying concernedly asked once again.

Honestly, every time I talked to her, she seems more human than before.

"Yeah, I don't mind. If worse comes to worst, my Automatic Qi Condensation Skill will activate. I might lose consciousness for a while but that would be enough to help me recover. If losing consciousness meant that  get to save those kids, then I'm all for it."

"Understood, Yongrui. But please take better care of yourself. If you die, I might die too." She continued.

"I know."


It didn't take long before we finally arrived in front of the huge ball of Qi energy underground. Upon closer look, I could tell that the diameter of the Qi Energy Ball was ten stories tall. It was pretty gargantuan. Who knows how many years it had been sucking Qi energy from everywhere.

And now that I think about it, the Qi Current will be passing through here in less than two hours. If I don't do anything about it, then it might get more problematic in the future. Also, my consciousness was barely hanging on as it received constant pressure from the Forsaken Tree.

However, the Screecher Baby continued on digging and digging. It went deeper underground, not even batting an eyelash towards the huge Qi Energy Ball in its proximity. thinking that it might've sensed something else other than the Qi Energy Ball, I decided to follow it once more.

And a little while later, the Screecher Baby came to a halt.

The Screecher Baby happened to find another underground tunnel just underneath the Qi Energy Ball. And on the end of the passage was a huge entranceway that had several layers of walls made out of Qi.

And that's when I noticed it.

"So the reason why the Qi Energy Ball was sucking Qi energy through the Forsaken Tree... was to completely guard whatever's on the other side of these walls," I told myself as I sensed a condensed Qi inside.

"Yongrui, we have to get out of here. Something more powerful than you is behind those walls." Hui-ying warned.

"Relax Hui-ying, I can sense that. However, whatever that thing or entity on the other side is, it's completely harmless. It's stronger than me, sure, but it's not releasing some kind of murderous aura around it. Also, it doesn't seem like it's alive... so what harm can something lifeless do to us?"

"How can you be certain?" Hui-ying asked. "For one, the Forsaken Tree is not technically alive. Are you absolutely sure that it won't be dangerous?"

"Well, there's only one way to find out. We'll force our way through these walls." I said with a hint of a smile on my face. The walls may seem unbreakable, but with the help of the System and my cultivation, I'm positive that I can blow it away.

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