Irresistible Romance

Chapter 134

Some news about Yan Xi's drug use and night club was spread on the Internet. However, the past has happened. Both passers-by and fans are very rational. They believe that Yan Xi's character will not be as bad as the Post said.

Dahua secretary room in Jiang Mo Chen's cold eyes heavy pan chill, then, the voice cold to the extreme, "deal with it, I don't want to see the name of Zhang Zihua again."

"Yes, Mr. Jiang." Qin Huan's answer was determined.

He has followed Jiang Mo Chen's temper for many years and is very clear about it.

This time, Zhang Zihua really kicked the steel plate.


Zhang Zihua stayed up all night, paying close attention to the dynamic of the Internet for a moment, and also watched with his own eyes that those posts about Yan Xi's drug taking were changed into leading roles.

A number of mainstream media changed their words together, but also put forward empirical evidence for Yan Xi to prove that the person in the photo is Han Xueli!

Zhang Zihua was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

Director Zhao is right. There is someone behind Yan Xi! And the man's background is unfathomable.

It was possible to change the situation overnight, no, in a few hours.

This is something that even ole can't do. However, Yan Xi was very quiet a few years ago. Even if the gold master helped her behind her back, there would be no proper relationship between them.

At most, Yan Xi is a babysitter.

Zhang Zihua took heart. She was ready to drive to Wei Lang to see if there was any other way. However, as soon as she left the house, she was stopped by a phone call.

"Miss Zhang, please come to our bank to pay the rest of the loan."

"Why, isn't the repayment deadline yet?" Zhang Zihua is a little upset. She has just been dismissed by Ole, and she is not well off.

"This is a new regulation. For your credibility, please cooperate." The other party is already very polite.

Zhang Zihua had no choice but to deal with the loan first.

On the other side, Han Xueli's mother took the initiative to find a media company to cry and cry for her daughter in front of the camera.

"How could she have done such a thing when she was so young and just made her debut! I know that your performing arts circle has always been very chaotic. It must be the Ji named Yan Xi who envies my daughter and slanders her! They look so alike. How can you be sure that the person photographed is not Yan Xi, but my daughter? Did you all take her money? "

Han Xueli's mother insisted that it was Yan Xi who splashed dirty water on Han Xueli.

"What kind of person is my daughter? I know very well that she can't take drugs!"

"It was Yan Xi who played tricks behind his back and planted stolen goods and framed him up!"

As the report became public on the Internet, Cheng Yun sat in the office with a sarcastic smile.

"They're going too far."

It's not enough to go to hell, you have to throw dirty water on others.

Cheng Yun asked the public relations department to deal with it at the first time, and also issued a statement in the name of OLE, telling the public that Yan Xi had nothing to do with this matter. If there were any more rumors about private walks in the media or individuals, she would protect Yan Xi's reputation through legal means.

And talked with Yan Xi and told her that no matter what happened, the company would make the decision for her.

Yan Xi also relaxed and enjoyed a vacation at home.

With ole's public statement, Han's mother directly played a suicide trick.

It's said that if the reporter didn't find out in time, I'm afraid it would have caused human lives.

Yan Xi saw the report on TV, called Jiang Mo Chen, "Mo Chen, I want to go to the police station." Some things have to be clarified, and the strongest evidence must be used to completely silence those people.

Otherwise, it will become a stain in Yan Xi's life, which can't be erased.

Jiang Mo Chen replied, "let Xia Jie and Jiao Yize go with you and solve the problem at once. If anyone affects you, I will let Qin Huan go."

With him behind his back, Yan Xi doesn't have to worry about anything.

"Well, don't worry." Yan Xi hung up the phone with a smile, changed into a simple casual clothes, and went to the police station.

There are many young netizens questioning Han Xueli's personality. There are many fans of her age and even smaller than her. People like Han Xueli are not worthy of being idols! She's just bad for society.

If a minor fan learns from her and gets into bad habits, who should take the responsibility!

Han Xueli is likely to be banned by the entertainment industry.

Her mother's actions, not only did not help her, but pushed her to an irreparable abyss.

However, when things continue to ferment, Han Xueli's mother did not stop slandering Yan Xi. She sat on the hospital bed and once again accepted the reporter's interview.

"What's wrong with my daughter! If she looks like that, will she be stigmatized and drugged? "

"I gave birth to her and raised her. I will never give birth to a troublemaker. You are the devil who bites a 17-year-old girl!"

Reporters kept walking into the ward and holding the microphone in front of her."Are you sure that the drug addict is Yan Xi?"

"Or who else?" Han's mother was very angry and yelled at the camera.

"You think the truth of the matter is that Yan Xi took drugs, mixed up in nightclubs, and then confused the public's attention and slandered your daughter Han Xueli, right?" The reporter asked, "but Han Xueli has disappeared so far. Yan Xi made a statement at the first time, and asked the police to investigate. If she did something wrong, would she do so?"

"Then I don't know!" When Han Xueli's mother heard the police, she was obviously flustered and pushed the reporter away.

The reporters looked at each other and turned off the cameras.

If things go on, there's no need to ask. Han Xueli's mother talks about these two words. She is using her tears as a shield.

Many people have seen who the man was that night.

At a time when things became difficult to figure out, Yan Xi, one of the parties, finally appeared. She chose to show up in the police station and asked to solve the matter.

Her agent and assistant were with her, and they only did one thing.

Let Yan Xi do a urine test.

She never makes a pale excuse for herself. The fact is the best proof of her innocence.

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