I'm Actually Not Overpowered!

Chapter 156 Another Surprise For Our Demon Friends

Heshu made sense, as usual.

His leadership skills and maturity could shine during moments like this, if only he decided to interact with everyone more.

"I see. That's great." Hogun gave his agreement, and so did everyone else—even Adu, albeit grudgingly.

~We'll erect an additional barrier to block off incorporeal entities like those Spectres. With that, a safe haven is assured for tonight.~

While Hogun didn't understand why the humans hadn't simply attacked when they had the prime opportunity to, he concluded that tomorrow would be completely different.

Their troops would be recharged, and even was going to be in full form. While had nothing personal against the humans, the desire to please his lord and fulfil his mission burned inside him.

He had to win, at all cost!

~Then, since we are all in agreement. We should... wait, what is... what's going on?~

Hogun was still confused about what was going on with Heshu on his end, when a Mid-Demon charged into his room with a frantic expression on his face.

"T-they've started to make their move!"

Hogun's eyes widened the moment he heard the bizarre, almost impossible news from his subordinate.

'They had all day. Why now?!'

It was practically evening, wasn't it? How was this the ideal time for battle?

Hogun was still struggling with this thought, when a Demon General spoke through the Divining Orb.

~I'm guessing you all heard the news from your respective commanders. The monsters have begun to steadily advance.~

Since no one objected, they had to assume it was the same for everyone.

"Why would they make their move now, though?" Hogun found himself muttering.

~The Monsters all seemed to be resting throughout the day. We thought it was simply meant to trick us, so our troops remained vigilant. Now that some time has passed, they're more energized and our soldiers are more worn out.~ Kiko's voice proceeded from the glowing sphere.

When she put it that way, it made sense.

~Monsters can function optimally in the dark, and some are even more aggressive the closer it gets to dusk. If they manage to hold out until night, the Spectres might show up again. That would be bad...~ Pierrus added.

Everyone had to admit, at this point, that they were in a difficult position.

~What if we ignore them? It's not like they can get past our barrier.~

For a moment, everyone considered Adu's opinion. However, it didn't take them very long for it to be debunked.

"Based on their behavior, it seems they're being controlled by humans, or at least something very intelligent. If they knew the weakness of our barrier and the Demon Race, sending Spectres, then it's possible they understand the weak point of this barrier." Hogun began explaining.

Since it was erected by using a Magic Circle, the area underneath them was unprotected. There were so many monster among the ones advancing who would be adept at digging through the earth and invading.

Besides, it was very risky to let them get too close.

"The humans have a simar barrier, so they already know its function. If they're sending their monsters, they must have some sort of plan."

No one could argue with that logic. So far, their opponents seemed to have outwitted them on more than one occasion.

~We've really underestimated the humans...~


A moment of silence pervaded the room, as they all thought of an alternative. How to defeat their opponents while dealing with the disadvantageous conditions they were currently under.

'We've never been pushed this far before. It's hard to think of anything...'

Demons had always been superior. This situation itself was an absurdity, thus practically all of them were stuck on what to do.

~Well, we should still keep the barrier active. We can pick off the enemies as they approach, and even if they're digging, we can kill them off by undoing certain portions of the barrier and attacking from there.~ Kiko finally broke the silence with a suggestion.

After considering it together, the Demon Generals agreed to it.

This way, they didn't have to actively engage in an all-out battle. By attacking the enemies from a safe point, they would whittle down their numbers.

Once everyone thought it through, they realized it was the perfect position to take.

"Alright, Generals. Let's lead our respective groups."

They had encircled the city of Dulum and it's surrounding, and their crimson barrier had covered the entire place like an all-encompassing fence. The monsters were still trapped in a cage, whether they liked it or not.

~Or... hear me out, we could just blitz the monsters ourselves!~ Adu came up with a simpler solution after being quiet for some time.

His idea suddenly put a hold on the strategic relevance of Kiko's position. It was for the simple reason that Adu made sense.


"We should conserve out energy. We don't know if these monsters are all these humans have. Besides, let's not forget we still have to take down their city."

It would be foolish to waste energy on the mobs when the bigger threats could be within. Having no idea what to expect, it was better for the Demon Generals not to go all out.

~Tch, fine.~

"Seems we have all agreed." Hogun sighed in exasperation.

It was time to move out.




"This plan should work." Hogun smiled slightly, looking at the approaching monsters with confidence in their troops' abilities to fend them off from their protected distance.

Ultimately, they would be using guerilla tactics.

'That Kiko... she can actually bring up smart ideas when it comes down to it.' Hogun was happy she wasn't as big a airhead as he previously assumed.

Having reliable comrades was an essential in achieving victory after all.

"Now, then... shall we begi—"


Suddenly, a gust of wind formed behind the Demon Army, and a condensed surge of energy manifested.

Swirling spatial ruptures surfaced, and several of them spanned across the circular formation the Demons had formed.

Almost in an instant, these portals stabilized, all surrounding the Demons from behind.

And then—


—An army came forth.

"N-no way...!" Hogun's eyes widened, stretched to their limits as the sight caused his whole body to tremble.

Proceeding from the portal was a second army.

"T-this is bad."

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