I Fabricated the Techniques, but my disciple really mastered them?

Chapter 129 - 99: The Way of The Elixir,

Chapter 129: Chapter 99: The Way of The Elixir,

Innumerable Changesi

Translator: 549690339

Li Xuan finished explaining the basic theory of Alchemy he had written, and then looked at Su Lingxiu. He asked, “Have you remembered it all?”

If she didn’t remember it, her talent would be somewhat lacking.

Both Xu Yan and Meng Chong remembered after only hearing it once.

“Master, I’ve memorized it all, and I’ve even thought of a pill formula. Can you see if it can work?”

Su Lingxiu said excitedly.

Li Xuan was surprised. She had come up with a pill formula so quickly?

Her talent was not bad!

He had not chosen the wrong person or accepted the wrong disciple.

With a calm expression on his face, he nodded and said, “Oh, what is the pill formula?”

“Master, you mentioned that practice begins with the sensing of Qi and blood, refining the skin, bones, and organs. Therefore, I thought of combining ginseng, nine-leaf ginseng, tiger blood… When used together and refined into a pill, they can greatly replenish the body and can be quickly digested for the purpose of cultivation.”

Su Lingxiu explained the pill formula she had come up with.

“Your ability to think of such a pill formula shows that you are familiar with various herbs…”

Li Xuan calmly said.

Su Lingxiu was slightly jubilant, had her master approved of her pill recipe?

However, Li Xuan continued, “You certainly have talent, or 1 would not have accepted you as a disciple, but how did you conceive your pill formula?

“Do you understand the principle of using the monarch, minister, assistant, and courier in medication?”

Su Lingxiu, squeezing the corner of her clothes, said, “I don’t, could you please clarify, Master?”

“Being the main herb for a particular disease is the monarch, supporting the monarch is the minister, assisting the minister is the courier… One monarch and two ministers are the minor recipes, two monarchs, three ministers, and five couriers are the medium recipes…”

Li Xuan explained the principles of using monarch, minister, assistant, and courier in medicine, and then said, “You should grasp which herbs should be the monarch, which should be the minister… The doctrine of the elixir is changeless.”

“Remember, diseases have various forms, medical treatments do not have constant methods, medicines do not have constant characteristics, and the timing of the situation dictates; divine craftsmanship lies with the person, while the roles of monarch, minister, assistant, and courier depend on their use…”

Su Lingxiu was greatly shocked as she listened. It seemed as if a skylight had suddenly been opened in her world, and she had caught a glimpse of a whole new terrain.

She had a faint sense of understanding.

Various precious and spiritual medicines flashed through her mind: what characteristics each medicine had, which were their main functions… and all things reappeared in her mind one by one.

“Monarch, minister, assistant, and courier? The changeless doctrine of the elixir…”

Su Lingxiu vaguely felt that she seemed to have understood something. As long as she spent time sorting it out, she was sure she could create a valid pill formula.

Li Xuan watched her. This girl was not lacking in comprehension. The theory of elixir he’d told her, along with the principle of using monarch, minister, assistant, and courier in medicine, seemed to have given her great inspiration.

She may have had some insights.

So he stopped explaining further, allowing Su Lingxiu time to process it all.

“Master, 1 think I understand a bit. 1 will ponder this carefully.”

Su Lingxiu respectfully replied.

“Hmm, next, I will teach you how to refine the elixir.”

Li Xuan nodded, and then said, “When refining a pill, use Qi and blood as the furnace, Qi and blood as the pill fire, use the mind to sense, understand the changes of the pill, comprehend the success or failure of the pill… Use True Qi as the pill fire, refine and remove impurities, and take its essence…”

How to refine a pill?

Li Xuan directly created the refining of pills with Qi and blood, and refines pills with True Qi… Anyway, when in the Qi and blood realm, Qi and blood are used as the pill fire, and pills are refined. During the Innate realm, True Qi is used as the pill fire, and pills are refined… and so on.

As for the Pill Furnace, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to make one, so Li Xuan didn’t mention it specifically.

“Since you have not entered the Qi and blood realm, you naturally cannot use

Qi and blood as the pill fire to refine pills. You can attempt it with a Pill Furnace. Of course, if you have a good Pill Furnace, refining pills can naturally be made easier.

“This all depends on you and how to comprehend the way of refining medicine.”

“If you want to use the Pill Furnace to assist in refining pills, you need to figure out a way to make the Pill Furnace on your own. The Pill Furnace is particular, and the usual steel furnace is not conducive to Alchemy.”

Li Xuan reminded Su Lingxiu that besides refining pills with bare hands, a Pill Furnace can also be used for assistance.

As for how to get a Pill Furnace, that would depend entirely on Su Lingxiu’s own capabilities.

After all, he didn’t have a Pill Furnace and didn’t know how to refine a pill.

The whole thing was made up.

“Yes, Master!”

Su Lingxiu nodded, indicating that she understood.

The next part was the core of the Alchemy Martial Arts—the cultivation method.

“The cultivation of Alchemy Martial Arts, although it also involves refining the skin, bones, and organs, the cultivation is actually closer to living qi of all things. Using the Spiritual Energy of all things to nurture oneself and stimulate the Qi and blood.

“The Qi and blood of Alchemist Martial Artist is full of life, representing the way of medicine, curing diseases and saving people; regardless, it can also be as strong as fire, representing the way of elixir, extracting the essence and used for refining elixir.

“Medicine is like wood, the elixir is like fire. Wood can produce fire, fire can forge metal, metal can produce water, and water can produce wood…”

Subsequently, Li Xuan imparted the cultivation method of Alchemist Martial Artist to Su Lingxiu, and along the way, he also taught her about Yin and Yang, the Five Elements, the Eight Extraordinary Channels, the Human body’s acupoints, etc.

The Qi and blood and True Qi cultivated by Alchemist Martial Arts, naturally has its own characteristics.

If not, there wouldn’t be much difference compared to the orthodox Martial Arts.

Lastly, he explained some additional themes such as acupuncture. For example, using the Golden Needle to reach the acupoint, expel toxins with the Golden Needle, restore life with the Golden Needle, and so on. These methods were mysterious beyond measure.

Li Xuan went on to explain all the compiled Alchemist Martial Arts, whether Su Lingxiu could comprehend anything from such a huge, complicated, and even somewhat self-conflicting theory.

Li Xuan couldn’t guarantee it. It all depended on Su Lingxiu’s own talent.

If she succeeded, he would have opened up a new system of Martial Arts.

And he would have another treasured disciple.

This girl was pretty, lively, and kind, liked to bury evil people, if she could successfully comprehend it all, Li Xuan felt the troubles behind her would be nothing at all..

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