I have an Apocalypse City

Chapter 388: Eighth Demon General

Chapter 388: Chapter 388: Eighth Demon General

Translator: 549690339 |

“Insignificant human, prepare to die!” The demon from the Abyss leaped forward, throwing a punch horrifyingly at Song Jian;

Song Jian immediately felt as if an invisible force had tightly bound him. He was like a small bug trapped in amber, utterly powerless to break free;

Light Strike!

With a sword held in his right hand, Song Jian swung it forward, releasing a large golden glow from his sword Qi. It broke the invisible forces surrounding him and swung at the demon from the Abyss;

Light Strike was undoubtedly the best choice against demons, not only because of its immense power, but it could also cause 200% double damage;

“A divine attack? Damn it!” The demon from the Abyss’s face changed drastically as he felt the scorching divine power. Suspended mid-air, he had no opportunity to avoid the attack and could only brace himself to resist it.

The fierce golden sword Qi, with its unstoppable momentum like a looming sea and towering mountains, heavily landed on the arms the demon from the Abyss used to shield his face, slicing open a deep, bone-visible wound.

The body of the demon from the Abyss hit the ground like a falling meteorite. The side of a high-rise building was smashed into a huge indentation, and bricks and stones were “raining” down, burying the demon from the Abyss in the deepest part;

Song Jian, seizing the opportunity after successfully attacking, without any hesitation, immediately performed the Sword Shadow Step. His body turned into a shadow, rushing towards the spot where the demon from the Abyss had fallen;


With a loud noise, debris exploded off the demon from the Abyss. His face twisted in pain as he spilled his purple-black blood from his falling arms, while his body burned with transparent flames.

“Human, I’ll roast your soul on the Flames of the Abyss for ten thousand years!” The demon from the Abyss howled heart-wrenchingly, waving his arms and charging towards Song Jian;

Bam, bam, bam-

Song Jian battled fiercely with the demon from the Abyss, repeatedly chopping the Crimson Fire Heart Ape Sword onto the demon, creating sparks. The demon from the Abyss could only use his two arms to repeatedly smash Song Jian.

The Dawn Warrior Yah stayed consistently by Song Jian’s side without uttering a word. He continuously attacked the demon from the Abyss, but the gap in strength was too significant. Even with the equipment Song Jian gave him, he was no match for the demon from the Abyss and could only assist in the attack.

The entire street resonated with thunderous roars from their chronic battle. A row of shops had their roofs blown off, high buildings were leaning precariously from being sliced by sword Qi, and even the massive trees were being uprooted and falling in every direction;

The street, already abandoned and decrepit, had turned into rubble under the explosive noises completely. Fly ashes danced in the air, apart from the impact rubble, nothing intact could be found on the ground anymore. Even the low-level monsters all around were fleeing in terror;


After another violent impact, the demon from the Abyss’s arms were full of scars, and not a single scale could be found intact on the entire arm. However, his regenerative capabilities were formidable. The countless wounds on his arm healed rapidly at a rate noticeable to the naked eye;

Grabbing the Crimson Fire Heart Ape Sword tightly, Song Jian was panting heavily. Hundreds of exchanges had cost him. Although he managed to deduct more than three thousand vitality points from the demon from the Abyss, Song Jian didn’t succeed without cost. He had lost more than three hundred vitality points after being hit hard by the demon from the Abyss. His right shoulder still ached relentlessly. If it hadn’t been for the triggered special effect “Void” of his Ghostly Leather Armor, Song Jian’s vitality points might have already dropped below 50%;

“Pathetic!” After punching Song Jian away, the demon from the Abyss directed a glance at the Dawn Warrior Yah. With a punch, he knocked him flying. The Dawn Warrior Yah was completely defenseless. After crashing through a wall, he fainted and was buried under a pile of rubble.

“Human, I smell the abyss on you. If you willingly serve me, I would make you my Eighth Demon General, ruling the abandoned city!” The demonic Abyss swayed its bat wings, floating mid-air, looking down at Song Jian with a cold voice.

The Abyss demon was also shocked to his core. He had not expected Song Jian’s growth to be so rapid. Initially, he planned to destroy Song Jian’s weapon directly, but found that his own power had no effect on this long sword. Instead, he momentarily lost his grip and was ruthlessly hit twice by Song Jian who seized the opportunity.

Furthermore, during the fight, the Abyss demon felt a faint scent of the abyss radiating from Song Jian’s body which tempted him to recruit;

System: The Abyss demon offered you a recruitment mission, do you accept? Note: This mission involves changing racial allegiances. Please choose carefully!

Song Jian had a glance and refused without hesitation!

After being refused, the Abyss demon’s eyes became sharp, and murderous intent blanket-covered towards Song Jian like a tidal wave.

Song Jian chuckled coldly. Rather than retreating, he advanced and leaped towards the Abyss demon in the sky with his sword swung;

“Too naive!” the Abyss demon sneered, looking at Song Jian as if he were a lowly ant lifting its forehooves towards an elephant.

At this moment, a deep dragon chant sounded in the air, and a Black Dragon hatchling appeared beneath Song Jian’s feet. The hatchling flapped its wings and flew hard into the sky.

Song Jian lightly stepped on the back of the Black Dragon hatchling. His figure instantly raised more than ten meters. The Crimson Fire Heart Ape Sword suddenly ignited red flames in his hand and fiercely hacked towards the Abyss demon.

“How could this be…” The terrified Abyss demon raised his fist defensively, and there was a loud bang. A burning transparent flame arm spun into the air. It hit a tall building making a one-meter diameter hole in it.

Song Jian cut off one of the Abyss demon’s arms. He was also somewhat surprised, he hesitated momentarily. The Abyss demon suddenly opened his mouth, a black beam of light shot out of it hitting Song Jian in the chest.

The distance between the two was too close for Song Jian to react in time. He felt like he’d been hit head-on by a heavy truck. Blood spurted out of his mouth while he crashed towards the ground like a cannonball.

“Damned human!” The Abyss demon gritted his teeth with wisps of black smoke emanating from the wound in his left arm. The severed arm turned into strands of smoke and flew back towards the Abyss demon.

In a short while, the severed left arm of the Abyss demon grew back. However, the lost vitality points could not be restored, and the vitality points of the Abyss demon had already fallen below 60%. The look in his eyes grew sharper when he looked at Song Jian.

Song Jian, coughing up blood, struggled up from the ground and glanced at his vitality points which had fallen below half. A bitter smile appeared on his face, the opponent was too formidable that a casual attack could reduce hundreds of his vitality points. At this point, Song Jian’s vitality points were only slightly more than 1400, already four or five times that of other players. But compared to the Abyss demon, it was pathetically less.

Taking a potion from his bag and swallowing it, Song Jian, sword in hand, looked at the Abyss demon in mid-air.


The Abyss demon fell from the sky and step by step walked towards Song Jian. With every step, the earth would slightly shake. Invisible flames gathered above his head forming an enormous demon skull roaring silently at Song Jian.

At this moment, a “whoosh” sound was heard. An arrow was shot at the Abyss demon.

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