I Came Back but the World is Still a Fantasy!?

4-86: Serious Quarrel (4/6)

4-86: Serious Quarrel (4/6)

It was a bug. A ladybug to be precise, and it was about 1cm big, but it was void of all presence of life.

In fact, it was also void of mana (photons).

Dont tell me!?

Neither a living being, nor a corpse, nor a machine powered by photons, yet Shinichi immediately realized what it was, and Takeshi nodded.

Thats right. This is a true Earth-tech insect-type reconnaissance drone. Nothing like that shoddy product made by some struggling company you found in Nara Park. This is the latest model.

He had been too naive. The insect-shaped drone he had found was able to miniaturize its power and camera components by relying on magic. Though the smallest they could make it was the size of a grasshopper, the fact remained that a corporation of that level had managed to create such a device. That should have been enough to prompt Shinichi to consider the cutting-edge technology involved in the tech.

Well, this is something only someone on my level can make, though, so there arent many who can make it. Unfortunately for you, Shinichi, I didnt even make this.


Its a rare reunion for us, so I didnt want some second-rate stalker peeping in on us, you see.

Stalker? Natsumi Shirota!?

As for the people who wanted to watch Shinichi and relied only on Earth-based technology, then the only who could even produce the necessary tech was Natsumi Shirota.

It was an answer drawn only from circumstantial evidence, but Takeshi nonetheless smiled as though to say that he was correct and crushed the insect drone.

As expected, you got tailed. You suck at hiding as usual. Shes a mad scientist with nothing to go for her but her brain, but at least shes got a keen eye on who to watch out for. Unfortunately for her, we dont need her in our toy box(world).

The last words were muttered in a whisper, but they were still loud enough for Shinichi to hear. They were both renowned scientists from Earth, so they must have been acquainted. Regardless, Shinichi was too shocked too focus on that right now.

I didnt notice at all.

Shinichi had always been vigilant, believing that he was under constant surveillance. He was wary not only of human eyes but also of the surveillance cameras commonly found in the streets and stores, small reconnaissance devices, and even the shikis of exorcists, but one thing he hadnt considered were eyes this small created solely with Earth technology.

I dont know exactly what youre relying on to make your judgments, but most people would probably presume youre using something that relies on photons. Everyone knows that drifters have developed their sensory abilities, after all.

So people who want to observe me will rely on Earth-made products that dont utilize photons? Even if Earth did manage to raise their technology, I cant believe they managed to make something like this already.

Looks like life in the world you ended up in must have been too intense, huh. After that, there was school life, and then you had to play the role of the world police, so I guess it cant be helped, but you should try not to underestimate Earth too much.

I didnt think Id be on the receiving end of those words.

Those werent the kind of words youd hear an Earthling say to another Earthling, but there were no better words to describe Shinichis weakness than that.

He had not prioritized the technology and knowledge of this world, but just as Takeshi says, that was likely because he couldnt afford to do so.

However, theres no need to worry just yet. It looks like this was put together hastily. Id say its more of an experiment to see if it can avoid your detection. You can trust my instincts on that as a fellow technician of the same caliber.

Takeshi brushed away the remnants on his fingers and flashed a confident smile. While the subject matter might be beyond Shinichis expertise to judge accurately, given Takeshis abilities and character, there was no reason to doubt him.

Shinichis vigilance towards Natsumi had intensified as a result of this revelation, but there was a more pressing matter at hand.

So youre telling me that youve prepared something that uses Earth tech?

Wireless, electric signals, infrared, anything you can think of, maybe thats about it? But you know, aside from those, there are mechanisms to control devices from a distance, and theres also the option of using primitive timed devices. Surprisingly, these things often go undetected by the sensors of the latest equipment.

Id been keeping an eye on your movements to some extent When did you set all that up?

I moved as soon as you told me the date, and there are plenty of ways to hire undercover agents using old-fashioned communication methods. Heh, come to think of it, I hadnt written a letter since primary school.

So you won thanks to Earth tech and analogue? I see youre as good at exploiting blind spots as ever. Really, I should have been the first to notice that.

An Earth-made device. The first thing that came mind was some kind of electrical device. Just by focusing on that, Shinichi could pick up on the presence of devices that he failed to find in his initial investigation. But odds were, this wasnt all that Takeshi had prepared.

Youre too respectful of the dead You should have at least checked the urns too.

Takeshi laughed. He was just like a mischievous kid that successfully pulled off a prank, but Shinichi was shocked by his reprehensible acts.

This guy so easily does things I wouldnt do unless absolutely necessary!




And also in Sapporo and Kushiro.

Calmly, matter-of-factly, yet with a smile on his face, Takeshi began naming places. Just that was enough for Shinichi to understand what he meant, and his face turned pale. If the image that had just come to mind was correct, then it was already checkmate.

As you guessed, Ive set up various things in crowded places. If I dont return itll be a scene straight from hell.

Damn you, Takeshi!

Despite Shinichi condemning Takeshi for involving unrelated people, Takeshis smile only deepened.

Hehe, you probably know already, but none of those are the sort that your ability can find. Some of them might even be jokes with really long fuses, you know?

Resistance was futile. With not only the people at this location but also those in the three cities as hostages, Shinichi couldnt harm Takeshi here. However, this meant that there was one thing he had to confirm.

And what proof do I have that youll get rid of all of those if I let you go!?

I swear it.


On my mothers name and the memories of those days, I swear it.

To an outsider, it might seem like a mere verbal promise with were merely intangible entities at stake; however, for those who understood the value of those things, such an oath held great significance.

Be sure to uphold that oath, or there wont be any stopping me.

Shinichi hung his head, and when he raised it back up, he glared at Takeshi icily and said that solemnly.

In response, Takeshi just laughed fearlessly.

I know. Ill keep my promise and maintain some restraint. If I were to piss you off too much, it would be over in an instant.

Then it wouldnt be interesting, Takeshi said, but Shinichi just glared at him.

That was a kind of haggling that wouldnt work on anyone but on these two.

It was also Shinichis bottom line, who had no choice but to allow Takeshi to escape here.

Were someone else to be sacrificed, Shinichi would end Takeshis game no matter the cost.

That was what he meant by not stopping.

Youko, let him go.

As you will.

Perhaps because the stakes had been set, or perhaps because there was nothing more that could be done, Shinichi let out an exhausted breath and commanded his servant to let Ein go.

He too had been listening in on the conversation, and without bothering to fight, he immediately went to his master.

As though Takeshi had been waiting for that, he offered a perfunctory but polite gesture, then he turned his back.

Oh, yeah. Right now, its just me and that woman, so its still fine, but watch out above, and Watch out for the snake too.

Takeshi bid him goodbye with those words like a parting gift of sort, then he left.

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