I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 97: Run.

Chapter 97: Run.

Their eyes were like those of scarlet-colored goblins, glaring at our inner souls as Yang Mei Mei and I silently sat there. The moment they heard the scream, they immediately sensed our presence because some of them were already in the ancient realm. And for some reason, I couldn't block their detection skills as well. Somehow, there's a powerful cultivator amongst them that's interfering with my Qi Energy Control.

"Are you almost done, Yang Mei Mei? We need to get out of here, right now." I asked, my voice didn't come out as shaky so that was all good.

"Y-yes! I'm done!" She continued.


A fireball erupted a few feet from where we were.


And another one! Somehow, the one firing the fireball was a bad shot.

My body instinctively moved as I picked up the seven children and carried them. I have no idea how I managed to carry all of them at once but I wasn't about to think about it. Right now, the sole purpose of my existence right now is to get out of this place as fast as I can and get to the nearest shelter. Even though the children were still recovering, their status was the least of my concerns since I could just monitor them through the panel in front of me.

"Yang Mei Mei, pick yourself up, we have to go." called out as we made a run for it.

"U-um, Yongrui, do you need help with the children?" Yang Mei Mei asked. She was trying to keep up with my pace but judging from her expressions, I think she was having a hard time.

"No, just continue running. If you feel tired, just tell me." I said.

The scene depicted in our surroundings was like something straight out of a medieval movie where the commoners would rise up and rebel against their king. From pitchforks to swords, to pickaxes, each person carried a weapon or two. It was clear that they were determined to stop us since the other cultivators were firing off elemental techniques from all directions. As for those who could strengthen their bodies, they were already right behind us, chasing us to who knows where.

"SCREEEEEECH!" A noise erupted beside me in an instant. Because of that, I almost flinched and lost my footing in shock.

To my relief, it was just Feng, the Screecher Baby. "Oh, Feng! What took you so long? You're ba "

I stopped short.

I immediately realized what mission I gave to Feng.

His return could only mean one thing!

"No, you know what, never mind. But perfect timing, however." I told Feng while I simultaneously summoned my Subordinates.

And just as expected, the Rush Hour has finally descended to Ziyou Shelter. Without the protection of the Forsaken Tree, I know that it's only a matter of time before the Rush Hour completely devours them whole.

A great rumbling was heard coming form the walls as the Horde casually made their way up. You know that one seen in a famous zombie movie where everyone started singing in the Walls and the zombie started going up on walls like ants? In the end, they were able to reach the top of the Walls, ultimately conquering the whole city with their bites? Yeah, it looked like that.

One by one, the rabid humans started raining from the top of the walls, leaving all the people defenseless. Since the Shelter didn't really focus on defending themselves for years because the rabid humans don't attack them, they grew rather rusty, and their walls were not as established compared to before. Thus, the Walls surrounding the shelter easily broke.

It was time to get out of here. Although I feel sorry for the people around here, they didn't try to make a change and just allowed the Shelter Leader to do wicked things. I've heard someone tell me once that doing something right is right, and not doing something when something wrong is happening is the same as doing it. In other words, allowing one to go through evil when you're aware of it is wrong. It's like you basically did it yourself.

When I was walking through the marketplace while I was there, the majority of the people were currently gathered there. Of course, I sensed everyone's Qi Energy right at the start when I spread my Qi Energy as a blanket around the place, That's why I knew everyone's location. While I was there, I realized that these people has seen enough wickedness that they wouldn't even take action anymore. When I saw those men trying to chase Yang Mei Mei in desperation, I was a bit confused and somewhat a little angry. I mean, how could anyone not stop the unfairness of the situation? I could tell that some of the people there had higher cultivations than the pursuers but they didn't act on it. Even that old man who was complaining about their Shelter Leader, he was in the Ancient Realm at most and he could've been able to put up a fight against their Shelter Leader who's in the Ancient Realm or somewhere along that plane. Heck, a handful of people here has higher cultivation than their Shelter Leader but they stopped him from doing the kidnappings and murder.

