I have an Apocalypse City

Chapter 387: The Abyss Demon

Chapter 387: Chapter 387: The Abyss Demon

Translator: 549690339 |

The Black Dragon cub roared and fiercely pounced forward, pinning Luo Tianyu’s warhorse under its body.

The frail warhorse had no power to resist, and let out a cry as the Black Dragon cub bit its neck and threw it into the sky.

“How dare you!” Luo Tianyu rolled a few times on the ground without getting up, and saw her own warhorse about to become prey for the Black Dragon cub, her eyes flared with rage as she shouted.


A scorching Dragon Breath burst from the Black Dragon cub’s mouth, enveloping the black warhorse in an instant.

In no time, the smell of roasted meat wafted from the horse as it fell from the sky, and the Black Dragon cub bit it and began tearing and devouring it vigorously, not paying any attention to Luo Tianyu nearby.

“Um, it recently developed a sudden fondness for cooked food, so it likes to roast things before eating them…” Song Jian put away his longsword and said awkwardly.

“You owe me a warhorse!” Luo Tianyu’s eyes welled up with tears. As a warrior profession, she only got her own warhorse at level twelve, and although it was the weakest and lowest-quality warhorse, she cherished it dearly.

Now it had become food for Song Jian’s pet, and Luo Tianyu couldn’t bear the injustice. They had only agreed to a fight-how could he let his pet eat her warhorse?

“Uh, sorry about that. I’ll compensate you for the warhorse, and I’ll definitely get you a better one!” Song Jian said apologetically, looking at Luo Tianyu, who was about to cry.

“Hmph!” Luo Tianyu glared at Song Jian, grabbed her long halberd and turned around to return to the camp. The gate slammed shut.

“Would this count as her losing? Once my territory expands to here, she should choose to surrender, right?” Song Jian asked uncertainly.

“My lord, I guess it would depend on when you give her a new warhorse,” a Dawn Warrior beside him chuckled.

Song Jian was about to speak when he suddenly received a system notification.

His face turned pale, and he visibly worsened.

System: The seal of the Abyssal Demon has been broken, and your aura has been locked onto by it. In 10 minutes, it will track your aura and come for you;

System: For the next 10 minutes, you will not be able to log off normally. If the Abyssal Demon cannot find you, it will begin destroying your territory.

System: If you are killed by the Abyssal Demon, your body will become its parasitic host, and your soul will serve as nourishment for its growth.

Series of system notifications informed Song Jian that the Abyssal Demon, which had been sealed by the priest Cecilia, had now broken the seal and was coming to take revenge on him!

“Damn it! Wasn’t acquiring the Book of the Abyss supposed to help me annihilate the Abyssal Demon? Why did the seal break prematurely?” Song Jian couldn’t help but curse.

At first, he thought the Abyssal Demon was just an ordinary boss, but after so many incidents and clearing the Blood Demon Cave, Song Jian realized that the Abyssal Demon was no lone entity. It was the embodiment of the Abyssal Clan’s evil, and provoking one was the same as provoking the entire clan.

Thinking about it made Song Jian’s head hurt.

What’s more, Song Jian still had the “Abyss Curse” with a luck reduction of three on him, serving as GPS tracking and allowing the Abyssal Demon to locate him at any time.

“If you want to fight, then let’s fight! This time, let’s see who dies!” Song Jian gritted his teeth.

He didn’t intend to hide anything, so he summoned both Blood Crows and Blood Wolves. Blood Crows didn’t have much combat power, even if their level had been raised to fifteen, but their combat power wasn’t even comparable to that of ordinary monsters of the same level.

However, Blood Crows could fly, so Song Jian ordered them to fly to a height of

500 meters to scout for any movement.

Blood Zombies and Blood Wolves spread out in the surroundings, while the Black Dragon cub stood by Song Jian, silently waiting for the arrival of the Abyssal Demon.

Soon, several Blood Crows in the southwest direction suddenly lost contact with Song Jian. Just before their death, their eyes sent an image to Song Jian’s mind.

It was a powerful demon with a pair of goat horns on its head, huge black bat wings on its back, a tall and strong body that seemed to be engulfed in transparent flames.

“It’s here!” Song Jian’s heart thumped as he tightened his grip on the Crimson Fire Heart Ape Sword.

“Wasn’t the seal supposed to be draining its power? This Abyssal Demon was supposed to be getting weaker and weaker, so why does it look so much stronger than before?” Song Jian recalled the image, furrowing his brow.

Boom boom boom-

Several buildings collapsed in the distance, and a tall figure appeared amidst the dust and smoke.

“Human, it’s time to settle our old scores!” The Abyssal Demon spoke in the abyssal language, causing dizziness and hallucinations in ordinary creatures who heard it.

Although Song Jian couldn’t understand what it was saying, the words entering his ears made him comprehend the meaning automatically.

“Kill it!” Song Jian waved his sword and cried out loudly.

The Blood Zombies roared and charged at the Abyssal Demon with their hands and feet.

The Blood Wolves growled and started trotting, picking up speed as they went, their figures turning into red lightning as they rushed towards the Abyssal Demon.

“Trash!” The Abyssal Demon looked at the Blood Zombies rushing towards it with a hint of disdain in its eyes.

At this point, the Abyssal Demon’s level had reached twenty, and it was a lord-level boss, emitting a terrifying aura. Its body surged with energy like flames rising into the air.

The thirty Blood Zombies had barely reached within a meter of the Abyssal Demon when their bodies suddenly paused and began to shake violently.

Plop plop plop-

One after another, the Blood Zombies’ bodies burst open, turning into a rain of blood that fell from the sky like drizzle. Song Jian’s eyes narrowed— the Abyssal Demon’s strength had increased more than tenfold compared to when he had first seen it.

“What the hell is Cecilia up to? Was obtaining the Book of the Abyss meant to enhance the Abyssal Demon’s strength?” Song Jian muttered under his breath.


A mournful howl, the Blood Wolves charged at the Abyssal Demon one after another. On their bodies, crimson Vitality Flames ignited.

A Blood Wolf broke through the Abyssal Demon’s energy barrier and viciously bit its neck.

With a cold snort, the Abyssal Demon raised its hand and grabbed the Blood Wolf’s neck. Its hand, covered in black scales, gripped tightly, instantly crushing the Blood Wolf into a puddle of fishy-smelling blood.

One after another, Blood Wolves leaped towards it, but the Abyssal Demon snorted, its figure flickering as it punched one wolf after the other. The wolves’ bodies exploded one after the other, dying instantly. In a short while, the Abyssal Demon was immersed in a rain of blood, surrounded by the Sky-reaching Magic Flames.

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