I Practice Farming While the Rest Cultivates

Chapter 109 - 107 Dynamic Expression 1

Chapter 109: Chapter 107 Dynamic Expression 1

Translator: 549690339??????????? —

“Junior Brother Lu, since you have chosen this task, you must have a good grasp of the Spirit Rain Technique, right?”

The beautiful woman said with a smile to Lu Xuan.

“I have achieved a little.”

Lu Xuan said with modesty.

“Usually, to cultivate these Monkey-faced Orchids, you need to perform two tasks. One is to regularly nourish them with the Spirit Rain Technique, and the other is to feed the Spirit Bugs on time.”

“Spirit Bugs are specifically cultivated by the cultivators in our sect. Many types of Spirit Bugs can be used to produce elixirs, cultivation techniques, cultivate Spirit Plants, and feed Spirit Beasts.”

The beautiful woman, leading Lu Xuan into the valley, met with an ordinary looking young man who was waiting outside a wooden house.

“This is Junior Brother Yan Ping, and this is Junior Brother Lu Xuan.”

Senior Sister Yao was introducing Lu Xuan to Yan Ping.

“From now on, these Monkey-faced Orchids will be primarily cultivated by you two. I’ll stay in the valley. If you have any questions, you can ask me.”

Lu Xuan nodded.

After chatting with Yan Ping briefly, Yan Ping led him to an unoccupied hut for his usual cultivation and resting activities.

About an hour later, Yan Ping came to call him.

“Junior Brother Lu, it’s time to use the Spirit Rain Technique on the Monkey-faced Orchids. How about we each take responsibility for a different area?”

Lu Xuan nodded in agreement and went to his assigned area.

The Monkey-faced Orchids, with a variety of expressions, appeared frozen in place.

Lu Xuan’s spiritual power surged within him. Threads of Spirit Rain fell down, landing on the petals and roots of the Monkey-faced Orchids, infusing into them.

“The Spirit Ram is pervasive and precise, it’s impressive that you have such profundity with the Spirit Rain Technique, Junior Brother Lu.”

From a distance, Yan Ping saw the exceptional part of Lu Xuan’s Spirit Rain Technique and could not conceal a hint of admiration in his eyes.

“As a Spirit Plant Master, I have spent countless times using the Spirit Rain Technique. The more times I used it, the more proficient I become.”

Lu Xuan laughed.

Due to the reason of meticulously cultivating spiritual plants, he performed the Spirit Rain Technique multiple times a day. Even without the help of the Technique Experience Package, his skill in the Spirit Rain Technique had reached the Great Achievement Realm.

The performance speed was faster, spiritual power consumption was minimal, and he could accurately manage the range of the Spirit Rain. He could even adjust the fineness of the already thread-like Spirit Rain, to meet the various fine requirements of the Spirit Plants.

After a round of Spirit Rain Technique in the Spirit Field, the Monkey-faced Orchids in the Spirit Soil still looked blankly around, with no change in the expressions on their petals.

After a short rest, Yan Ping took a pot full of bugs of various forms from the beautiful woman.

“These are what you need to feed the Monkey-faced Orchids. You just need to stuff them into the petals, and the Monkey-faced Orchids will actively devour and absorb these Strange Worms.”

Each Monkey-faced Orchid only needs to be fed one Strange Worm.

Overfeeding them isn’t good.”

Lu Xuan nodded in understanding and received half of the Strange Worms.

Compared to the wild Black Bud Worms he had previously encountered, these bugs were much weaker in terms of attack power and damage to Spirit Plants. They were deliberately bred in large numbers by the cultivators in the sect for various uses.

He approached a Monkey-faced Orchid with an extremely angry expression in its petals.

Lu Xuan picked up one slender white bug and stuffed it into the petals of the Monkey-faced Orchid.

In the center of the petals, countless sharp spikes suddenly emerged, piercing the white bug.

The petals then closed, forming a bud-like shape, trembling slightly, obviously undergoing some activity inside.

After a while, the petals reopened, and a bug skin with no remaining flesh fell to the ground, looking like a piece of paper.

“What strong devouring and absorbing ability.”

Lu Xuan couldn’t help but sigh. Although the bug did not have much power to attack, it was surprising that it was so easily killed and consumed by a second-level Spirit Plant.

“Huh? Why is it still looking at me so angrily after having such a delicious meal?”

Lu Xuan noticed that the Monkey-faced Orchid still had an angry expression after it devoured the white bug.

He laughed and shook his head, then continued to feed the other Monkey-faced Orchids with the Strange Worms.

Just as he was about to return to his hut to rest after he finished his tasks, he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

His gaze rested on a Monkey-faced Orchid. The expression in the petals of the Monkey-faced Orchid carried a faint smile.

“If I remember correctly, this was originally the angry Monkey-faced Orchid that I began feeding. But why has it changed?”

“What’s causing the expressions of the Monkey-faced Orchid to be dynamic and not static?”

With a frown, Lu Xuan stared at the Monkey-faced Orchids in the Spirit Field and slipped into contemplation.

“Junior Brother Lu, what are you standing there for after you’ve finished your tasks?”

Yan Ping, who was passing by on his way back to his room for Cultivation, asked curiously.

“Senior Brother Yan, I have a question about the Monkey-faced Orchids. Since you have abundant experience in cultivating these plants, could you help me figure it out?”

“Junior Brother Lu, feel free to ask your question.”

“Are the expressions on the Monkey-faced Orchid’s petals really formed randomly? Or do they follow some sort of rule? For example, if some conditions are met, will the expression change?”

“So, that’s what you’re wondering about. Junior Brother Lu, I think you’re overthinking it.”

“It is said that the first Spirit Plant Master who planted these Monkey-faced Orchids also had the same guess as you. However, after conducting experiments, he didn’t find anything.”

“By cultivating the Monkey-faced Orchids in the customary way, you will still get normal mature Spiritual Plants. So, he abandoned the idea and came to the conclusion that the emerging expressions are just a characteristic of the Monkey-faced Orchids.”

Junior Brother Lu, think about it, even if the Foundation Establishment Uncle Master from our sect didn’t find any pattern after his experiments, it would indicate that there isn’t anything unusual.”

Therefore, let’s just cultivate them honestly, and not think too much.”

Yan Ping said in a serious tone.

Senior Brother Yan makes sense. I was just curious and it wouldn’t affect or hamper the growth of the Monkey-faced Orchids.”

Lu Xuan looked at the Monkey-faced Orchids with cold expressions one more time, then he followed Yan Ping back to his hut for rest.

“Why did the expression change? Does it have anything to do with the Spirit Rain Technique and the feeding of the Strange Worms? If it does, then why did it still show an angry expression after I had watered it with the Spirit Rain Technique?”

Lu Xuan sat on his chair, looking out of the window at the Monkey-faced Orchids in the Spirit Field, each with a different expression, deeply immersed in his thoughts.

He believed that the change in expression must involve certain factors that were not yet identified by the cultivators.

Every living thing has a spirit. Even the ordinary plants we see everyday have various habits, let alone Spirit Plants?

Adding a ‘spirit’ in front means that the level of life form has been elevated, so it is normal for them to demonstrate all sorts of extraordinary behaviors.

From his experience of planting many Spirit Plants, Lu Xuan was aware of the inklings of spiritual nature in many of them, especially the higher the rank, the stronger its spiritual nature.

With this, he was quite certain that these second-level Monkey-faced Orchids were the same. The change in expressions was not random, but indeed the key to unlocking a mystery.

“It seems hke I will need to seize an opportunity to uproot one of the Monkey-faced Orchids for testing.”

He couldn’t help but think so in his mind..

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