I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 96: Where Are You Touching?!

Chapter 96: Where Are You Touching?!

Seeing their complexion return to its former state caught me a little bit off-guard but that didn't deter me from continuing the treatment.  Since I can't really touch them until their health becomes stable, I continued using my Qi Energy Conversion skill so they'll have enough blood in their system.

While doing so, I was observing their overall health in the party window I have prompted in front of me. Little by little, their hp started going up. Even if the virus was taking over their body, I don't have an inch of care about it since I could more or less remove the virus if given enough time using my purification skill. As long as their hp is full, the success rate of the treatment will go up and that fact alone is enough for me.

I mean, I'm just assuming all of that but I know it will all work out. The System is helping me to no end after all.

"Yongrui, can I say something?" Yang Mei Mei asked. The shakiness in her voice told me that she was afraid to interrupt me while I was tending to the children.

"If I tell you to shut up, then something bad might happen and I won't be able to do anything. If you have anything important or noteworthy to say, just speak up. I'm completely focusing right now on treating these kids but it's not like I won't pay attention to you either." I said as calmly as possible. I didn't want to scare her since she's part of the group I was rescuing as well. Well, more like she's the main group I was rescuing and these kids were just emergency inclusions.

"Can you feel that huge fluctuation in Qi Energy?" She asked as she trembled in fear. "There, it happened again."

Because I wrapped the children in my Qi Energy, I was totally surrounded by my Qi Energy. Even if there's a huge Qi Energy fluctuation in the air, I wouldn't have noticed it. After hearing Yang Mei Mei mention something about it. One thought occurred in my mind as I stopped the treatment for a split second so I could remove my Qi Energy surrounding me.

The Qi Current... the Rush Hour is almost here!

"Great, another problem for the old me." I sighed as I hurriedly reactivated my Qi Energy that wrapped around the children. I know that I have to work double-time now since the Rush Hour was almost upon us. If we were stuck here while it happened, then for sure we'll be dead meat. The least of my worries is turning back into a mindless rabid human. I might even be eaten alive for all I know!

"Don't worry, I should be able to finish this before it arrives," I told myself but mere words aren't enough to reassure me. After a few seconds of contemplation, I summoned Feng and as usual, it screeched in front of me.

Boy, when will you ever learn to speak? I remember there was one novel where a subordinate was able to talk after a few rank-ups and level-ups. I wonder if that would happen to Feng as well if his cultivation increases.

That's the least of my worries. Sigh~

"Um- " All the colors drained from Yang Mei Mei's face as she looked at me, distraught. Her index finger was shakily pointed at Feng, who was screeching madly towards me.


"Isn't that a z-z-zombie?!" Yang Mei Mei stuttered. "Why do you have a zombie with you?"

"Aren't you rude? It's a baby!" I hissed. "Apologize to Feng right now."

"Wait... you even named it?!"

"Yeah, that's my subordinate. Don't worry, it's not a rabid human." I told her. I didn't know how to explain how the premise of subordination actually works since it was just granted to me by the System so I left it at that.

"I... I see." Yang Mei Mei.

Suddenly, Feng's attention was diverted towards Yang Mei Mei for some unknown reason. Before I could order it to stop, it slowly made its way towards Yang Mei Mei. And well, after seeing her priceless reaction to it, I decided to let it continue on with whatever it's doing. It's not like Feng would bite someone out of the blue, right?


"Purr~ " 

What?! Did I just hear Feng purr like a cat?!

When I looked at Feng once again, he was already snuggled comfortably beside Yang Mei Mei's leg.

"Feng! You can't rest now." I said, trying to get its attention. To my relief, Feng perked his ears up and stared at me with its black hallowed eyes. "You have to Scout the area and warn us if the horde is about to come."

Confused, Feng tilted its head and approached me. At first, I thought it understood what said but the next thing I knew, Feng snuggled beside my leg this time. I repeated my orders to it and after a few tries, it went away towards the direction where the Rush Hour is coming from. I didn't know if it understood what I said but in the meantime, I don't think I could trust Feng with such a complicated job like reconnaissance.

I have to finish tending to these children now.

To my surprise, their hp was already full! It was like my prayers have been answered and I proceeded straight to the next step of the treatment. It was probably the hardest thing I've ever done and it will put my Qi Energy control to the limits.

<You've activated the skill: Blood Control>

<You've activated the skill: Virus Control>

Before, my Qi Energy was already getting depleted faster than I could recover it but now, it was even worse. Controlling two skills at once and finely applying them to seven people were even harder. It's like constantly giving a buff to seven people at once and if you lose a split second of your concentration, then the buff would stop working.

"Come on, work," I mumbled as I gritted my teeth until it chattered. I was on the verge of losing my concentration but I persevered to go on. If there's one person in this shelter who could save these children, then that'd be me. No one else will do it, after all.

Slowly, I slowed the blood flow of the children so they will enter into a state of hibernation. Once that was done, I carefully let the Virus flow from their bloodstream to the tip of their index finger. Since I can't really risk taking in the Virus myself right now, I decided to gather all of them and then absorb it all at once. The backlash might be pretty deadly but at least I'll be able to save all these children.

From my approximation, I could say that I only have at least twenty minutes left before the Rush Hour overtakes us. Compared to being tortured to death by a master while I tried to get stronger in the past, this current ordeal of mine is far more challenging. Heck, I wouldn't even be able to compare this to anything that's ever happened to me.

And when did I even become compassionate to strangers? Oh right, I actually spent most of my time cultivating that I rarely meet strangers in my life. That's probably why I never discovered my compassionate self.

Here I am, talking to myself once again. Honestly, I should stop this. How lonely can one person get?

A photo of Wu Yan slowly manifested itself in my mind but I desperately shook it off. Right now, I don't want to lose my focus, and remembering her purple hair and her sparkly purplish eyes aren't helping. She smells so good tho aaarghhh!

Almost completely losing my focus, I was able to get my bearings back as I continued with the treatment. Ironically, remembering the face of Wu Yan actually accelerated the process of the treatment and before I knew it, the virus was already sitting on the veins of the children's fingertips. Puncturing their fingers with acupunctures would do the trick by now and then, their system will be completely rid of the virus.

Who would've thought that I would be able to pull it off. Even I thought that it would be impossible since my control over my Qi Energy was still lacking compared to when I was in the Dao Realm.

"Quick, Yang Mei Mei, can you puncture all their fingers with acupunctures? I'm assuming you have one right? If you don't then you can grab the ones in my pocket just on the side of my robe." I said. Any time now and I will lose control over my skills.

Yang Mei Mei hastily nodded. Seriousness was written all over her face as she went and grabbed the acupuncture in my robe.

"Ahk~! Where are you grabbing?!" I hissed as she accidentally grabbed my third leg while her hands were inside the pocket. I didn't take into account that pockets in robes are unusually bigger compared to normal pockets.


"Eek~ S-s-sorry." Yang Mei Mei bashfully exclaimed as she finally pulled the acupuncture in my pocket.

Ah great, you just attracted the entire population of the Ziyou Shelter because of that scream.

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