They did nothing wrong, all right. It's just that, they were also as twisted as the owner of this shelter. That's the only thing I could say to them. I didn't want to wish for them to die, but if they don't, then they might a threat to the Tang Shelter and Red Sea Shelter if they came for revenge. So I was kind of wishing that all of them would get annihilated by the horde. And even that wouldn't be enough as karma. They did something far worse to the kids here in this shelter it's simply twisted, horribly twisted. And the worst thing was, no one even stood up for the children.

If I had seen a few people who were righteous enough to stand up when that happened in the marketplace, I would have rescued them with these kids and Yang Mei Mei.

"AAHHH! The zombies are here!"



"Please step on me, zombies!"

"Why is this happening? Why did the Forsaken Tree abandon us?"

"Shelter Leader help us!"

"The sacrifice! We don't have enough sacrifice!"

"I'm sorry uncle, you have to go, we have to sacrifice you for the greater good of the shelter."

"NOOOO! Please! Anything but that!"

"... "

Yeah, they're simply twisted, all right. None of them even thought about this occurrence as karma for everything they've done in the past. The first thing that came to their mind was their Shelter Leader, and the second thing was to sacrifice someone else. Honestly, these types of people should just die.

As the commotion happened and all the biting and bitter struggles occurred left and right, Yang Mei Mei and I silently ran through the shelter to the entrance. Since I can't really climb up the wall at the moment because of the children I was carrying, and since there was no other way in and out except for the single entrance to Ziyou Shelter, we didn't have much of a choice but to head there.

Right now, we didn't have to worry about our pursuers since they've got their hands full on the rabid human invasion. Even if they managed to catch us, if they can't defend their shelter properly, then it will all be useless. Fortunately, their decisions were still as expected so there were no additional problems for us.

"Summon!" I shouted as I called for ten of my subordinates, they were specifically the Ten Stage-4 Grippers that I got from the recent incident of a territorial dispute between two rabid human hordes.

"Yang Mei Mei, don't worry about them, they're harmless," I called out as my subordinates grabbed the children I was carrying. "They're my summons so you don't have to be afraid of them. They may look hideous though... "

Yang Mei Mei swallowed her dry saliva as she flashed a thumbs up towards me. I didn't know if her expression was that of a constipated one or a frightened one. Nonetheless, her face looked extremely weird.

The screams from the people and the constant attacks from the rabid humans aggravated the longer time passed. By the time I realized it, Ziyou Shelter was already brimming with rabid humans. They were like a literal flood composed of dead bodies since they endlessly flowed from the top of the walls. Who would've thought that the Rush Hour was this big. That's why Shen Rong and the others looked a little grim when they realized it was coming early. Even I don't have the confidence to fight against a Horde like that even if I'm already in the Transcendence Realm. There were at least hundreds of thousands of rabid humans in the horde. Heck, they may even be close to a million in numbers.


Suddenly, my foot planted on the ground as the gravity increased all over me. Someone was attacking me with a gravity-altering technique and I couldn't resist it! There was only one explanation for it... they're clearly more formidable than me in terms of raw cultivation power and amount of Qi Energy.

That or a group of Ancient Realm Cultivators were working together to trap me.

"The insolence of this kid. After causing trouble to our shelter, you're leaving just like that?" A man spoke behind me. I could tell that he was sneering although I couldn't see his face. "What nerve!"

"And who you might you be? Oh wait, I'm Yongrui." I said, "Haha! You thought you'd be able to say the cliche line of 'you should state your name first before asking mine' right? Ahahaha!"

"Well, you did look like him. Are you Tang Yongrui? No, you look much younger, and I know he died already. Hah, don't mess with me kid, someone as weak as you don't deserve that name."

"Oh yeah, then tell me your name, let's see if you deserve it!"

"Pardon the late introductions, I'm Kurszt Wursgheit, the Shelter Leader of Ziyou Shelter and the owner of the Forsaken Tree that you killed. Now, it won't be fun if we're the only ones to die with our shelter."

"Oh, so you're taking me with you, right?" I asked. It was easy to tell what he was thinking because he was using his gravity-altering technique on me. Obviously, he wanted me to stay right where I was.

"Sigh~ How cliche can someone get?" I asked, needlessly insulting myself as well.

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