I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 98: Stolen Kiss

Chapter 98: Stolen Kiss

The gravity pressure being concentrated on me was strong enough to probably flatten and squash a human flat on the ground. However, as someone in the Ancient Realm, I refused to budge an inch from where I was standing. Well, frankly, I couldn't really budge an inch, what I meant to say was I didn't want to fall down and kneel in front of this guy with a weird name who happened to be stronger than me.

And to add to the salt in my wounds, he's the Shelter Leader of the Ziyou Shelter the one person I was trying so hard to avoid.

"Yang Mei Mei, get out of here, my subordinates will follow you and will protect you. I will stay here and defeat this ugly man." I continued. It was just a simple insult but it worked wonders!

Because the moment I said it,  this Kurszt guy lost control over his Qi in a split second. That window of opportunity gave me enough time to blanket myself with my Qi Energy. With this, I could withstand the amount of gravitational pressure he was forcing upon me. And if push comes to shove, I could get away from where I was and try to retaliate while his guard was down. Either way, I will have an opportunity to escape so that alone was good enough for me.

However, I can't do it if Yang Mei Mei is here. She'll just slow me down since I need to protect her with the children.

"NO! I can't leave you." Yang Mei Mei said. Suddenly, she disappeared from where she was standing. Her shadows seemed to have floated towards Kurszt and before he knew it, a dagger was about to plant itself on his neck.

In that hundredth of a second, Kurszt released his hold on me as he dodged the dagger coming right at him. He knew an attack was coming but he couldn't sense it at all, right until that single moment arrived.

Wait?! So Yang Mei Mei was holding back when she attacked me?! Why would she do that?

After the dodge, Kurszt reached out his hand and managed to stop the second dagger which was aimed right at his left eye. He smiled a sinister smile and looked at his side. "You're quite sneaky, little Mei Mei. So this is why the Forsaken Tree never had enough Qi Energy. You managed to get away from its grasp, quite a sneaky brat you are."

"Where's my father?!" Yang Mei Mei growled as she relentlessly attacked Kurszt, not leaving him room to breathe.

And yet, no matter what she did, Kurszt seemed like he was just toying with her. He so easily dodged and parried every attack and every counter Mei Mei threw at him. He was simply unstoppable.

Well, as someone who's in the Immortal Realm, she was holding herself pretty well against an overpowerful opponent who was two Realms higher than her.

"That's it? That's everything you could do? I'm surprised you managed to survive these past three years." Kurszt taunted her. "Why don't you continue working under me and then we can supply your dad with more money." He continued.

Instead of answering, Yang Mei Mei stopped short and glared at Kurszt with all the hate she could muster. To her, it must've seemed like she looked really cool but looking at her, she was like a kitten baring her fangs at her owner. Even when she was angry, she looked rather cute.

What am I thinking? There's no time to think about that!

"Where's dad? I'm going to ask you one last time... if you don't answer." Yang Mei Mei stopped short as she unsheathed another dagger from wherever she got that from, I don't know!

I wondered where she was going to put it since she already held two daggers in her hands. To my surprise, she put it on her mouth, and without a single warning nor hesitation, she started swinging around towards Kurszt once again.

Since I was already able to move, I decided to do everything I could in preparation for my fight with Kurszt, and ultimately, the entire Ziyou Shelter. Fortunately, Yang Mei Mei was doing a splendid job buying time for me.

Of course, I wouldn't want her to get injured so I had to carefully watch over her as well while I was preparing. She still needs to escape along with the children, after all.

With the help of my Qi Energy, I managed to connect directly into Yang Mei Mei's mind. "Yang Mei Mei, can you hear me? It's been a long time since I've done this, I hope it works." I said.

While she was fighting with her life on the line, she nodded towards me. That was the signal I was waiting for. Still, I was surprised my thought transmission managed to work on the first try.

"Nice, I would like to tell you something but please keep this between us, okay? No one knows about this, not even my closest of closest friends." I continued.

"Sure, I don't mind. You've done a lot for me and the children I so badly wanted to rescue. If you ask me to do anything, I will do it for you... that is if we can survive this predicament." She continued.

"That's what I'm getting at... you see, it might come as a surprise for you but I'm half-human." I continued.

Technically, it wasn't a lie since I'm really half-human. To further explain this, I have my full consciousness as a human but my body is that of a rabid human, sort of. I don't understand it either. That's why I referred to myself as half-human.

"Figures, are you going to ask for my blood next? And then you'll go berserk like a vampire?" She asked with a hint of a smile on her face. Even though she was head-to-head with Kurszt, she still managed to smile.

She's really a strong kid, all right.

"No, but I have a skill that makes me turn berserk. At that state, I wouldn't be able to recognize friend from foe so once I activated that skill, I would like to request you to follow my subordinates towards the Red Sea Shelter. Tell her your name and that I sent you there with the children. They will help you." I continued.

"No, I'm not leaving you here. I'm fighting with you." She continued.

As time went on, her attacks kept getting sharper and faster. Right now, Kurszt even started wearing a strained face since he was getting left behind. It was obvious that Yang Mei Mei is the speed type, or to put it in simpler terms, an assassin-type. I could even tell that her speed outclassed that of Blade's speed when he showed me his power back then.

"Think of the children. Even without me here, you'll still attempt to save them time and again, right?" I continued, getting rather impatient. "Right now, you have a chance at saving these children for good and that means leaving me behind. You can save those kids, just think of it as one of my requests for you. You told me you'd do anything for me, right? Then do as I tell you to. I swear I'll finish this up real quick and rejoin you."

Yang Mei Mei's eyes widened as she backed away from Kurszt. A split second later, she appeared right in front of me with all seriousness in her eyes.

"Hey! Are you getting tired? I was just getting started, you know!" Kurszt called out as he ballooned up in size. As it turned out, he was the tanker type, someone who specializes in defense and great attack but slow movement. As someone in the Ancient Realm, he probably didn't care about speed, that's why he wasn't able to keep up with Yang Mei Mei although she was still in the Immortal Realm. When she backed away, he must've concluded that Yang Mei Mei was getting tired. When in truth, she was discussing the next plan of action with me.

"Are you sure about this, Yongrui?" She asked.

I wonder why she calls me by my first name. I'm still older than her, you know. Even if I look five years younger than myself, I'm still older than you, Yang Mei Mei. Show some respect.

Sigh~ as if I could tell her that. They're taking advantage of my weakness indeed.

"Yes, now go save those kids for me. They can't stay here any longer. With their open wounds and weak resistance to sickness, they might get infected." I continued.

"Then promise me!" She exclaimed.

"Promise you wha mmph!!! What are you doing?" I hissed.

This girl... did she just steal a kiss from me? What audacity! Ah I-I mean... what insolence! How disrespectful indeed! How could you do that, Yang Mei Mei?!

"Promise me that you'll come back alive! No matter what!" She continued.

I was a bit bashful at first (And I was wondering why Kurszt was just taunting us in the background. He wasn't even trying to attack us? What's wrong with him? Didn't he want a fight?) but after seeing her bashful expression, I couldn't help but be reminded that she really is still a kid. Patting her on the head, I wore the most reassuring expression I could wear and smiled at her.

"I promise. Now go."

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