Legend of the Asura

Chapter 132: Hero Jing Tian (1)

Chapter 132: Hero Jing Tian (1)

Yang Xi Ruo sat on a stool in the front yard of the Feng House holding her chin with her hands, appreciating the flowers in the front yard with a smile on her face.

The door was slowly opened and it revealed Feng Xiao with a full smile from getting married walking in.

Big brother Feng.  Seeing this happy look, Yang Xi Ruo felt down.

Little sister Xi Ruo, you must be hungry.  Yaoer already logged off to make dinner.  Feng Xiao sat down beside him with a faint smile, not noticing the strange expression on her race.

A pair of soft as jade arm tightly wrapped around him, making him unable to react for a while.

Big brother Feng, let me hug you for a while, alright?  Just a while  Yang Xi Ruo buried her head in Feng Xiaos chest and muttered in a voice that was very low.

Feng Xiaos hands were in the air, not knowing where to put them.

Little sister Xi Ruo, whats wrongAre you thinking of your family?

Xi Ruos hands around him tightened as she greedily enjoyed this warm feeling.

Big brother Feng, do you still remember what you said the first time you hugged me?  I had asked you in a daze where we were going and you said..

Were going homeFrom that moment on, other than big brother, I gained family members.  My two most precious family members.

Big brother Feng, I never thanked you for giving me a second life, letting me know that life could be this beautiful..

Big sister Yaoer, I really am envious of you.

The delicate hand stroked Feng Xiaos face and after some silence, those beautiful eyes were in a daze.

Feng Xiao looked at Xi Ruo who logged out in his embrace in a daze.

Whats wrong with Xi Ruo..Does she miss her mother?  Feng Xiao tried to think of all the possibilities, but he couldnt think of anything.

Ding, players One Slash Howling Skies and Ice are requesting to enter.  Do you permit this?

Permit!  Feng Xiao stood up.

Boss!  My skill scroll.  Xiao Tian was like a person who had been hungry for eight hundred years as he looked like he wanted to hug his thigh.

Feng Xiao moved aside and evaded this sinister looking groveling move before taking out a yellow scroll to throw at him.

Xiao Tian!  Ive said it many times, attitude!  You have to have a good attitude!  Do you know why you arent loved by a hundred flowers like boss?  Right, its because youre not calm enough, not deep enough, not cool enough, not haughty enough, not wild enough, not charming enough

Chen Bing started sweating. It turned out that the boss could drone on like this.

Humph, humphUnderstood, understood.  Boss, I really understand, Ill correct it next time.  Xiao Tian carefully took the scroll and looked at the stats with glowing eyes before carefully putting it into his inventory.

Im logging off to eat.  The two of you can come to our house when you have free time.  Xi Ruos strange attitude made Feng Xiao lose interest a bit as he logged off.

Right after Feng Xiao logged off, he went to Feng Yao and Xi Ruos room.

Ruo Ruo, be my woman.

A pair of eyes that couldnt focus looked forward in a daze as they filled with mist like a flood.

Big brother, little sister Xi Ruo, quickly come and eat.  Feng Yao took off the apron and went into the room with a smile before giving a soft yi sound.

In her and Xi Ruos room, there was a girl who was as gentle as water with her head down.  Her face was red, but those beautiful eyes shone with a glow like nothing before as her jade like teeth were tightly clenched.  Her small hands were tightly holding onto the mans large hands while trembling.

Ding, welcome to the Rebirth world

I wonder if the emperor is still here?  Also how is my Xiao Rou Rou now?  She must be crying.  Remembering the delicate little girl, Feng Xiaos heart couldnt help hurting.

Xi Ruo and Yaoer should be asleep nowThey might not be, they definitely have a lot to talk about.  Feng Xiaos mood became a bit better.  He left the Feng House and headed to Popular World.

Although it was already nine at night, the crowd in the Heavenly Dragon Square could still be described as terrifying.  Feng Xiao didnt hold back his speed and slipped through like an eel.

Feng Xiao normal sphere of activity was very small because whether it was his house or Popular World, they were all along the Heavenly Dragon Square.  So Xu Yi only went to less than 1% of Heavenly Dragon Imperial City, but that was enough because it was the center of the city and where all the players were.

Hello, instructor Heavenly ShieldHello, instructor Heavenly Bow..Hello, instructor Heavenly War.  About the Demon God Sword matter that you told me about.

Come back after youre level 50.


After arriving at the Popular World store, Feng Xiao brought out a bunch of equipment and gems in front of Maniacs dead gaze before disappearing in front of him.

Maniac had no expression as he organized the equipment in front of him.  Each one would be enough to make players go wild, but it was all a bunch of useless scrap iron in his eyes.

Hero Jing Tian, father guarantees that you are an idiot!  Feng Xiao muttered before looking around himself.

Yuzhou, the strange and familiar scene.

The Yuzhou in front of him was similar to the Yuzhou that he knew.  When he opened his map, it took Feng Xiao a while to find his position.  The southwest side of Yuzhou and on his left hand side, there was a babbling brook that split Yuzhou City in half between the north and south sides.

Yuzhou City was in the south of the Heavenly Dragon Continent.  Although it couldnt compare to the imperial city and the four main cities, it was still considered a big city.  There were countless large buildings that appeared in front of him that showed how lively Yuzhou was.

The breeze in the game was always warm, as well having a mist that made one feel moist.  There were catkins near the river that let out a powerful vitality and freshness that could intoxicate people.

Gentle, pure, clean, heartwarming, touching the soul.  Feng Xiao greedily enjoyed the breeze that blew across him, walking along with the memories in his heart.  Countless residents were curious when they saw this strange visitor.  This person that was dressed in a strange manner naturally attracted their attention.

Its no wonder Jing Tian ran all the way here to open a pawn shop.  This air, this scenery, I would be willing to do the same!  Feng Xiaos heart was filled with shock and praise.  He slowly walked across a hanging bridge and came to the tallest building that wasnt far away from him.

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